PBAE Power!!!



From being the only realm without a PBAE at the next patch we will actually gain the most powerfull of all (Level 49 suppresion spec as opposed to the other two level 48's).

I am gonna start up a suppression based SM (to go with my existing Darkness specced SM) - I hope Midgard will take advantage of the amazing levelling power of the PBAE group rather than just sticking to the traditional grouping lineups.

PBAE - coming to your town - Soon!


> I am gonna start up a suppression based SM

Guess who's levelling SM already? ;)



Guess who's already got a level 50 SM and doesnt need to bother? ;)

By the way, Im thinking 38 Dark 38 Supp 5 Summoning as a possible respecc template, also respeccing my RAs to include more RvR oriented RAs like purge and MoC...your thoughts would be appreciated. Im RR4L0 now so I guess that gives me like 30 points or something (numbers at 4am is NOT my strong point :) )

Oooh just had a thought, healer stun, SM spam 331dmg pbAoEdd :D Was a nice thought :D
Toodle pip :D


The only thing I feel a bit funny tbh, is that sm's have always been looked down upon. Ignoring sms and not let them group has been all to common. Now they get pbae, and everyone and their pets (spirits? ;)) will make a sm alt. Suddenly they are popular again. Don't get me wrong here, it's great that sm's get more popular, but I wish that those that have acted bad against sm's before would really think a little bit extra on what they are doing when they roll up that alt.

Of course, I've been quite spared from negative people. Mostly because I've so far soloed something like 39 out of my 42 current levels. A bit because I know of the bad reputation sm's have, quite undeservingly though.


I found the best way to re-educate people about the usefulness of SMs was to group with a few of them. You know, find one or two people looking for a group, ideally tanks. Offer to group "until they can find a healer", then spend the next couple of hours healing & lifetapping, mezzing and rooting, leaving the pet at the back to peel if necessary.

Within a few minutes you get messages like "I didn't know a Spiritmaster could do that" and "This is great XP". In groups of 2-4 people, the Spiritmaster can fill the role of nuker, crowd-controller and healer. In larger groups we can provide all sorts of backup.

We are a seriously versatile and powerful class. And that's without the PBAoE. When that arrives, it's going to be pretty awesome, combined with the healers' AoE stun. Although I anticipate some problems getting those sort of groups together.

Roo Stercogburn

Darkmaster. Staying darkmaster.



Yes, I agree with you Viscount. The sm is both versatile and powerful.

I think I'll do as Roo too, stay darkness specced. After all, if I've read the charts correctly, my damage with pbae will only be slightly less than my single target lifesteal after the patch. That's ok enough to nuke the hell out of everyone in a keep defence.. :)

Roo Stercogburn

Darkness specced SM teamed with Suppression specced SM. Think about it ;)


The ppl condamning SMs have not thought twice...

... Dillyana is a lvl 50 SM who has joined with me in many occasions throughout the levelelling process (also Noita while she was still with the Amazons).... In each and every level range they are useful and, more than that, powerful...

... I remember while levelling Numia with Dillyana in Malm that even Dilly being 46 the mighty tanks in g1 wanted Dillyana to go to g2... BIG MISTAKE for them :D
-> as I always preferred equal xp for groups, now we had it :rolleyes:


You need to have played a sm to understand what they can do, my little sm kicks butt in the thidraki even now. It´s going to be a small nightmare with 1.52.

Don´t get why they would want a lvl 46 sm in g2 since it´s the nukers that gives you exp when they get mana. And SMs nukes as hard as runies :)


Originally posted by Ottar
> I am gonna start up a suppression based SM

Guess who's levelling SM already? ;)


Ottar = Wagner?
If so are you going to the pvp server?

j000 d000d

Well too bad you can't get a decent ranged nuke when you spec 49 Supp :)

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by old.Teador
Well too bad you can't get a decent ranged nuke when you spec 49 Supp :)

Baseline darkness dd nuke. Its just not as good as lifetap since it doesn't heal SM. Damage output smaller than specced lifetap but still effective. Good enough til someone gets close to SM.

All classes in Midgard are good at 1, maybe 2 things if they're lucky. SM has full spectrum. Rule of thumb in xp groups to date: unless SM got agro, don't waste mana healing him/her - the SM will take care of that for themselves. With sup based SMs coming now, that will probably change a bit, since anyone who goes full suppression won't be able to treat mobs as mobile bloodbanks. Lost track of the number of times I've been near zero hp in groups and so is everyone else but when the fight is over I'm at full health.

Normally dark based SMs are something that healers rarely need to worry about. Sup based SMs though will be just as vulnerable as runies when they get agro since their weaker lifetap won't be able to heal them fast enough. Oftentimes I've had agro and quickcasting lifetap has given me enough health to last while the tanks get to the mob and I chip away at them with my stick, or at least to allow me to last until I can quickcast lifetap again. Sup based SMs won't be able to do this, or at least, not very well. However, they'll dish out so much damage it might not be an issue. Will be interesting to see how the tactics vary.

For ranged offensive power, runies will still be the caster of choice. However, for closeup nastiness, SMs will rule: already pretty nasty when someone gets close.

Dark SM + Sup SM combo you just don't want to meet in a dark alley.

Next patch for us finally fixes a lot of the problems SMs have had (I was appalled when it sunk in how badly 1.50 slapped us). Debuffs also finally become insta, and when eventually debuffs won't break mez, it just gets better, especially since SM debuffs are one of the greatest underated group benefits in game.


Mmmm Purge MoC and lev 47 Lifetap.. maybe a 38/38/5 respecc won't be called for.

Primus: I often joke (but its quite true) that I soloed 45 out of 50 levels, I have lost count of the times I have been turned over in a grp for people many levels below my own and for a blinding array of misinformed excuses as to why I as an SM wasnt suitable for the "group dynamic". I even got refused a rezz in Emain once (at level 35 or so, so a long time ago now :) )... why? Well the healer told me that rezzing a SM in RvR was a waste of mana! :rolleyes:

And now...we seem to be "flavour of the month".. BGs brought out the SB alt invasion, changes to melee classes has brought a large amount of warriors out and now with SM loving on the way everyone and their dog is rolling a Spiritmaster. Well... personally I think this is a good thing, Spiritmasters are probably Midgards most versatile class and one of the most powerful. A small army of level 50 SMs running around can only be a good thing :)

Toodle Pip :)


> Ottar = Wagner?

Still the very same one yes ;) Remember how ya soloed orange con werewolves in Skona? Did the same route today with my spiritmaster and thought of you.. ;)

> If so are you going to the pvp server?

Dunno.. never say never but I don’t have any specific plans. Perhaps later when it quiets down a bit.



Originally posted by Ottar
> Still the very same one yes ;) Remember how ya soloed orange con werewolves in Skona? Did the same route today with my spiritmaster and thought of you.. ;)

I would love to party with you again some day on the pvp, old friend...

Spiritmaster huh? hehe.. You was about the only one that didnt laugh when I said sm was a great class... Another great class is the sorc from albion.. Solo orange with your yellow con pet. Cast 3 spells, con/str debuff, dex/qui debuff, and a dot, sit down, and your power should be full just as the mob dies.. Plus they heal hps so damm fast.. 5-10 secs after the fight, you should be ready to go again.

I was looking at my pics the other day. Had one with chesnor, rancid, garr, you and me in spinda.

Glad your still around mate :)


Noita: Hehe, I don't remember who said that phrase. But it was on these boards in a Malmo thread perhaps 2-3 months ago. Not sure. :) I've also soloed many levels now, as I mentioned earlier. Somehow it is more fun soloing as a sm than it was as a thane. Might be part of the low downtime, espescially with serenity. But also because it takes a bit more tactic. :) I do agree that it is good with more sm's. After all, it does in the end also improve the sm's reputation. I'm just a little bit annoyed at those old "anti-sm" people. :)

Edit: This long after I posted, I suddenly realized that I mixed up certain facts mentioned in one thread with another. The main part of the post still stands, but the "phrase" part came from another thread. :)


I already have a Darkmaster style SM in the 40's - it says something about the class that I'm considering levelling another as an Alt :)

But boy is it tough levelling an almost pure suppression SM (at the moment with no PBAE) compared to my Darkmaster - sometimes I have to run from Orange cons!


Mines 17 sup specced and it sucks ass!!! till the pbaoe cos all i can do is debuff mobs to death :p

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by pudzy
Mines 17 sup specced and it sucks ass!!! till the pbaoe cos all i can do is debuff mobs to death :p

Cheer up mate, the specced str/con debuff actually knocks a load of hitpoints off the mobs as well as reducing their damage output. Only problem is you need a wide open space to cast it (has radius 450) or you got lots of agro. Pet can last longer against mobs with that amount of suppression since they take less damage :)

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