PB tag's



Ok... I am not sure about this.

I have registered my clan tag in PB & have not recived the details yet.

Also, i have searched the Database of PB to see if my tag is there.. it is not.

So.. to the question.

I have a match on saturday the 29th & i am not sure what will happen when i use my name with the tag.

Will i get kicked or something?


in a word YES.
If its an unregistered tag then it'll kick you for non validated tag.
However if you ask the ref to run pb for you he can create a temporary tag for you with a pass which wont kick you in that game.
Hope that helps


Erm... since PB are no longer doing/supporting HL... it could possibly mean that they will no longer create any new clan tags!!

So, is there a point in using PB anymore since there will be no cheat updates!!

Also, there are already cheats out there that PB does not recognise!!

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