Dear Customers
We have received a large amount of feed back regarding the our Hib RA ability of Group Purge, after a long review of the effects this has in RvR, we have decided to take step to stop this over powered ability.
So from this patch, that we will not bother to test and will go live while your reading this, we will be removing group purge from us Hibs but as we have removed this we need to replace this ability with something that the hib will find of use. Therefore when you/we log in all hib classes will now have a new ability called Kill realm. This may seem over power but it can only been used again one realm at a time and is on a 3 min timer. The RA will also have a cast of 3 RPs for the first lvl.
Kill realm lvl 1 cost 3 RP and kill all players in RvR zones of the selected realm.
Kill realm lvl 2 cost 6 RP and Kills all players in RvR zones and 50% random players in their realm
Kill realm lvl 3 cost 9 RP and Kills all players in RvR zones and 95% random players in their realm
Command is /kill realm Mid **hint hint**
We here at mithed understand that this could be classed has an over powered ability, but we have taken steps to counter it, Them Mids will be given an ability called Rezz realm. Now this ability is very powerful. So we have had to add some limitations on it use. Rezz realm can only be used after Kill realm as been used. Additional it will only rezz players with 1hp , 0 power and end, after the umber ability is used it can not used by the realm for another 45mins in which time, your realm loses the ability to hit and defended.
Rezz realm lvl 1 cost 50 RP. (please note you must get this RA before you can get an other)
Albs will get a new RA which we called steal life. This ability is on the same timer has the hibs new one (3mins) when used it take the life of another realm and gives it to you, please note that this ability can not be used against the realm that killed you. It can also only be used after kill realm.
This is a few small changes that are going live now, but please note that our development players are looking at the balance issues and after we have finished with the improving Hib classes. We will then move onto Mid.
Just to give you an idea of some of the ideas to improve mid (heh) we are looking at the following.
Removing the need for end and replacing it with your life power. So the more you use end the closer to death you are.
Remove the CC ability of the healer and give them some attacking ability, such has spec in Pbea with a 20sec cast time.
SB stealth to be removed and replaced with Throwing (we know you have this but now you can spec it)
Skald speed will be been halved so you can run into fights with more time.
Bolts now that they have been fix, will reduce the range to 500 so you target closer enemies in the fight.
SM will have their Pbae removed, this may seem like a nerf but they will then focus more on there pet and use it more in fights
Reduce melee ability and the Hit points of SM pets. (please note only a small reducing to their melee ability or they will not hit at all)
Thane, we will make no change to this class.
War and zerg classed will be removed from the realm, all chars will be replaced with by a new called. Sheildmasters.
RMs will have the Supp/Dark and RM removed and added a new line. This line is still in development, but it will give the RM the ability to pull enemy tanks to them.
Hunter will have their bow removed and their spear damage increased.
Spears speed will be increased to spd 199.99 this will be before the first swing. Also note that when they start swing they will unstealth and be rooted, due to the massive about of damage this will do.
Shamans dot will be made a self dot or a group Dot not sure yet. also will the Aug line will be switched to debuff.
Mid will loss all SI new classes due to them be overpowered, these classes replaced with RMs.
So you see we have a firm handle on the situation and their ongoing development will keep going.
Watch out for more information on the coming patches after the above patch is finished the next one we have code named "remove mid" or "The final blow".
We have received a large amount of feed back regarding the our Hib RA ability of Group Purge, after a long review of the effects this has in RvR, we have decided to take step to stop this over powered ability.
So from this patch, that we will not bother to test and will go live while your reading this, we will be removing group purge from us Hibs but as we have removed this we need to replace this ability with something that the hib will find of use. Therefore when you/we log in all hib classes will now have a new ability called Kill realm. This may seem over power but it can only been used again one realm at a time and is on a 3 min timer. The RA will also have a cast of 3 RPs for the first lvl.
Kill realm lvl 1 cost 3 RP and kill all players in RvR zones of the selected realm.
Kill realm lvl 2 cost 6 RP and Kills all players in RvR zones and 50% random players in their realm
Kill realm lvl 3 cost 9 RP and Kills all players in RvR zones and 95% random players in their realm
Command is /kill realm Mid **hint hint**
We here at mithed understand that this could be classed has an over powered ability, but we have taken steps to counter it, Them Mids will be given an ability called Rezz realm. Now this ability is very powerful. So we have had to add some limitations on it use. Rezz realm can only be used after Kill realm as been used. Additional it will only rezz players with 1hp , 0 power and end, after the umber ability is used it can not used by the realm for another 45mins in which time, your realm loses the ability to hit and defended.
Rezz realm lvl 1 cost 50 RP. (please note you must get this RA before you can get an other)
Albs will get a new RA which we called steal life. This ability is on the same timer has the hibs new one (3mins) when used it take the life of another realm and gives it to you, please note that this ability can not be used against the realm that killed you. It can also only be used after kill realm.
This is a few small changes that are going live now, but please note that our development players are looking at the balance issues and after we have finished with the improving Hib classes. We will then move onto Mid.
Just to give you an idea of some of the ideas to improve mid (heh) we are looking at the following.
Removing the need for end and replacing it with your life power. So the more you use end the closer to death you are.
Remove the CC ability of the healer and give them some attacking ability, such has spec in Pbea with a 20sec cast time.
SB stealth to be removed and replaced with Throwing (we know you have this but now you can spec it)
Skald speed will be been halved so you can run into fights with more time.
Bolts now that they have been fix, will reduce the range to 500 so you target closer enemies in the fight.
SM will have their Pbae removed, this may seem like a nerf but they will then focus more on there pet and use it more in fights
Reduce melee ability and the Hit points of SM pets. (please note only a small reducing to their melee ability or they will not hit at all)
Thane, we will make no change to this class.
War and zerg classed will be removed from the realm, all chars will be replaced with by a new called. Sheildmasters.
RMs will have the Supp/Dark and RM removed and added a new line. This line is still in development, but it will give the RM the ability to pull enemy tanks to them.
Hunter will have their bow removed and their spear damage increased.
Spears speed will be increased to spd 199.99 this will be before the first swing. Also note that when they start swing they will unstealth and be rooted, due to the massive about of damage this will do.
Shamans dot will be made a self dot or a group Dot not sure yet. also will the Aug line will be switched to debuff.
Mid will loss all SI new classes due to them be overpowered, these classes replaced with RMs.
So you see we have a firm handle on the situation and their ongoing development will keep going.
Watch out for more information on the coming patches after the above patch is finished the next one we have code named "remove mid" or "The final blow".