PBAOE in lord's room



Any chance any of you would be kind enough to give me some info on the PBAOE spells that get spammed in the Lord's room of any keep you're occupying? Damage range, interruptability, etc etc and so forth.

An agreement not to use that incredibly yawn-worth tactic in future would be nice as well, but fat chance.



Nice try at Benowyc there albs. The arrival of a cabalist with Nearsight sure changed things :)

You can get the stats of the pbaoe at any good spell list sites, but I'll put them here anyway :)

Benowyc tonight:

pbaoe'ers present:

Usp (50 Mana/18 Ench/9 Light + itmes and RR)
Merrik (no idea of spec, but don't think a high Mana spec)

I was casting Disenchanting Eruption, an Energy based Point Blank Area of Effect DD spell, base casting time of 2.5 seconds, which I cast at about 1.5 seconds. The Base damage is 325, radius 300.

My damage cap on it (lvl 1 mobs) is 902 without any modifiers (like energy weakness).

It rocks for keep defence doesn't it? And I think Boney has figured out my latest tactic for using it before the lord room (3 x 444 damage in under 5 seconds = BBQ'ed Boney, and I wasn't even on top of him :eek: Sorry 'bout that Boney :( ).

Most I have ever hit an even con with the pbaoe is actually in PvE when I practically one-shotted a Dullahan for about 860 + a crit of 800'ish, and it died from hitting my damage shield :)

Yes, pbaoe is VERY powerful, but it does mean that the targets need to be within melee range of me for me to do any more than about 15 damage on them.

With the addition of the Mastery of Concentration Realm Ability, I hae found I can now solo up to 6 TANKS in open RvR by fooloing them into meleeing me and using MoC and pbaoe chaincasting. Unless they are fast with the IP tyhey are dead in 4 casts, or 8 if they use IP. And, considering I can cast 8 times in 12 seconds, that is the time it takes the average 2h tank to hit me 3 times, and in grouped RvR, you will find I have PBT on me.

So, yes, pbaoe is very powerful and is THE ultimate way of defending keeps, as I have yet to see a Hib defence with more than a full group fail to defend a keep with pbaoe in use, especially since the 1.50 patch.

And nope, we won't stop using it in the Lord room because it works. May as well tell your sorcerers to stop mezzing, or you clerics to stop smiting :)


Originally posted by vidx

With the addition of the Mastery of Concentration Realm Ability, I hae found I can now solo up to 6 TANKS in open RvR by fooloing them into meleeing me and using MoC and pbaoe chaincasting. Unless they are fast with the IP tyhey are dead in 4 casts, or 8 if they use IP. And, considering I can cast 8 times in 12 seconds, that is the time it takes the average 2h tank to hit me 3 times, and in grouped RvR, you will find I have PBT on me.


Originally posted by vidx

So, yes, pbaoe is very powerful and is THE ultimate way of defending keeps, as I have yet to see a Hib defence with more than a full group fail to defend a keep with pbaoe in use, especially since the 1.50 patch.

Nuff said. 30-40 Albs at Beno tonight, and we got beaten by 10? Hibbies, maybe not even that many.

Originally posted by vidx

And nope, we won't stop using it in the Lord room because it works. May as well tell your sorcerers to stop mezzing, or you clerics to stop smiting :)

Hardly a fair exchange, considering our smite clerics get nerfed to hell and back next patch anyway :p

Seriously though, I am highly inclined to the view it is overpowered, although yes I am biased. As you say, you can solo 6 tanks in the same melee as you. Name one other caster type that can?

I actually landed 3 hits on Merrik before he was interrupted - noticed he stopped casting just as I hit the floor :rolleyes: On further examination, the first was intercepted - but still, two PBAOE'ers doing 600 damage between them in a tight radius (Less than 300?) like the lord's room every 1.5 seconds...


Or failing that, stick the Lord in the courtyard. Just because they're Lords doesn't mean they don't have to sleep rough, bloody feudal oiks.


Originally posted by Roalith
Seriously though, I am highly inclined to the view it is overpowered, although yes I am biased. As you say, you can solo 6 tanks in the same melee as you. Name one other caster type that can?

Ice spec wizzies :p

Mids can complain, not albs, you just don't know how to use what you have.



in 1.53 i heard pbAoE does get nerfed a little as they say ;(

(EDIT: but looking at 1.51,1.52,1.53 patch notes i can't seem to find this change, so i don't know)

it gets put upto a 4 second cast and does 25% less damage than what its doing now.

That Effects all mana lines, Ie. Enchanter and Eldritch (i'd say mana in the Mentalist class, but we don't get pbAoE, and our AoE DD blast in the light line is already 4 sec cast)

but still, even it being put upto 4 secs, we'll still beat back you albs and mids


Solo 6 tanks, where first tank breaks fend, then 5 hits to you :)
You might be able to solo them 1 at the time, but at the same time..?


It will also be a tactic used extensively by Suppression Spiritmasters come 1.52...I believe the top SM pbAoEdd has a base dmg on paper of 331. Stir some AA,MoM and MoC into the mix and it should sting a bit :)


Usp: Merrik is 50 void, but she specced a little bit of mana as well. Don't know how much tho..


Originally posted by Glyph_mid
Solo 6 tanks, where first tank breaks fend, then 5 hits to you :)
You might be able to solo them 1 at the time, but at the same time..?

Very rare for me to get hit for more than 200 in melee :)

with 1400hp buffed that means I can take about 7 hits without heal... if I get hit on my head I get a HoT proc from my DF tiara and I can use a hp bp gem.

Yip Tare, Merrik is full void with some mana, but was staill able to do damage in the Lord room, enough to draw some attention from me anyway.

To be truthful though, I hardly hit anyone more than twice, most of the damage last night was done by the 2 Thornweed Fields being generated on top of me lol


Malevolencia only one problem with what you said, that we dont use our ice wizards right, we only have a hand full, they rare sight to see these days as most wizards are fire spec! :(


OOT: Playing Albs a little too I think wizzies are very unbalanced. Fire line has all goodies - best nukes, best bolts, good aoe. Ice are like HIBs mana eldritch - pbaoe, dd with snare effects. but Earth line is laugh.. Mediocre bolt, aoe DD with snare, dmg shield, DOT (!) :)). So you have only two lines to spec seriously.

Other casters have benefits in all three lines, give you choice what you want to play. But wizzies can seriously play only fire and Personly i think that Mythic did a BAD move to give all goodies to fire line.
Ice wizie is very good too, but he has to be recognized by other fellow albs :)


One question do Theurgists need a LoS to send away their pets or just alock on target ??? <and yes its related to this topic> :)


Yip Ivan, they do :) But once you have cast the pet, it keeps attacking that target until it is mezzed or dies, even if out of sight of the Theurgist.


bugger bugger bugger another idea ruinated by ewul Usp !!!! Better get thinking about the new one


Why is it always that albs whine about lacking features, when its all there. They whine about loss of CC - you tell them about Sorcerers - they say NOONE PLAYS THEM. They whine about loss of PBAOE - you tell them about Ice Wizzes - they say NOONE PLAYS THEM. They whine about loss of nearsight - you tell them about Cabbies - they say NOONE PLAYS THEM.

Well wtf is it our problem that your realm consists only of Infils, Scouts, Clerics, Fire Wizzies and Paladins (with few minstrels and armsmen in between?). You have very nice classes, not our fault that everyone wants to be l33tz0r d00dz0r and KILL KILL KILL and doesnt give a shit about anyone else. Learn to utilize your classes like we had to do when we bit the dust for six months. Thats why I say to all you albs:


Originally posted by Frair
Other casters have benefits in all three lines, give you choice what you want to play. But wizzies can seriously play only fire and Personly i think that Mythic did a BAD move to give all goodies to fire line.
Ice wizie is very good too, but he has to be recognized by other fellow albs :)

Lol! Im not sure about middie classes, but try telling that to Enchanters about their enchantments line and to Mentalists about their mentalism line :).


DAMN!! I hate that fucking song by jackie Ople !!!

<cries a river>

Anyway we whine cos we like to! :)

And you would to if you had been a paladin for 50 lvls hehe.


The day i hit for under 200 on a caster ill cry a river or 2, then i might as well change to alb ;)
Anyways, the lordroom PBAOE is great fun, great to see how fast your healthbar actually can go down, most times i havent even got time to ignore pain.
When im fully buffed with 1700+ hp, its usually np getting up and PB just before i die, and then the mid zerg arrive, but its rare i have that many hp, and that makes chances that i survive all the way up there very small, theres usually some tanks and a certain lord shooting at you...(think trolls are an easy target)


lol Glyph

Never thought I would see the day when someone apart from a Hibbie would say that Hib pbaoe defence was fun at the Lord room stage. And damn, I can imagine how fast a HP bar can go down, with 3 or more casters hitting every 1.5-2 seconds.

nice one, /salute :)


I had a low lvl mana enchanter on excal and thought it was alot of fun, only thing is u have to remember...Enchanters are awesome at close range, but any other caster or archer will ownz u with there range, only other real range attack you will have is the non specced light one and that aint gonna beat someone with a fully specced bolt or nuke.


Exactly Taggart, pbaoe specced enchanters have to sacrifice a lot to perform the way they do, thats why I dont understand Wizzies saying their ice line is not viable when it is practicaly identical to chanters.


Originally posted by Taggart
Enchanters are awesome at close range, but any other caster or archer will ownz u with there range, only other real range attack you will have is the non specced light one and that aint gonna beat someone with a fully specced bolt or nuke.


So the fact that I completely slaughter most mages in RvR in a 1vs1 basis means nothing? :)

You forget that an Enchanter has 3 advantages which, when combined, makes the class more than a match for ANY caster class out there:

1) Pet. If I see a bolt coming towards me, I sprint away. Yes, I get hit, but it also means that my pet instantly agro's on the bolt caster, disrupting him. Best thing the Runie/Wizzie can do is a QC mezz or root, as a single bolt will not kill my pet, therefore wasting the QC. My pet (ALWAYS a Zealot in RvR) will still be able to cast at the caster if it's a root, disrupting him/her for at least 3 seconds. Meaning I can then close in and...

2) Stun. ALL Hib casters get baseline stun. It's which sets them apart from the other realms casters. With my pet disrupting another caster I can QC stun him/her. Then...

3 Heat debuff. It was so nice of Mythic to put the damage type debuff for out base DD into the Mana line. Means that after the Stun, a single Heat debuff will mean that I hit for 150% the normal damage that my DD would do. Usually casters die in 3 hits, if not less.

Failsafe is a staff charge if I need an extra disruption.

The stun and the heat debuff are THE most powerful tools we have for ranged RvR, making us equal to, if not excelling, even Wizards or Runies. The only thing we lack is a ranged AoE DD, though a ranged AoE attack speed debuff exists in the Light Spec line.


The only caster I can think of that could take out a chanter at range is an eldritch (NS pet, NS chanter, mez pet, stun chanter, nuke chanter). :p
Hmm actually an RM should be able to pull that off... root the pet and kill the chanter.


Well We do have 1500 range DD Usp, just not sure how it compares to other realms.

Its in Light Spec Mentalists, its base damage at 45 spec is 158dam and its Heat

So all you have to do is get you spamming heat debuffs ;) and couple of mentalists doing some AoE DD's and you got some evil AoE then.

Granted its not as powerful as your pbAoE but ours isn't too bad if used right like anything in this game.


one phrase fits this topic 'the grass is always greener on the other side ' lol i know its true for me at any rate :p and Usp imho its the player rather than the class that wins a fight some of the time at any rate, and yea i can imagine that pbaoe would suck in lord room :( one thing i dont get is why not wait while the caster uses all mana and then send infils/sbs/shades to run in PA then die a horrible horrible death from every1..but i havent had much rvr experience im sure thes a reason why that doesnt work but would be interested on why it wouldnt :)


cos our NSes will destealth any such assassins early of course!! ;)

And with recent realm ability, serenity + mcl, takes a long time for casters to run out. what I don't understand is why albs don't send up an uber buffed cleric to pbaoe mes and then send up the 1/2 the zerg.. if hibs purge, wait 2 mins, repeats with rest of zerg

given that it's usually a case of 60 albs vs 10 hibs, it should work..

What I meant taggart when I said that you don't use your ice wizzies right is this.. in another thread there is a ice wizzy complaining about still being stuck at 45 (sry can't rem which thread) this is becos in PVE you guys don't us your ice wizzies right, so they have a terrible time xping, and so are few and far between. In hib ppl with pbaoe are the fastest lvling classes of all, this is becos we are well aware of their abilities and use them to the full. And that is why we have loads of pbaoe casters, and why there will always be one waiting for you in the lord room :D



Originally posted by vidx
The only caster I can think of that could take out a chanter at range is an eldritch

I can (and have) mezzed both the enchanter and the pet in one AE mez, slapped two nukes on the caster and sent my pet. That's a dead enchanter. Admittedly, I need to get the mez off first, but I usually do anyway. I've taken two enchanters at once at the AMG by doing this.


ahhh thanks Mal forgot about RAs hehe yea cleric should work better methinks (NERF SMITE CLERICS NOW CANT WAIT TILL NEXT PATCH) lol <mummbles about insta mezz stun smitey stuff and dying before he can even hit once> but if we only have 10 defenders odds of nightshades could be slim :(


Spiritmasters might be able to kill chanters too, if they're lucky, or have Purge to get rid of the stun.

And for PvP later, mentalists with Severing the Tether are going to be fun to kill chanters :)

As a void/light eld I reckon that on a good day I could take out a chanter. Nearsight Mage, if he has a Zealot nearsight it, mezz pet, mezz mage, bolt, bolt. If everything goes right 2 bolts in the face when mezzed kills just about any clothwearer (especially with WP3 etc). If not then it is a question of getting in range and qc stun and nuke.


Originally posted by old.Psi

I can (and have) mezzed both the enchanter and the pet in one AE mez, slapped two nukes on the caster and sent my pet. That's a dead enchanter. Admittedly, I need to get the mez off first, but I usually do anyway. I've taken two enchanters at once at the AMG by doing this.

Err... I never said that, Dannyn did :)


I've killed enchanters lots, just wait till mobs are pulled then aoe DoT as bard gets mez away then laugh as 3-4 purple mobs all bash and keel the entire unsuspecting group.

Using this technique I've solo killed several enchanters and not many people can claim to have killed Locomo, Furball, Luona, Usp, Tradolf, Devlin and others all in one spell.

Phear me for I am uberment!

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