Because Pirkel demanded it.
The xp will be good. There will be stones and drops. I promise not to sing to you.
One full group taking down Busiv, Rheton, Drevaul, Zilistiphle and as many Summoners as possible. Doing this 4 days consecutively at 1pm to flood the market and allow for a few people to get experience with the mobs. So sign up if you are interested and please state which days you intend to show up. I'll pick the bunch who makes the most solid group as Grand Summoner isn't a lightweight like Littles.
And yeah, the first run is tomorrow.
The xp will be good. There will be stones and drops. I promise not to sing to you.
One full group taking down Busiv, Rheton, Drevaul, Zilistiphle and as many Summoners as possible. Doing this 4 days consecutively at 1pm to flood the market and allow for a few people to get experience with the mobs. So sign up if you are interested and please state which days you intend to show up. I'll pick the bunch who makes the most solid group as Grand Summoner isn't a lightweight like Littles.
And yeah, the first run is tomorrow.