pbaoe xping in midgard



Im lvling another lowbie again i just wanted to point out since spiritmasters and kobbie warriors are flavour of the month for mid this time ......

1)can all u spiritmasters teach people how to xp in pbaoe its by far the fastest and probably easyiest way to get good xp over time with little downtime.

2) Go lvl an alt to 24 on hib excal and watch how its done properly , us middies seem to only understand mezz, gank,mezz gank,peel,mezz gank (with a few stuns).

3)i think the way we are "taught" to xp like this is making our Rvr style way too relient on mezz maybe we should start raining down the AoE....

healer ae stun + 2 sm = alot of dead people in a short time

Tho its probably too late for this already what with SI coming out soon... can u imagine the ammount of bonedancers theres gonna be ???


It's hard enough to teach melee grunts to take aggro off the CCers = 1 or 2 people. You sure they will be able to take (and keep) aggro of upto 5 targets for a pbaoe group, in case of low/noneatall stun?

I don't see that many people playing healers anymore, no wonder tho since they not only have to do the CC, but also have to keep extremely weak pbaoers alive and live with the whining when one drops.


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978
It's hard enough to teach melee grunts to take aggro off the CCers = 1 or 2 people. You sure they will be able to take (and keep) aggro of upto 5 targets for a pbaoe group, in case of low/noneatall stun?

No offence to the middie tanks, but hib tanks have no problem with this, so don't see why your warriors should have that. And you do get that nasty stun, I've yet to see a hib grp actively using stun at higher levels (except the occasional qc when aggro or slam style).


No offence to the middie tanks, but hib tanks have no problem with this, so don't see why your warriors should have that

Hibbie tanks aren't trolls



remember being in a group in spindel in which we had one supp specced SM, pulls were the usuall pull CC kill one by one, was quite amused when one of the tanks said in group "wow pbae groups really are great" :/

Dont think we really have enough supp specced SM to take advantage of the benifits of XP'ing this way atm although I have been in a pbae group once and it worked very well.

Its really not difficult to do but most of the ppl on mid are so used to our normal style of xp they just cant shake it off :/



Im having a great time lvling my supp SM.
He is only lvl 17 now but still growing. I pull 4-6 blue/yellow con mobs with Buddhas attackspeed debuff. let him hold aggro ( cant hit him ) then place em all in one big pile, ae stuns them and fire my pbae on my SM, all mobs dies in 2,3 spells.
on one pull in nisses I managed to make 2 bubs of exp that way plenty of fun :)
still need another supp sm before I can do same to orange con mobs, since stun wears off before mobs die.


I have often thought about how effective it would be with a group of casters and a healer with high pacification. So why not try it? I got pac 47 which gives me the highest mana regen and a 10 sec AE stun.

Since xp is of no use to me I gladly try this in return for some loot (crafting is getting expensive). If anyone wants to assemble a group of 45+ casters PM me in-game to set a date.

/Otho Grudgebearer

Blue Ix

The deal with pbae exp is - everyone in the team has to know what they are doing. When pbae exp was introduced on hib excal they were having trouble with it too, after a week or two their highest levels had figured it out, after a month most 44+ knew about it and so on.
Even now you can't just get together a random team and add a spiritmaster, and think that it'll work. You need ~2-3 tanks/taunters, a pulsing bladeturn, supp spiritmasters, a healer and a shaman - it's hard to get random groups together with those specific classes and keep them together for a couple of hours (long enough for the tanks to really have worked out which one of the three mobs they will be picking up and so on). Its even harder to get decent tanks as most everyone is rolling a rogue, which is fine at levels 44+ when there's a 6s pbt and the tanks got loads of defensive skills, but at lower levels the healer and shaman wont be able to keep up the healing over three people if one or two are rogues (or even skalds). ;<~


hmm from my short experience in hib i dont think PBT is that essential if your lucky to have good tanks, of course having PBT is just a bonus :)

4 tanks one for each mob
1 healer
1 shammy

yeah sheild spec would be best but i think as long as u can stay alive while the SM kill the mobs then i think its ok.


how often do you find 4 tanks available?
This would have to be a pre planned grp :D

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by ulukin
remember being in a group in spindel in which we had one supp specced SM, pulls were the usuall pull CC kill one by one, was quite amused when one of the tanks said in group "wow pbae groups really are great" :/

lol :clap:


Just wanted to post my 2 cents...

I did a PBAE-group once in Muspelheim. We were 3 guildies (SB, Hunter, SM) knowing what we wanted to do, 1 seer and 2 tanks (Warrior, Thane).

The Thane was a Troll out of the books. Told him 10 times to attack the 2nd incomming mob and he still went for the first. Well, he seemed a bit slow in general. After I told him the 15th time what we were trying to do he finally got it and did quite good.
The Warrior was a Troll aswell but must have been an Ex-Hibbie. We told him to attack 3rd inc and thats what he did.
The Seer was a Healer... quite persistant... mezzing mobs even though he was told not to but stun instead. He never got it but we had the hunter for remote mezz breaking. Most time he was buisy healing (we chainpulled) and had not time to mezz.
The Hunter was puller and with a decent spear specc able to taunt aswell. He usally engaged the 1st inc (not always the pulled one).
The SB (me) was using 1h and shield for emergency taunting and was attacking the 4th mob in case we got one. (This is a very tricky thing to do since you gotta watch carefully who picks wich mob and if he manages to get aggro fast enough. I found it a very challenging and interesting task.)

The level range in this group was quite good. Being 21 the SM was the lowest level. The fighters were 22 or 23. The healer only 19 if I remember right. Still we managed to kill up to 4 purple to 23 (red to 24) mobs with nearly no downtime. I think I went from level 23 to 24 in less than 30 minutes.

Now the back side of the medal...

After the SM left we wanted to go back to normal mezz-and-whack style but now the Trolls kept attacking single targets and breaking mezz eventually killing the healer. I think you can 'program' a Troll to do everything you want BUT don't change your mind later! ;)


seen this been done in hib, send pet into a camp of hmmm 5-6 yellow cons, instead of healing, cast the dmg shield and have the healer heal the pet now and again, the mobs will die in a few hits.


Ullo peeps,

I come from Mid Perc and plan playing here.

Anyways what i wanted to add is i leveled my runemaster there on pbaoe only.

Our group consisted of 4 pbaoe (supp) full specced sm's, 2 surrp (for the snare dd and bladeturn) specced runemasters, a healer (for the stun) and 1 guest (preferably a shaman to buff the pet).

1. 1 sm pet up for pulling, pet fully buffed, survival of the pet is critical until stun.

2. pet pull, when all the critters are stacked a stun, if the pet dies all cc on all critters. usually the pet survives cos of bladeturn, the timeing of the 2 bladeturns are critical between the runies(after some math a 2 to 3 second interval on the 10 sec bladeturn works best)

3. After the stun pbaoe at will, sometimes the puller dies, all mobs are dead before they can rampage. So alternate pulling by sm's preffered.

Allways go for high numbers of red critters, that way we've done level 20 to 35 in about 12 hours over the course of a couple of days. The waiting was allways till all were on ;)

But even if you can't have such a group, allways stick to the plan and make sure everyone understands what they are expected to do. I usually try to take some time to make sure instead of dieing first 5 times and get frustration high.

Now the trick is to make such a group and then keep em together.

I hope to see you all in game,


zedorf luribomb

dont forgett PBAE generates aggro over the group so the mage dont end up gettin aggro that much at all... try havin a pbae outside and see the difference ;)

im in tah army right now thats why i cant xp :(

zedorf luribomb

Originally posted by mid_Efour

4 tanks one for each mob
1 healer
1 shammy

yeah sheild spec would be best but i think as long as u can stay alive while the SM kill the mobs then i think its ok.

at +40 in hib 2 chanters 1 hero kill red-purp mobs with just alittle downtime( basicly no downtime if they got some ra's )

the teamplate u said is good but u can have 3 tanks and a extra healer for backup stun or whatever might work better
( 3 should be enough really;) purp mobs drop quick as hell so tankin 2 isnt a problem )


arghh i come back from an extended holiday (3 months) and i find out that zedorf is no longer a luri bomb?????

why the hell did u leave?

and are u going to end up killing me lots???


All you need is the sup specced sm, a tank with taunt and a healer for heals and pox, no need for complicated crap :).

Vanity Fair

Me and 5 guildies who always play together started out PBAOE group on saturday eveing. We used the formula

2 * SM Max Supp for PBAOE
1* Healer for Stun and Heals
1* Runie (cant remember but the line with PBT)
1* Shammie for buffs and backup heals
1* Berzerker for aggro taker

We also have a warrior to come who is on holidays

We all hudde in one tight spot

1. We had the runie pull (reds mainly with adds - mobs run in - Zerk takes aggro while healer casts stun - and the SM PBAOE the lot to bits - very quick and very effective and when our extra tank comes back we should be even better as the poor zerk has to take any aggro all by himself.

2 . We used Pets to pull by sending them into mobs and then clicking passive to bring them back - this is effective as all the aggroed mobs tend to come at the same time making it easier for healer to stun them all in PBAOE range.

The important thing is, is to get a consistant group of mates together who u can always rely on and play with as finding a group isnt always easy otherwise.

Urme the Legend

I just dinged 50 with my SM! .. and sometimes everyone understood perfect.. and sometimes not.

From lvl 1-20 I mostly powerlvld my SM :) ...
But I have too say that I can't stand exping with mezz/break anymore :)

And my SM had 8 days playtime when I dinged 50.. and I had done all epics to 48 and was RR2L4 ! :clap: + 120 in SC ;)

(It helped that my brother also played a SM who is named Muhaha :) )


Well, was lucky enough to be in a rather good setup the other day, although this may not work so well at higher levels... two SM's and a Shaman. one SM was summoning spec, the other supp. pet would pull with damage shield up, it'd get 2+ red's on it, I'd heal the pet. after a little aggro buildup, the PBAOE'r would stand next to the pet, and let rip...

10-11 in about 10 mins...


pbaoe group

I, with some rl friend made a pbaoe group on mid/excl looked like this:

At first, who needs tanks ? :)

1 high lvl pac healer outside group

1 pac healer
1 mend healer
2 RM, synced PBT
4 Supp SMs

The high lvl healer simply pull loads of mobs with his debuff, and stun, then its just to pbaoe to death..

And when we got so far that mobs starts to hit the high lvl healer: pet pull, they only aggro pet, so they will stand in a nice stack, easy to stand in the middle and pbaoe like never before :p

When we got to malmo/lair we used healer as tank, they just cast a group heal, and that will keep aggro of sms..

We are all lvl 50 now (exept me lol, still got 3 dots to go) And it have been a fun way to lvl in.

We have alsow started to PL some of our alts, witch is really fast.. lvl 5-40 in 6 hours.. beat that ! :)



I play the healer in the group mentioned by DropDead earlier and I gotta say it works real well - even if the stun fails to kick in - we can still manage to take 3 mobs, with the zerk claiming the aggro and me healing (like crazy) at times.

As long as there is 1 SM still able to fire his PBAOE and me getting a few secs to fire another stun ( if needed because a lot of the time the fight is over in seconds) which then normally sticks. XP can be awesome at times and I sometimes feel like Im "cheating" coz no one should be able to earn xp this fast ;)

Seriously it's really good fun if you can get the right people together and has given us lots of insight into different tactics from the usual mezz hit mezz......

Watch out Hib and Alb we're coming to get you. :p


Re-specced my 41 SM to suppresion last night and had a play in Spin to get used to it. With a healer mana regen buff practically no downtime as things are generally dead in a few blasts of the pbaoe depending on how the mobs are spaced.

From my playing Id say theres a coupla tips:

Always keep the single self bladeturn up (unless your lucky enough to get a pbt runie :)

Always make sure somebody else has hit all the mobs in range before the SM starts pbaoeing (thats the important one !)

Tanks with shield style stun are worth their weight in gold :)

It feels kinda suicidal when you first rush into a bunch of Reds and Purples but it does seem to be true that the aggro is shared by the group (except for crits as mentioned elsewhere).

Was good fun too - I'll be back there tonight to play !

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