Patch 1.52 Icons & Bugs



Anyone like the new icons ?

Personally i think they are very annoying and hard to see...:puke:

Played a bit on Gorre and was surprised at the fact that enemy chars could ress enemies, kinda funny tho


imo the new icons are great . how many styles on your old hotbar looked exactly ythe same? at least now u can distinguish which is which just by looking at them . same with spells the color border determines which one it is ie: high lvl spell or low lvl . bit disapointed its all duels atm wanted to test out my new theurg spec on enemys :( but casters dont duel :( unless its staff boinking!


Hmm only checked my spells not any melee styles... are those icons better/clearer ?


I like the new icons especially the spell ones...


I think they are better than the old ones. At least the ones I have.


Have only played Wildfire so far but atm the icons are getting a big thumbs-down from me. My QBs have gone from being nicely set out to being a jumble of neon pinks and oranges :(


I think new icons are arse!
Cant tell what my spells are :/

Also wtf has happened to my crush resist on my epic :(


I hate my resists now. They suck. Oh well, gotta play a bit more and I can get them up a bit.

The style/spell icons... I like them and hate them. Too colorful, but atleast I can distinguish between styles now. On top of that, I just might start lvl'ing my earth-wizzy more often now, was able to take out 5 blues in 1 pull due to AOE root :) Sucks power tho...


The icons sure aren’t as nice as before with the technicolour backgrounds and monochrome icons.

The only improvement I saw was on my lowb cabbie: the Alb Mage root icon no longer looks like a silly blob with a wing coming out of it but like a cripple melee style “fingy” and the different summon Simul spells have a different colour now rather than all being orange.

Btw GJ Mythic the at last you have had the wisdom to make the Alb elementalist buffer and AF shield at last different so you can tell which one needs to be recast… pity you then had to make the buffer THE SAME as the self-BT now instead of losing an obvious bright red (wiz) or dark brown (theurg/cabbie/sorc) icon when an archer hits me (w/o auto target acquire as they inflicted no damage) I have to try to notice one of the random green ones disappearing unexpectedly.

…I guess this is a new bonus game they have added for us: remember where the hell you BT icon has moved to with migrating pulsing buffs and timer buffs adding to the excitement so you know when your about to dye via being turned into a pincushion.

Sorry, sorry ranting over, at least tanks cant sprint away from my mentals anymore and my wiz can now nuke as fast as an Eld or RM now (even if the spec fire DD icon looks pants :-p).


personally i love the new icons :D, prefer them to the old one's because to be honest they were getting a bit dated, love em, plus you can also tell which type of spell your looking at easy, trick is to pretty much ignore the piccy and just go on colour and various elements, its' now very easy to tell if a spell is a pbaoe, gtaoe, ranged aoe, DD, CC, buff etc... love them :D

and on my ranger his only style is called dragonfly (yes he's not meelee spcced), which now actually looks like one, so can't be bad :)


I think they're cool :)

The styles are nifty too - no longer are all my slash styles the same crossed swords, they've all got their own funky icons :)

(and handy identifiers to show whether they're side or rear or whatevr)


New spell icons are arse. Can't tell any of my shields apart now. :rolleyes: Can't even tell MR from my shields... oh look 5 green icons, one's flashing, now which one was that.... :p


The new style icons are cool:D
Hehe, look at the lil bubblebee :)


Style icons aint too shabby, but a lil too tecnicolour for me, i mean i want improved game play not fancy neon day glo mallet knobs.

As for spells, my healers got a headache after staring at the huge list of icons, trying to once again sort the high and low buffs onto your quickbars is a nightmare, so why aint they fixed the duplicate buttons yet? I have to constitution buff spells, im only ever gonna use one, so why I still got the lesser one I'll never know.

As for my runie, again I was happy to identify the icons by colour and shape, now i gotta figure them all out again ffs.

Thumbs down from me, do sommit to improve the gameplay and leave the frilly bits and doylies for ppl who watch powa puff girls.


I hate the new icons, don't know what is what. One point in a duel i cast aoe instead of my uber!?! 200 dam, what have they done to my bol.... oh, i cast aoe. :m00:


heh give it a week and you'll be using them fine :)

I think they're cool. for people just getting the new spells and levelling up they're far better.

Oh and whoodoo - they have a 'con' colour around the spells now, so you'll have grey green blue yellow orange red purple buffs :) (well depending on spec)

so the higher one will (usually) be a different colour... not always because you have more than 7 buffs in each line usually, so there have to be a couple at each level.

and you can go look at and print out your spell lists if you really need :)


Personally I think the icons are a lot more functional, especially the combat style icons. However, esthetically they suck sh*t through a straw. They make my quickbar and buff icons look like a pinball machine or something :cool:

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