Some people did not get credit for 2.9 (unsure why), and some did miss 2.3 becouse they joined up to late on mine last raid. We also Failed on ML2.10 becouse of lag pull.
To catch up I will try to do these steps again for everybody who joins. Lotto is for people who helped with .3, .9 & .10
I try to be in stygia at 20:00 GMT
Reason is I try becouse I desperatly need to kill Moughart or I can not join an alliance event and this has priority for me still chances extreemly low it will happen tonight.
To catch up I will try to do these steps again for everybody who joins. Lotto is for people who helped with .3, .9 & .10
I try to be in stygia at 20:00 GMT
Reason is I try becouse I desperatly need to kill Moughart or I can not join an alliance event and this has priority for me still chances extreemly low it will happen tonight.