pbae in malmo



seems this only egts done when either meself or a few other select individulas bother to set it up, even if there r all the right classes, why is this??with pbae u can take down a whole pull in 1-10 secs with little or no rest exp is uber and ive doen ti with 2 Sm's lvl 45 and 41 and one gtae runie

here have a guide on how to do it for those who doitn know, btw hibs have been doing this since the begginig of time


and the classes dont have to be specific u just need pbae some ae spells ae stun and some aggroers


I tried to get people to do PBAoE groups in Malmo while levelling my SB.

People were too scared.

Their loss I guess.


Onslaught +1 guy from danish huscarls are doing it now,

started 10.00 at lvl 46.x , lunch 1 hour at 14.00, and now 18.50 we are lvl 48.5+ so I guess you can say this is pretty fast exp

2 SM:s
2 Savages
1 PBT runie
1 healer
1 warrior
1 bonedancer


I'm hib so things are different but...

I went from lvl 46 to 50 in about 12 hours playtime on fins4 in Cursed Forest with a pb group.

And then had a nice long sleep :p


Lots of groups doing Bpaoe now, just need to explain 10 -15 times how it done, very hard to tell people to do things diff after 40 lvls. Did 16- 31 over the weekend only Bpaoe group ( still time for 2 lvls more ) .
hopefully Malmo will have it also sence it's 4 x faster then any other form for XP.



After our PBAOE group @ Alb/Exc is done (currently ~lev47) We'll start one @ Mid/pryd. Not sure if we are going to do the "classic" or the one that Onslaught uses (Altho swapping BD to 3rd SM even in that case)

Can't wait to kill with AE Stun tho ._. Gonna rawk. Also thanks to Malmo it's going to be sooooo much faster than Witherwoodes. God i hate them already ;)


I've always been interested in one of these... but noone ever seems to be interested, or at least noone who hasn't already started and no room left :mad:


Originally posted by Arwen
I've always been interested in one of these... but noone ever seems to be interested, or at least noone who hasn't already started and no room left :mad:

You just have to gather people who got time and dedication :) Ask some in guild, ask some from BW, ask some in IRC.


We where 2 sms 1 healer 1 shammy 1 rm ( fend ) 2 savage and a warrior, worked nice , maybe faster with 3 sm but need luck to get 3 and probelly more safe with 1 more agro holder.

Zapsis RR7
Zapsi RR5L7
careless lvl 32

Zapsi lvl 31 bard


When i was leveling my SM in malmo we did pbae style a few times, problem is to balance the groups.

If u do pbae style u have to have a equal amount of pbae sms in both groups :)

And when it works its the best xp u'll ever get

Its good with thanes they can ae as well and get aggro,, very good that


Thing with doing a Pbaoe is that you Dont need 2 groups to handel the mob flow. You can even pull faster with one pbaoe group then with 2 groups doing mezz pulls


Main problem is finding enough Supp-specced SMs. And then having the right back-up classes.

I've done PBAoE in malmo a few times now - at Yar and the Lair, all but one occasion with 2 full groups and 2 or 3 supp SMs.

Never got close to doing it successfully with only 1 full group - largely because after 40 levels of mezz and gank people don't seem to want to understand the differences required in a PBAoE group. The main problem is the lack of understanding just how much damage we can do every 2 seconds or so if the mobs are all stacked on precisely the same point as the spiritmaster(s), as the damage goes down a fair bit if the tanks keep the Draks nicely spread out :(

Pulling with 2 full groups covers up this sort of inefficiency, replacing it with a level of XP that is better than mezz and gank, but not by a large margin. Of course, there's no reason why 2 full groups can't get incredible XP too - they just need to set up a decent rythym with pulls arriving at the right time, and get that basic lesson about how to get the mobs to Ground Zero learned. I've seen it done properly only once or twice.

I can't overemphasize the importance of getting the mobs neatly stacked on top of one another at the spiritmaster(s)' ground zero for the fastest possible take-down. When the mobs ARE perfectly stacked, reckon on about 3-4 nukes to kill the lot, and that's under 10 seconds.


At lvl 33-34 we killed 12 red/purple mobs to us in one pull with a group of 8 ppl. And that with out a singel death in the group. So i cant see how it should be a problem handeling the 4 mobs coming when you pull at lair/yar

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