


Anyone used PayPal to withdraw money to your own bank account ? Im having troubles transferring the money, not quite sure what kinda info they need to transfer.

My own bank babbled something about IBAN and SWIFT but I tried and couldnt get it to work.

So any idea what Im supposed to put there in fields, Bank and Bank Account?

jake cop

I use PayPal all the time, it's a nice little function that allows you to deal with Americans who are too analy retentive to understand that there other currencies in the world.

You don't need any info from your bank, they don't have to do a damn thing.

Bank obviously is the bank that you have your account with (Lloyds, Barclays etc) and account is your type of account (checking, savings etc)

You do need to enter a credit or debit card to confirm your details though, and then you get a number appear on your statement that you need to use to activate your account.


I asked my bank about it, they didnt know jack shit but said that when transferring money in and out to foreign countries I need IBAN and SWIFT codes. Theyre different what Id use when transferring INSIDE Finland... So my question relates to this, do I need to use those codes (since the money is coming from PayPal which is in some other country) or does PayPal have an account in Finland so they dont need those codes to transfer money... If you get what I mean.


I can only comment on my experiance with UK bank accounts, I did not need to go to my bank for anything, the only thing I needed to do was enter my bank details (account number, sort code and bank name) when I created my paypal account and save them, it was that simple, now when I go to withdraw I just select my bank account and 5 days later the money is there.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by jake cop
I use PayPal all the time, it's a nice little function that allows you to deal with Americans who are too analy retentive to understand that there other currencies in the world.

You don't need any info from your bank, they don't have to do a damn thing.

Bank obviously is the bank that you have your account with (Lloyds, Barclays etc) and account is your type of account (checking, savings etc)

You do need to enter a credit or debit card to confirm your details though, and then you get a number appear on your statement that you need to use to activate your account.

yes. this is all. if your bank can't make it work kr0n, they are shit and you should move your accounts.

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