Partial Solution to the Adding/Assisting problem.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
There are many many people who play DAoC just to duel 1 v 1, these players are typically not interested in the realm, they don't care about siege and you will rarely see them grouped. I call this "duellers" or "fencers" they want to play their game like an arcade game such as Virtual Fighter where once a fight starts they want to be isolated from what's happening around them. They gain a buzz from wining 1 v 1s. Some of these "fencers" will attack characters and classes that pose huge challenges for them and a win for them would be huge kudos (e.g. like those fights in Vatechs movie). These duellers typically are the assassins; there are a few archers and visual chars too.

The problem I have is identifying them, if I see a mid in a fight and the mid is loosing I will help, much the same way I would if I saw a fight in a RL street. If I help one of two things will occur I'll either get a thank you or I will get abuse. Now if I don't help, one of two things will happen, I'll either get a thank you or I will get abuse. So now you see my quandary.

So to solve the problem I propose that all duellers (who are the minority on our server) who never ever want assistance change their surname to highlight that fact, (Maji did this I think.) This is not ideal but it's a start. This could also apply to those 1fg who like to duel too.

Obviously it won’t work immediately and will need to filter through as you can’t see the surnames of your realm mates on the opposite cluster. However all the XML and stats pages will show the surname and over time it will be obvious who the duellers are. It would be nice if the surname tag was consistent across all three realms. Duellers could also include the tag in their FH signature.

This means my realm mates get to play the game they want and I don't get abuse :) Those without the tag I know I can help.

So if you think this is a good idea what surname would be good?



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
pretty much like painting a bullseye on your forehead :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
im not gonna run around with a shit last name like that - i usually pm people who add asking to leave my fights in the future, and most of them do exactely that. yeah, theres a lot of people to pm, but thats the downside of playing a game where not-adding is more fun while adding is the "way its meant to be played".

i hardly get hib adds on my fights, infact, hardly any adds at all. guess that changed last patch though, havnt gotten the courage yet to face the zerging :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Its a nice idea, but again, i dont want a name like that. Like vodka I usually just PM the person (if i feel the need) and politely (always) ask them if they could let me solo next time. If they arent happy with that, thats fine they pay their subs etc.
Have been having a really hard time over the last few nights since the patch, everyone seems to have gone a bit rp horney. The nature of my class means i kill quite slowly and I think I have only had 3 fights (all of which I have lost) where I havent had an add from one side or another. 10k rp for about a week of rvr is poor :(

Oh, and I do care about the realm as a whole will defend keeps etc just as most do, but I admit its the 1v1 fights I live for, they just dont seem to happen at all since the patch.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Been there didnt help that much.
But its not that i never want help... for example..i dont want help on any 1vs1 or me vs 2 considerably lower rr peeps then me. But i could certainly use some help to even things out vs 2-3 peeps, especially when their total rr is 3-4 times mine :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Instead of changing the name people who want to solo could just have a set colour on the chest or cloak or something Red cloak = do not add ect :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Maybe something you can see with easy instead of clonic surnames?, like all capitalized surnames or visible starting/ending like <<<surname>>>


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
It's a nice idea :>

I can see this happening:

In Alb:
Mincer I'mSoloAndDon'tKnowTheseTwoInfilsNextToMe
Infil I'mNotReallyWithThisMincer
Scout WhatInfil
Infil2 ThisIsJustPaybackAndI'mAhemSolo
Scout ThisIsMyTowerFreeRPWheeeee
Scout HitMeAndTwoInfilsProc

In Hib:
Luri IWantInstaPort
Luri IMissMyOPRemedy
Shar WhyDon'tMorePeoplePlayVamps
Luri WeLikeToGangBangYou
Celt CanIBeAStealther

In Mid:
Kobbie TheySaidThisClassWasTheBestForSBIwasRobbed
Norseman FOTM
Norsewoman I'mSoloThereJustHappensToBeAHunterAndTwoSBsNearMe
Norseman TwoHandedPARocks
Kobbie ThisBridgeIsMine

But seriously, I've never had a go at someone that wants to help in a fight that I am having. People play the game how they want to play it. Sometimes a :/ pops out if there really was no need to steamroll someone, because at the end of the day, there is a person on the other end of the graphic, and what is the point in 15 people killing a Warder or Brehon?
Of course I prefer to try and kill someone mano a mano and would rather die in the process than be helped, because I believe you have to live by your actions :>
But I think people know who prefers these sorts of fights anyway, and you can tell simply by who is close next to someone else. If I see Theodon (sp?) and Kagato in their 8 man groups, then I know not to attack them. If they are roaming solo, then you attack them. If you attack a stealther and he has 4 buddies next to him, then you know he is grouped or he just isn't roaming far enough away.
Basically I think people know who solo's sometimes/most of the times/or never, because the names stick in your head :)

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
I think its sad that people should have to first risk getting yelled at for adding then they risk getting yelled at for standing around looking on. Ive had 1-3 enemies on me where some other guy just stood there and when I died he attacked. You are not alone in this game and yet its those that dosnt wanna send a application in before helping someone in a fight that get flamed. I'm 98% solo with all my characters yet still its been said before - this is a massively multiplayer game so if you have such an extreme urge to get those solo fights then dont come to bridges or sieges because you wont get many there...dont expect and whine about getting adds, any adds, if you fight near those places tbh.

The game dosnt have enough population in RvR to feed all mouths.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Marcus75 said:
I think its sad that people should have to first risk getting yelled at for adding then they risk getting yelled at for standing around looking on.

I will not add if someone asks me to stay out of a fight, but if someone yells or make it sound like Im crap for adding, then I just laugh at them and will gladly add on all fights I see them have.


Loyal Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
I gotta say it is a bit pointless.

As for helping your side in a fight for the realm m8ters! that 1 on 1 will make no difference to the realm, so its just an amusement when you get called an xrealmer etc. If people are out and roaming and cant handle the fight they are in 1on1 then. They die rb, move else where or try again. I would not help out just because someone is loosing in a even numbers fight. If they moan at you, oh well they will get over it.

I have also left people that have grouped with me to die if they shamelessly wreck decent fights. btw aurores it still makes me chuckle when you killed them 2.

if the fight is stacked heavily in one sides favour then you may see me getting envolved. its not a rp issue it a making it more fun issue. if I see a solo hib being gang raped by 3 albs then let the fun begin. Then if we win me and the hib can have a nice cup of tea and go on our ways.(yer johan its all about tea m8)

people make me chuckle with all this.. esp the born again non-adder....

I will add all the time cos I am low rr.... Then father mcfadrick dunks me head in the river and now I am whiter than white and reserve right to flame all on the forums. its a joke.

I choose to play the way I do cos it is more fun and hopefully more fun for the other people I run into. would rather watch a decent fight and get some kudos instead of them extra 200 rps. also hopefully people seeing me do this, before they add on me the next time they might think no hang on legits alright let him have this fight then I will gank him.

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Its a no win situation as Xajorkith mentioned, no matter what you do someone might get upset.

Easiest solution i find is this, if your near someone and dont know if they want you to help.
/y yell if you want help. (or make a macro for it)
When fighting someone isnt going to be able to type a response but for them to do /y is much easier.
This also has the advantage that the foe they are fighting will also hear them call for help so will be more aware of what happened.

As ive said before, if your unhappy with the situation after you can PM and ask them politely, there is no excuse for harrassment or abuse.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Xajorkith said:
The problem I have is identifying them, if I see a mid in a fight and the mid is loosing I will help, much the same way I would if I saw a fight in a RL street.
That's really stupid! So if some guy is attacking me on the street and I just defend myself but I don't wanna leave the guy harmfull I beat him to the ground, you're gonna help him? WTF? Try to get some info before you do that is my advice to you :x


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
For me i don't have a problem with mids adding, maybe 95% of my fights mids wont add as they know i like soloing.

And if people do add i usually just type.............gahhhh......... and i get a pm saying sorry.:)

But it probably helps as i go to DC, where virtually hardly any other mids go except the small few, who are all there for the same thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Zebolt said:
That's really stupid! So if some guy is attacking me on the street and I just defend myself but I don't wanna leave the guy harmfull I beat him to the ground, you're gonna help him? WTF? Try to get some info before you do that is my advice to you :x

I would trow stones at both of you from range and get Rp's when someone of you falls =P


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
The solo title would probably be better suited for this. Too bad it's so hard to get. 2000 solo kills is a lot. Mythic should add a title at 500 solo kills imo.

As I see it, the biggest problem for soloers is that we need a better "battleground". We need a place with lots of space, lots of hiding places, little mob aggro, no guards, and no chokepoints (and most importantly a place that is of little interest to full groups).


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Shafu said:
As I see it, the biggest problem for soloers is that we need a better "battleground". We need a place with lots of space, lots of hiding places, little mob aggro, no guards, and no chokepoints (and most importantly a place that is of little interest to full groups).

I totally agree.

I really really really love Blendrake Faste Spire, Dun Na nGed Spire and Caer Boldiam Oupost when the towers are unclaimed, I've had excellent stealther fights there and would love something similar but without the potential for guard agro.

They all have many entrances so no choke point, they have elevated potions ideal for archer, they have lots of hidey places so you can "drag" a foe there to fight in peace... and full groups struggle to wander through it...


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
When it comes to adding it is a fluid situation though.

I for one dictate my actions based on others. If it someone I respect and doesn't add on me i generally will leave them alone, even if they not fighting i wont engage them unless they force me because i know that they would die with little chance, unless they blew all ra's and i used nothing.

If it someone i not keen on then I probably let them finish their fight and then kill them. They still get their rp's but have to go away and buff again. Use this mostly on stealthers though because they constantly attack if your low on health after a fight.

If it a zerging bastard i will base it on how the fight is going, if the alb is losing then i help him in some way. Maybe haste/dmg add and bt spam him, maybe stick a nuke in. May just watch the fight and see how it goes and be ready to act if the zerg appears. For instance, last night was watching a fight chelseafc was having against a mini, then i notice porkbelly pop and run at them so nuke him down, then killsimba popped so nuked him down as well. Then as mini was almost dead helped finish chelseafc off because it was guarenteed they all grouped.

Fg vs fg fights i try to leave if solo, unless 1) it a zerging group that chased me around, 2) they attack me when watching the fight. Example of this was NP group i believe it was couple nights ago (raid etc). Was watching them fight BDC and one tried to attack me, ducked out of los and just popped up again. Stuck down protection (speedwarp etc) and then rooted their casters and healer which over extended tank and they died, then stuck 2 pets on both healers, 2 on runie (i think) and 1 on shammy. Level 12 earthpets could be killed but because of how done it was a pure nuicsance and simple bit of revenge for the inability to not try zerging me. Yet after that I saw them twice more and simply left them.

So basically decisions are made based upon the situation. Sometimes i hate adds. Could have a 2vs8 and actually be doing well (some bad groups that ran away from theurg+friar duo after 5minute battle taking losses) and get a zerg run in and kill the enemy off (or me :p) but other times be 2vs8 and you curse when people dont add on it because it a pure high rr opted group trying to zerg you.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Shafu said:
The solo title would probably be better suited for this. Too bad it's so hard to get. 2000 solo kills is a lot. Mythic should add a title at 500 solo kills imo.

As I see it, the biggest problem for soloers is that we need a better "battleground". We need a place with lots of space, lots of hiding places, little mob aggro, no guards, and no chokepoints (and most importantly a place that is of little interest to full groups).

2k solo kills is ok, tho difficult. Currently i am half way :(
Actually soloers do have a 'solo battleground'. Prob is that not many peeps in it everyday and mostly active only prime time.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Shafu said:
The solo title would probably be better suited for this. Too bad it's so hard to get. 2000 solo kills is a lot. Mythic should add a title at 500 solo kills imo.

As I see it, the biggest problem for soloers is that we need a better "battleground". We need a place with lots of space, lots of hiding places, little mob aggro, no guards, and no chokepoints (and most importantly a place that is of little interest to full groups).

we have such a zone allready...and i see many people whining here daily that would love the zone but not help to make it work:) gahn from prydwen set this up and it was working like a charm the first weeks:) lots of fun...good people to fight, then slowly but steady people started to disapear to their usual hunting grounds, and the zone have almost died completely. So not so sure the answer is a battleground, cause i think people will; be drawn to those bridges where the zerg is anyhow...and then whine over adds:p
Its all a choise:) If yu are frustrated with the game..ither take a break and think about why the game is making you frustrated and either deal with it the mature way...accept...or change ur own playstyle and where you roam etc. Cause whining wont will build a larger rift between people and it will make the guy you whined on very keen on destroying ur every fight next time and time again.
The duels i see outside of crau nowadays is not rvr...those can be arranged on irc instead for all i care....people stand in a pathetic little circle waiting for the next alb/mid to come...and you almost have to aknowledge the ok first to know its you and him that are alowed to fight and not one of the other 50 hibs standing there...
So people that like that kind of "rvr" can arrange a fight over mail or irc and just go somewhere add free imo...or is the need to have a bridge in the background something extra important for the rush of the duel:p?
Im almost always solo, but i wanna find my fights in rvr darnit....not in a cue and being one of 10 hibs being able to pick who and so on. rediculous...
over and out...


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Zebolt said:
That's really stupid! So if some guy is attacking me on the street and I just defend myself but I don't wanna leave the guy harmfull I beat him to the ground, you're gonna help him? WTF? Try to get some info before you do that is my advice to you :x

Or you could do like a caster and beat them both up, get in your 4x4 drive over them, reverse, and then steal their wallets :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
like i said in that thread a while ago, its best to have titles that change accordingly to how you play in a single session. if 50%+ of your kills are solo ones, you can set a title to show people in every realm that you are indeed a duellist

..or something. but either way, i think its nice as it is. no excitement if theres no risk on adds


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
daoc with out add would be boring :( would be no fights where you pwn 2 or 3 solo :( an you can just dump everything you have because you know there will be no adds :( an how should the low realm ranks get rps? no way a rr2 stealther can have a fair fight vs a rr6´+ stealther anyway..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Shafu said:
The solo title would probably be better suited for this. Too bad it's so hard to get. 2000 solo kills is a lot. Mythic should add a title at 500 solo kills imo.

As I see it, the biggest problem for soloers is that we need a better "battleground". We need a place with lots of space, lots of hiding places, little mob aggro, no guards, and no chokepoints (and most importantly a place that is of little interest to full groups).
What he said ...

Only one problem tho. Before 1.82 when i soloed, lots or most of the FG who ran past me left me alone. Why? Well first of all i was worth close to nothing for them. Second, most ppl knew who i was and knew i solo and don't add.
But things have changed now. My RR6 ML10 CL5 Heretic will be worth about 500 rps+, for each and everyone in the FG that just killed me. FG's get lots of rps for killing soloers now!

When 1.82 was released, i still havn't faced ONE fg that left me alone. Not one!
I know they have their rights to kill me. There nothing wrong about that really. I know that every time i leave a keep, hoping to find a "fair" duel. Same thing goes for everything else. 2on1, 5on1...

Personally, i still don't add... Havin that said - I liked it better before! :(


Mar 5, 2005
Beeg said:
I gotta say it is a bit pointless.

As for helping your side in a fight for the realm m8ters! that 1 on 1 will make no difference to the realm, so its just an amusement when you get called an xrealmer etc. If people are out and roaming and cant handle the fight they are in 1on1 then. They die rb, move else where or try again. I would not help out just because someone is loosing in a even numbers fight. If they moan at you, oh well they will get over it.

I have also left people that have grouped with me to die if they shamelessly wreck decent fights. btw aurores it still makes me chuckle when you killed them 2.

if the fight is stacked heavily in one sides favour then you may see me getting envolved. its not a rp issue it a making it more fun issue. if I see a solo hib being gang raped by 3 albs then let the fun begin. Then if we win me and the hib can have a nice cup of tea and go on our ways.(yer johan its all about tea m8)

people make me chuckle with all this.. esp the born again non-adder....

I will add all the time cos I am low rr.... Then father mcfadrick dunks me head in the river and now I am whiter than white and reserve right to flame all on the forums. its a joke.

I choose to play the way I do cos it is more fun and hopefully more fun for the other people I run into. would rather watch a decent fight and get some kudos instead of them extra 200 rps. also hopefully people seeing me do this, before they add on me the next time they might think no hang on legits alright let him have this fight then I will gank him.

OKay .... right ... whatever ... :wanker:

***Stop running around RS*** :kissit:

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