Patch 1.82D Herald


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 24, 2004

Posted By: Sanya Thomas 2006-01-26 16:26:52

Oh, goodness me:


Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.82d Release Notes
Class Changes and Cross Cluster Guilds and Alliances
January 26, 2006



- Switching objects between the backpack and worn slots will now properly resolve the /use hotkeys for the object(s).

- (Pendragon Only) The /worship emote will now work with the classic character models.


General Changes and Fixes

Master Level Ability Changes And Fixes

- Banespike now has a recast timer of 5 minutes.

- The recast time on Brittle guards has been put back to 5 minutes. However, only one brittle guard can be summoned at a time.

Critical Strike Style Changes

- A new stackable ABS debuff has been added to the Critical Strike line in the following manner:

8 Pincer - Pre-req: To side of target - Effect: ABS decrease 1%
29 Leaper - Pre-req: Hamstring - Effect: ABS decrease 2%
44 Rib Separation - Pre-req: Leaper - Effect: ABS decrease 5%

Class Specific Changes and Fixes


- Bonedancer pets have received a graphic change. This change is only viewable in Catacombs and Darkness Rising clients.


- Friar Weaponskill has increased slightly.

- The prior noted PBAE heal proc and Defensive heal procs are now in the Enhancement line for Friars.

- Friar staff changes have been made in the following manner:

4 Figure Eight - New Prereq: Frontal position - Effect: 15 hit group heal
15 Double Strike - Pre-Req: Figure Eight - Effect: 25 hit group heal
25 Banish - Pre-Req: Friar's Friend - Effect: 50 hit PBAE heal
34 Holy Staff - Pre-Req: None - Effect: 50 hit Group heal
39 Friar's Fury - Pre-Req: Counter Evade - Effect: FAE 75 Heal
50 Excommunicate - Pre-Req: Holy Staff - Effect: 75 DD & 100 Group Heal


- The RR5 ability Assassination has been placed in the stealth skill line for all Assassins at spec 39.

- The RR5 ability Shadowstrike has been placed in the stealth skill line for all Assassins at spec 35.

- Assassination has been replaced with Remedy for the Infiltrator RR5 ability.

- Upon gaining a deathblow on an RvR opponent, the Infiltrator will have increased stealth detection by 25% for the next 60 seconds.


- The following spells have been added to all Nightshades:

Damage over Time

Level 15 "Clouded Agony" 4/tick - instant cast/24 seconds duration. 30 second recast 500 unit range.
Level 25 "Clouded Distress" 8/tick - instant cast/24 seconds duration. 30 second recast 500 unit range.
Level 36 "Clouded Pain" 14/tick - instant cast/24 seconds duration. 30 second recast 500 unit range.
Level 46 "Clouded Destruction" 22/tick - instant cast/ 24 seconds duration. 30 second recast 500 unit range.

Self Damage Shield

Level 10 "Eventide Resonance" 1 dps - 3 second cast time / 20 minute duration.
Level 20 "Eventide Redirection" 2 dps - 3 second cast time / 20 minute duration.
Level 30 "Eventide Reverberation" 3 dps - 3 second cast time / 20 minute duration.
Level 40 "Eventide Repercussion" 4 dps - 3 second cast time / 20 minute duration.
Level 50 "Eventide Reflection" 5 dps - 3 second cast time / 20 minute duration.

- Upon gaining a deathblow on an RvR opponent, the Nightshade will be 25% harder to detect in stealth for the next 60 seconds.

- The RR5 ability Assassination has been placed in the stealth skill line for all Assassins at spec 39.

- The RR5 ability Shadowstrike has been placed in the stealth skill line for all Assassins at spec 35.


- The RR5 ability Shadowstrike has been placed in the stealth skill line for all Assassins at spec 35.

- Shadowstrike has been replaced with Remedy for the Shadowblade RR5 ability.

- Upon gaining a deathblow on an RvR opponent, the Shadowblade will have increased stealth movement by 25% for the next 60 seconds.

- The RR5 ability Assassination has been placed in the stealth skill line for all Assassins at spec 39.


- Command Mjollnir should no longer have a delay after casting it before casting another spell.

- Doom Hammer disarm is no longer purgable.

- The multiple hammer spell effect has been put back on Call Mjollnir, Invoke Mjollnir, Summon Mjollnir and Command Mjollnir.


- Vampiir self buffs will now scale in effectiveness from 50% to 100% between the levels 5 and 40.


- The PBAE heal procs added in 1.82c have been moved to the Warden Nurture line.

- Wardens are now granted 1.8 spec points per level.

- Wardens are now able to specialize in Shield.

- Due to the addition of a skill line to Wardens, all Wardens will have their skill points refunded upon login to respec accordingly with the new allotted points and shield skill line.


World Notes - General

- The Hibernia bridge in Connact has undergone art adjustments.

- Brush has been updated in both Mularn and Cotswold.

- All starting locations for new players in Mularn and Cotswold have been adjusted to be in front of their appropriate trainers.

- (Midgard) Information in players' quest journals, for those on step 5 of the Mularn Delivery quest, has been updated to incorporate the new location (due to the recent Mularn face-lift) of the NPC named Asta.

Quest Notes - Albion

- Child's Play - Players between levels 1 and 4 will find that Charles, in Cotswold, will invite them to join in a game he's playing.

- A Hero Desires a Sword - Raymond, in Cotswold, will ask players between levels 5 and 9 (who have chosen an advanced class) to help him in dealing with a bully.

Quest Notes - Midgard

- Child's Play - Players between levels 1 and 4 will find that Charles, in Mularn, will invite them to join in a game he's playing.

- A Hero Desires a Sword - Raymond, in Mularn, will ask players between levels 5 and 9 (who have chosen an advanced class) to help him in dealing with a bully.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

- Child's Play - Players between levels 1 and 4 will find that Charles, in Mag Mell, will invite them to join in a game he's playing.

- A Hero Desires a Sword - Raymond, in Mag Mell, will ask players between levels 5 and 9 (who have chosen an advanced class) to help him in dealing with a bully.

Albion Monster Notes

- A number of monsters have moved or shifted in response to the improvements made in Cotswold recently. Please be aware of the new monster camps and be prepared!


World Notes - General

- All Shrouded Isles portals have received new art updates.

Dungeon Notes

- Mini-maps have been added to the following dungeons: Krondon, Caer Sidi, Galladoria, Tur Suil and Trollheim


World Notes - General

- (Albion) The petitioner Dale Gibbs in King Constantine's throne room now correctly displays his visual quest indicator, to be consistent with the other petitioners in the throne room.

- (Albion) Players that remove either the "A Gift Befitting a King?" quest or the "Something Stinks in Gwyddneau" quest prior to completion should now be able to re-obtain either quest when visiting petitioner Dale Gibbs in King Constantine's throne room.


- Hookpoint stealth detection NPCs have had their aggression radius reduced, effectively reducing the radius in which they can detect stealthed players. The NPCs that received this change are the Saracen Infiltrator, Kobold Shadowblade and Lurikeen Nightshade. All other stealth detection NPCs in the Frontiers remain unchanged.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Cwini said:
- The multiple hammer spell effect has been put back on Call Mjollnir, Invoke Mjollnir, Summon Mjollnir and Command Mjollnir.

Its Hammer time! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
kirennia said:
banespike on 5min reuse is a caster nerf so an indirect tic boost I guess ;)

Its gone from 15s to 10s duration but the % has been increased, iirc. I personally think it's usefulness only aplies to those classes with base damage that warrants such a high crit, such as a light tanks damage. Also, although this doesnt really bother me much, Mythics once again messed up with the reaver class in removing double LT, it wasnt really an imbalancing issue beforehand but when you promice something will stay and then remove it a patch later it doesnt really scale up the reliability of patch notes, which ofcourse in true US > EU fashion, by the time that patch reaches us we will have never got those two LT's back anyway.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Banespike got nerfed from 25% to 15% actually

Its now 15% damage boost 10 second duration 5 minute reuse timer
I rather have it like this on a three times as short timer. Guess this is way best for the zerk being able to vendo banespike way more often.

Warden change is quite cool in a way. Shield spec will enhance their defence a bit but to be honest. no shield is saving a bodyguarder from the dual wield assist train. I can rip warriors a new one with help from just one more merc without any block issues. I guess a medium shield warden wont be much thougher than a warrior either.

Solo wardens on the other hand, they will probably eat paladins 1on1 with their pbt/self haste/shield spec. Slam+heals and so on ;) not to forget twf+grapple aswell.


Fledgling Freddie
May 2, 2004
Bonehead said:
wtf no heretic boost? /cry

Hopefully they'll address heretics next. Affects such as DD and disease would be nice, added to the style lines.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

rr11 Solo Warden inc \oooooo/

but tbh, it was about time they gave em better survivability according to their main job in rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
my feedback to mythic....

Friars groupability.

in rejuve line

add spell ablative that absorb spell damage ( like the bainshee)


add pulsing spell turn or just spellturn that negates dd damage, but leaves stun and cc spells alone.


group feedback spell that turns damage against the player attacking you either melee or spell. or CC feedback which has a 50% chance to turn a mezz / stun etc back on the caster.


let them spec in shield and mace and give 2.0 spec points.


add buff ( self dex / qui)
absorb (self)
into base enhance line and not spec
(which is where it should have been years ago, when you messed up the stats)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Chimaira said:
Banespike got nerfed from 25% to 15% actually

Its now 15% damage boost 10 second duration 5 minute reuse timer
I rather have it like this on a three times as short timer. Guess this is way best for the zerk being able to vendo banespike way more often.

Warden change is quite cool in a way. Shield spec will enhance their defence a bit but to be honest. no shield is saving a bodyguarder from the dual wield assist train. I can rip warriors a new one with help from just one more merc without any block issues. I guess a medium shield warden wont be much thougher than a warrior either.

Solo wardens on the other hand, they will probably eat paladins 1on1 with their pbt/self haste/shield spec. Slam+heals and so on ;) not to forget twf+grapple aswell.
slam, insta healfont, i win :D

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