

Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Anyone think this game gets annoying?

You can't stealth in this game at all you can try and hide as much as you want but sooner or later the npcs will spot you and its just a gun fest and YOU always win due to superior fire power.

Also another niggle.. why do enemys taking headshots out of the count always take a full clip to die? you can unload 15-20 rounds into someone and they come out with one of them cheap 1 liners like ''you'll pay for that!''

I'm on mission 5 atm and if i wasn't a perfectionist and tried to do it with minimal amount of fights i'd have finished this damn game ages ago.. but you can't its made for the kids who want to shoot everything and not have to think.

Mission 1 for example where you have to ID the Enforcers.. they want you to still stealth around ? wtf how you supposed to get past the first guy? if you kill him the silly bint on mission assist moans like a cow.. ive tried everything to get around him.. and if you try to sneak around him he sees you!

/rant off


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
yeah its easy on easymode ;p

try some harder modes and u start to die like hell if u go up against more than 3 enemies at a time.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yes and thats what is stupid. The aim system is awful, and you cant be stealthy. You are guarenteed to be spotted no matter how hard you try. And the lack of save points i frustrating, as is the fact that if you start the mission from the checkpoint after dying, you are not gaurenteed the same scenario as you played till that point.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Moo said:
yeah its easy on easymode ;p

try some harder modes and u start to die like hell if u go up against more than 3 enemies at a time.

Im on second to hardest dude.. lol

The stealth missions aren't stealth at all.

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