Patch Notes 07-03-05


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Ralgedi Smurf said:
Just agree with the group that you roll on everything thats not Bind on pickup, if you need say need and you get if, it more then one needs its just the higest roller that gets it :)

Imo thats the best way to handle loot, im leaving a group if they insist on need before greed or other wierd rules :)

hehe you basically describe the need before greed rule then say that you will leave a group if they use it? :p

find it frustrating being in groups that roll on everything, especially if you need an item, and you are only one in group that can actually use it and then you dont get it :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ormorof said:
hehe you basically describe the need before greed rule then say that you will leave a group if they use it? :p
need before greed means that you cant roll on it if you cant use it. However that means that warriors will have alot more to roll on than a priest, but if no one needs the item why shouldnt everyone be allowed to roll on it.
In a group atleast 50% of the green items that are dropped will not be used(atleast in my experience). So that means that people who can not use it cant roll on it, but people who can use it but wont use it can. Which is abit stupid imo.

Just make sure that before you start killing stuff that you check wether someone wants it or make sure it isnt bind on pickup and if someone wants it give it to them if you won.
Also need before greed doesnt actually help with making sure that people who want to use it, will get it. So you still need people who will hand over the item or pass on it to get it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Gat_Decor said:
who are you trying to kid ?

I ding'd 40 last night and cant afford to train never mind a mount :(

Not kidding anyone :x Got 30g and im only 41 almost 42. Just stay away from the AH! :D

edit - And my mount is Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Garnet said:
edit - And my mount is Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Ahh so you have a 'My little pony' then :p

actually as i said before i've not spent _that_ much at the AH, anyhow funds are coming in quite nicely now im nearing 300 alchy (nice potions u see)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
a guy in my guild had 150+ gold in low 30s so its not that big of a problem.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Just do SM from 35 to 40. Bling Bling.

Oh, and on the loot note, I tend to use the following:
Free for all rolling on everything except BoP items. If someone needs an item, ie, are going to use it, they get it, else the roll winner gets to do whatever he wants with it. On BoP, if no one is going to use, everyone passes, and we do a /random 100. Winner keeps.

This only roll if you can use stuff really penalises casters, and seeing as most drops are going to be Vendor'd AH'ed anyway, they might as well get an equal chance at getting them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Gat_Decor said:
Ahh so you have a 'My little pony' then :p

actually as i said before i've not spent _that_ much at the AH, anyhow funds are coming in quite nicely now im nearing 300 alchy (nice potions u see)

My felsteed rocks, best looking mount ingame imo :D and im glad you are making money! :D


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Zaricotl no longer drops an NYI (Not Yet In) quest item (the Pocked Black Box) for Horde players.

damn and i tought this was the best quest!

<NYI> <TXT> The Pocked Black Box

Take this box to Kravel.

This is the horde version of the black box quest.

and then when you took the box to Kravel in Shimmering flats he said:

Hi im Kravel.

and you pressed complete quest and got 20exp or something like that! best everrrr.

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