Pbaoe group - need help




I am making & organizing a pbaoe group in 2 weeks, but I need some help with making up a good group template.

My thoughts were;

Ice wizard - For pbaoe
Ice wizard - d'oh

Armsman - Holding aggro
Paladin - Holding aggro/End chant

Cleric - Healing
Theurgist - Pbt/Nukes(/Mezz support?)
Minstrel - Speed/Mezz/Melee support

The last spot is what I need help on, I reckon it should either go to a friar or sorc, a friar would support the healer and the tanks, a sorc would givf nice pow buffs and mezz better (in some cases) than a mincer.

Personally I think we should pick the friar, having another wannabe tank would be nice and it would certainly make the cleric's life a lot less stressful I think, and we've got a minstrel to givf pow.

Any suggestions?


drop the minstrel and take a sorc and frair instread


Having a minstrel as well as a sorc would mean the minstrel having to actually DO stuff. :-O But if you got both, then the minstrel could autotrain instruments for a wee while. Lovely.

I'd say go with the friar though...force it to spec rejuv to at least 18. :p

Also, I love PB groups. Give me a space! I'll be the cleric!



why need a mezzer for a pbae grp ? add a 3rd ice wizzy for last spot :)


get two mincers two ice wizzies and 4 pally's you dont need healing or mezzes than ,and you have plenty of power for the pbaoe:D


Add a friar, you need a third melee to hold aggro since 3 or even 4 mobs will come when you pull with an 8 group party. A sorc has absolutely no use in a pbaoe group if you have a mincer. Minstrel PS is still >>>> sorc mana crack, and a mincer can take a few hits/stun/mez unexpected adds...
The friar can also add nice buffs, and do healing support.

Other viable options are another pally, or indeed a third wiz to get the mobs down REAL fast.

Madonion Slicer

Well if you ever get upto the lvl40+ i have an Ice Wiz waiting.


Originally posted by nerve
Add a friar, you need a third melee to hold aggro since 3 or even 4 mobs will come when you pull with an 8 group party.

2 tanks can keep 3-4 mobs easily aggroed to them if they know their stuff (enrage enrage :p).


You've forgotten the Reaver, for a PB group with <4 tanks the Reaver is fantastic for picking up initial agro, the pulsing PB chant will draw initial agro off everyone. Pull the mobs and all the PBing wizzies and support classes stand 5 yards behind the Reaver, if any of the mobs initially target anything but the tanks they'll be caught by the Reaver before they can do anything irritating.



Originally posted by nerve
Add a friar, you need a third melee to hold aggro since 3 or even 4 mobs will come when you pull with an 8 group party. A sorc has absolutely no use in a pbaoe group if you have a mincer. Minstrel PS is still >>>> sorc mana crack, and a mincer can take a few hits/stun/mez unexpected adds...
The friar can also add nice buffs, and do healing support.

Other viable options are another pally, or indeed a third wiz to get the mobs down REAL fast.

I beg to differ, sorc adds crack, emergancy mezz and ... wait for it .... ICE debuf :)

on the other hand drop all the tanks add a matter cabby and focus pull the buggers

Aule Valar

assuming your gonna go ahead with it i'll take the mincer slot if possible, or if not the friar

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Like the man said, ICE DEBUFF! You will be amazed at how fast the critters drop after they have been debuffed...if the sorcerer ever bothers to use his debuff. So many useless sorcerers in Avalon at the moment (well, a month ago) that AE mezz in PBAE groups and then...nuke the mobs! :eek:


2x Ice Wizzie
2x pally
1x Friar
1x EARTH Theurg
1x Sorc (mana regen spec)
1x Cleric


Originally posted by old.Ailelun
2x Ice Wizzie
2x pally
1x Friar
1x EARTH Theurg
1x Sorc (mana regen spec)
1x Cleric

forget the earth theurg, take a matter cabby and focus pull while cleric heals pet
sorc ice debuffs
ice wizzys move in while sorc casts matter debuff
cabby aoe dots
mobs will fall so fast tanks will be bored and go afk


Although pally's are the best for agro taking... It's hard to get the pallies needed... Easier is to setup a PBAoE group with Reavers...

Their PBAoE chant will do excelent in getting agro...

Aule Valar

if your starting from scratch getting pallys wouldn't be hard, and they can take dmg better than reavers too

as for mincer vs sorc i'd say mincer, assuming you go to 50 the sorc won't want to spec full mind (unless he's gimped silly) so if you want mana regen 5 you'll need a mincer
also in grp like this having the insta stun is nice to protect ice wizzies, and a mind sorc isn't exactly much of a nuker anyway, just a mana bot
so take a mana bot with chain and insta stun


Originally posted by Apathy
Having a minstrel as well as a sorc would mean the minstrel having to actually DO stuff. :-O But if you got both, then the minstrel could autotrain instruments for a wee while. Lovely.

I'd say go with the friar though...force it to spec rejuv to at least 18. :p

Also, I love PB groups. Give me a space! I'll be the cleric!


Why have a friar in PvE-groups? Why not a second cleric? A friar adds resists in a RvsRgroups. And a decent fighter. Get a second cleric (since you don't need a friar) and maybe get a scout or a pole armsman, both have good defense and deal great amount of damage.


I've levled from lvl10 to lvl40 basically all on PBAOE-grps. And my experience is:

3 Ice-wizzies
1 Theurg for PBT
1 Sorc for crack and Aedebuff
1 Cleric
1 Paladin
1 Armsman/Scout

Scouts are hybrids, they deal a great amount of damage with bow and are the best blockers in the whole of albion, which means they also provide the best Guard out there (for the pala).

They can also keep a good flow on pulling :).


dont bother with tanks for pbae group - just use matter cabbie focus shield to hold the aggro, much much easier


Originally posted by skile

Scouts are hybrids, they deal a great amount of damage with bow and are the best blockers in the whole of albion, which means they also provide the best Guard out there (for the pala).

They can also keep a good flow on pulling :).

scouts might be the best blokers, but not the best guard, pally gets large shield, so can block more attackers.
aswell dont put guard on tanks in pbaoe groups put it on the pbaoe'ers every blocked attack doent interupt the caster.
Aswell from my logs i have seen that protect does nothing for pbaoe'er so dont waste it on them put it on cleric


Originally posted by ojbrambles
dont bother with tanks for pbae group - just use matter cabbie focus shield to hold the aggro, much much easier

How true 45+ cleric + matter cab + ice wizz can clean every ellyl in pennies except castle faster then they spawn


not to mention its much easier and safer. matter caba = teh win.


depends what your doing it for - if your just doing it to get 50 fast i would go with the cabalist etc option - if you want to get to 50 fast and make it into an organised rvr group ..

2x Ice Wizzies
1x Paladin
1x Hybrid Armsman
1x 26 earth theurg
1x Minstrel
1x Cleric
1x Friar


im interested in joining adari

pm me with info, im interested in ice wizzy, sorc,friar or thurg spot :)


Originally posted by Sol-
depends what your doing it for - if your just doing it to get 50 fast i would go with the cabalist etc option - if you want to get to 50 fast and make it into an organised rvr group ..

2x Ice Wizzies
1x Paladin
1x Hybrid Armsman
1x 26 earth theurg
1x Minstrel
1x Cleric
1x Friar

What he said.


Swap arms for a 2nd paladin.
-Helps to control agro in the most unlikely event one of em should die.
-Taunt x2 to pull agro off someone
-Saves cleric mana for healing because of heal chant x2 (Try prince raid with 4 palas in group cleric will get bored and smite)
-2 good cycling paladins > 3 hybrid armsmen in pve.


can i sign up for the sorcerer if its not too late?
or an ice wizard :)
/edit2 or a minstrel


Originally posted by skile
Why have a friar in PvE-groups? Why not a second cleric? A friar adds resists in a RvsRgroups. And a decent fighter. Get a second cleric (since you don't need a friar) and maybe get a scout or a pole armsman, both have good defense and deal great amount of damage.

A second cleric would bring too much healing to the group, resulting in overlapping heals and a waste of a perfectly good space in the group. An alert friar can provide emergency healing and also use taunt/taunt styles to pull aggro off casters/healers.

I think you are confused regarding scouts/polearmsmen - the point of a PB group is not to have high damage-dealing tanks but to have classes that can take high damage/prevent it with shield/parry and keep aggro off the casters. The ice wizards are the ones who do all the killing. That's why it's called a PB group, not an Amethyst Slash group. ~rolls eyes~

I'd say two s/s chanting paladins and a friar would be best.



ice wiz x2

is probably best imho


Thanks a lot for the feedback all :)

Currently I'm thinking about this:

2 x Ice wiz
2 x Pally
1 x Cleric
1 x Friar
1 x Sorc
1 x Theurg

I changed the armsman spot to a pally spot, because of the tips about holding aggro with chants etc, also, i decided to go with a sorc instead of a mincer, I reckon mana regen, emergency mezz and ae ice debuff are more of use than PS + afk.

Last question; do you think I should swap the friar or one of the pallies for a matter cabby? With focus pulls there wont be much need for 2 pallies, and as a friar can tank well, they could help when there are problems with keeping the aggro on the pet, also baseline buffs would be nice to have, and ofc light healing is handy. On the other hand a friar cannot guard an ice wiz, and cannot chant to keep aggro. Or should I not go for a cabby at all?

Thanks =p

Also, great to see some people already signed up, but keep in mind the group will start in 2 or 3 weeks, if you still want to be in, let me know in here or pm ;)

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