Pc probs :) can anyone help


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
Hi mates I got a amd 4200 dual core / geforce 7800gt etc so I got a rly nice machine ... but the thing is when Im running daoc it just crashes after some hrs...
what seems to be the problem is that my memory usage rises with the minute even without opening new programs (memory leak ?)
does anyone know how I can fix this ?

example at start using 300/2460 after 2hr 900 after 4 hr 1800 and then I just cross peak and crash

I have checked the hardware and it's fine, it all seems to work ? :) I dno what to do anymore give help from some pc genious :)

<Oowps didn't see technical help :x ah well>


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
First I will point you here.. Daoc Tech Forum which is whereyou should have posted this. :p

seccond.. mm

1. Reinstall your Video Drivers they can be found @ http://www.nvidia.com
2. Reinstall Direct X 9.0c this can be found @ http://www.microsoft.com/directx
3. Run windows undate, and install the latest Updates and service packs
4. Check the temp of your video card at peek performace, you might have a good PC but do you have good venterlation ?

thats all I cba to think about @ 7am


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Jess said:
Be aware that you might have to assign DAOC to run on a single processor on a dual core system.... At least I have to.

Apparently the program cant handle running DAOC treads on different physical processors.

If you have the problem the symptoms are that after around ½-1 hour of play the memory usage suddenly skyrockets and the program crashes. Just before that you will experience flickering textures.

One possible solution is to right click on the game.dll process in the windows task manager and select the menuoption 'Set processor affinity' and just tick one processer (instead of the default 2 processors)
This was posted in the technical forum.
It might be of some help to you.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 18, 2004
daoc utilises a strong usage of system pagefile and leaking whole memory so that your pc has to get screwed.

get some ram flusher/ram defragment tool(yes, laugh :< ) think that might solve the issue.

and about the gfx part, I have no idea apart from using an older driver for your gpu.

as a last note : if these doesn't work ship your PC to me so that I can play doom3 :p


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
DAoC has memory leaked since day one pretty much, although the more high end nature of it now does seem to do it faster.

Only real fix is to restart once in a while or close the clients and clear the mem.

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