Greetings asswipes.
After entering Jordheim earlier today i god ye ole´gfx bug 2k2.
As i ran i got pm:ed and i numlocked my running. and ended up in running SE on the SE wall of Jordheim.
The gfx bug made some textures dissapear, and stuff behind was revealed.
I saw behind the LOCKED, non enabled door a short path inside that door i saw 1 a lamp on the wall. 2 a Troll Shaman with green light coming from his left hand in pulses.
I could however not target to get name of NPC.
I write this now from work, i will post a screenie tonight as proof.
Also the guard at that gate gave another answer or statement then all other guards.
"What are you doing here? move on!"
This may be a hint as to what will happen.
Also NP and DIVA of midgard did a raumarik WoW hunt.
in which we whiped the Raumarik Revenant camp and talked to the friendly MOB standing on the wall in there.
we got tons of aggro so i forgot to do a screenie of it.
However a NP took it.
This mob is believed to be part of the event aswell, and her words may help those including me that is working on it.
However it said something in the lines.
"what are you doing here >insert you race here<, be gone or i send my spirits to hunt you down."
or similar there was some more text then this.
AND a window popped up with this text in it when talking to her.
will try to convince this NP:er to post it here.
As for what i can tell to these upcoming events it starts to tell me that we are dealing with forces from the past somehow.
And the mythology surrounding Midgard.
I hope that the rewards if any is great at the end.
Herjulf Hornbrytare
After entering Jordheim earlier today i god ye ole´gfx bug 2k2.
As i ran i got pm:ed and i numlocked my running. and ended up in running SE on the SE wall of Jordheim.
The gfx bug made some textures dissapear, and stuff behind was revealed.
I saw behind the LOCKED, non enabled door a short path inside that door i saw 1 a lamp on the wall. 2 a Troll Shaman with green light coming from his left hand in pulses.
I could however not target to get name of NPC.
I write this now from work, i will post a screenie tonight as proof.
Also the guard at that gate gave another answer or statement then all other guards.
"What are you doing here? move on!"
This may be a hint as to what will happen.
Also NP and DIVA of midgard did a raumarik WoW hunt.
in which we whiped the Raumarik Revenant camp and talked to the friendly MOB standing on the wall in there.
we got tons of aggro so i forgot to do a screenie of it.
However a NP took it.
This mob is believed to be part of the event aswell, and her words may help those including me that is working on it.
However it said something in the lines.
"what are you doing here >insert you race here<, be gone or i send my spirits to hunt you down."
or similar there was some more text then this.
AND a window popped up with this text in it when talking to her.
will try to convince this NP:er to post it here.
As for what i can tell to these upcoming events it starts to tell me that we are dealing with forces from the past somehow.
And the mythology surrounding Midgard.
I hope that the rewards if any is great at the end.
Herjulf Hornbrytare