PC Gamer

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For those of you who read or subscribe to this magazine I urge you to turn to page 110. Where it clearly and neatly sums up the dreadful behaviour of GOA. Its only a short report by Jim Rossignol but its to the point and hits the nail on the head.

If we don't re-subscribe to the game do we loose our characters? Or are they held in limbo waiting for us to return?

I am thinking of not continuing my subscription to this game because of how badly treated we are as consumers. They take away our official forum servers and patches which should be running like clock work, are probably sitting on a desk somewhere whilst the GOA team are out smoking fags and giggling at how silly we all are for sticking with them (as the french do). Even Microsoft word can translate languages into any given choice (its a bit harder than that I know) but my point remains that their excuses are feeble. And why cause we speak english do we not get the patches first? (This baffles me) It could be a simple download for us but NO they keep it back until they have translated everyone elses.

Im not saying im leaving straight away but the thought about finding a better mmorpg with decent customer service is seriously crossing my mind.

Does anyone else feel like I do? Please tell me so Im not alone? Any sobering thoughts of hope are welcome to.


Damnit, now I have to go and buy PcGamer :D

Agree on all points btw


Wicoa, you are a retard.

You have been told time and time again why they cannot patch English ahead of the other languages. You have been told time and time again why it takes so long to translate. It is not a simple matter of bunging it through a translator.

Very few MMORPG's have official forums, those that do are moderated 24/7, and rants will be deleted immediately.

You also have the information at hand to answer your resubscribe/character question.

I suggest you use the resources made available to you, before you start complaining that they are not good enough.


Another note: Where is our third server? Perhaps if the game suppliers pulled their fingers out and actually supplied the game to the retailers we might have more players so we can have a third server. It is totally unfair to make us play only on two servers whilst the europeans have 3/4. Equality for all, except where it makes sense ie Give us our patch first Americans and British Speak the same language.


Wicoa, you are still a retard.

Again, you have been told the answer to this many many times. It's not a case of supply, it's a case of demand.


american spelling vs english spelling

Not a good idea when people have to say certain sentences to trigger quests and functions off

Translation will be needed on the English version too



You can't use reason and logic to explain something to someone who refuses to listen, for his own reasons.
They... are probably sitting on a desk somewhere whilst the GOA team are out smoking fags and giggling at how moronic we all are for sticking with them (as the french do).
That's the important bit, the rest is just all cheese to go with his whine.


Vell my points are perfectly valid and I think that calling people names shows how immature you really are. If you read what I said more carefully I said (its a bit harder than that I know). Do I resort to calling you names no Im not going to lower myself to your level.

This is a forum where people express their points of view, if you dont agree with me then say I dont agree not playground ohh your a retard. + I think that your referral about retards is offensive, people who are retards live a very harsh life.

+ No I havent been told this many times. And when i tried to get hold of the game the only retailer to supply it was EB cause they signed an exclusive deal. I went to PC World (cause I had a voucher) and they never heard of the game.

Vell I suggest you find a rock and hide behind it.


+ Vell if you know so much about supply and demand then go argue with PC Gamer their magazine even lists this as a problem.

And the American version of DAOC has official forums and personally I think it is unfair that we don't. This is my point of view.


Originally posted by Wicoa

+ No I havent been told this many times.

That is exactly my point. You HAVE been told this. Try looking on the resources given to you. Searching on Rightnow, or on these forums will give you the answer to your questions.

Yes, people use these forums to express their point of view. However, when you have done little/no research before expressing them, of course you are going to get flamed.


Originally posted by Wicoa

And the American version of DAOC has official forums and personally I think it is unfair that we don't. This is my point of view.

No they don't. Get your facts straight before you post things.


which number pc gamer are we talking about here? I thought I had the most recent copy but can't see anything about goa on page 110.

I believe that people are calling you a retard because the questions you have asked have all been asked and answered on this forum already.


You make it sound as tho I have been told this personally. Again this is a forum, people ask questions, thats what they are for regardless of what info is out there. If someone else asked a question which I knew the answer to I would help them or reply with a decent answer you on the other hand seem to want to slate anyone who asks questions or put their point of view across.


EB dont have exclusive rights to sell daoc

I know cos I bought my copy of daoc at Game in Coventry

Most of my friends ordered their copies of DAOC from the GAME online store

Sorry wicoa - don't want to be jumping on u - but that is incorrect info that you have been given



EB and Game are the same company. EB bought them, my point is that when I tried to buy it I couldnt find it and my reply was to Vell and no one else since he seems to want to aggro other peeps.

Vell you do not even have a 40+ char yet I suggest you chill a little.


Now I didnt know that.

I still dont think they should patch uk before french and german servers tho - we would just be the guiniea pigs for the french and german players, who would, rightly imo, hate us for it anyway

so none of us would be happy for having the latest patches



Originally posted by Wicoa
Vell you do not even have a 40+ char yet I suggest you chill a little.

Obviously if you don't spend all your time playing the game you're not allowed to have an opinion on it...

If you happen to have a job and work then please go sit in a corner and stop posting.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Why am I bumping this pointless whinge?


I apologise for calling you a retard.

However, the fact is, Wicoa, you aren't expressing your opinion. You are complaining. And your complaints are actually invalid, as they have been explained time and time again. That's the way it is, if you don't like it, then cancel your account.

For your information, MVC, Game, and WHSmith in Nottingham all currently have the game in stock. If suppliers in your area do not have stock, then that is their fault, not GOA's.


VELL Go out and buy PCGAMER MY FACTS ARE RIGHT they are right in front of me and I quote.

" There is no central community hub like the herald (www.camelotherald.com) which keeps the US servers heathily informed."

Now you have made a mistake do I flame you NO cause Im not horrid like you I suggest to get the Facts you go buy PC GAMER. GAH I cannot stand people like you.

+ When I (and I reiterate the I) went to buy it they only had it in EB cause they signed exclusive rights for a while. My point is we would have more players if INITIALLY on the launch it was widely available.

This String is intended to point people to PCG.


noooooooo I am bored

must.. post.... must.. post ...

How long to 5pm?

eeek too long :/



Regarding the 'English' translations; as far as I can see we have the American spelling in NPC dialogues. I'm not particularly bothered by the lateness of patches though, as the game is still very playable as-is.

I think a lot of people get more het-up than they should, simply by reading and commenting on other 'WHY-OH-WHY / I HATE GOA' threads. It's almost as if they're participating in a group effort to depress each other!

Brannor McThife

Wicoa, you never tried Amazon? They now charge to £1 more and send Prima's guide with it.

And I hate to say it, although I disagree with the name calling (I believe it was light hearted) I do agree with Vell and the other's points. The US doesn't have official forums...


PS. The Herald is coverred to a certain degree at the official website and in NO WAY represents a forum. Plus, we have an XML version of the frontiers...I haven't seen one at the US site...


Vell I have decided I reallllly don't like you. You have an elitest complex which you need to deal with and your apparent need to flame everyone who posts something is absolutely terrible.

I hope you are the GM of Ghosts cause you have put across such a bad vibe for your guild. + if a new person in your guild asked a dumb qustion would you flame them and tell them to go to a website and log out. I don't know if you would but I personally would go out of my way to help them and give them as much info as possible.

For all those who read this link my point was originally a referral to PC Gamer Issue 111 page 110 please ignore Vell and this stupid arguement which he started.


Thanks Brannor for pointing me in the right direction. I appreciate the fact that you don't need to flame me. Agreed they dont have forums but that website I gave the link to keeps them so informed its not funny.


Originally posted by Wicoa
VELL Go out and buy PCGAMER MY FACTS ARE RIGHT they are right in front of me and I quote.

" There is no central community hub like the herald (www.camelotherald.com) which keeps the US servers heathily informed."

Now you have made a mistake do I flame you NO cause Im not horrid like you I suggest to get the Facts you go buy PC GAMER. GAH I cannot stand people like you.

Actually, I have not made a mistake. You said the US version had official forums. No they don't. Not at all. So you are they one who is wrong.

Regarding Camelot Herald, it is currently used mostly to report to the players concerning game play changes, and therefore applies to all versions of the game, not just the US one.

The website www.camelot-europe.com is updated each week by GOA, which contains plenty enough information on patched and the like.

If you used the resources made available to you you would know all this already! GOA have also promised to add realm rank listings to a section of thier website, similar to the other part of Camelot Herald. Incidentally, the US gamers didn't have this information until the 1.47 patch either, so we are not actually any worse of than they were at this point.

The fact is, the US version is nearly a year into release. We are 3 months. We are doing much better than they were three month into release, so stop complaining.


Originally posted by fingoniel
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Why am I bumping this pointless whinge?
Because Wicoa is funny, like monkeys at the zoo are funny. Everybody loves monkeys!


Vell read the above post yes there are no forums but hey I dont give a monkies (there ya go Alrindel). I reiterate check out the PCG. Personally I think GOA havent done very well with this game and I believe that Vell is probably an admin dude from them. And that Alrindel is highly amused.

Cheers all,
Last post I make here cause I don't wish to spend my time arguing with someone who has to be right when the original point is GO READ PCG ISSUE 111 page 110

See ya laters


Originally posted by Wicoa

I hope you are the GM of Ghosts cause you have put across such a bad vibe for your guild. + if a new person in your guild asked a dumb qustion would you flame them and tell them to go to a website and log out. I don't know if you would but I personally would go out of my way to help them and give them as much info as possible.

Actually, I am very helpful to anyone who asks a reasonable question, and any of the numerous people who have asked me questions as an advisor will be able to back me up.

However, I am not very helpful to people who like to pointlessly winge.
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