Parry guard



An interesting idea i ran across from some warden board. Don't know if they intended it that way but the way i see it is:
- Parry guard (given at a certain level):
Gives a chance to guard ANYONE from the enemy you've currently got targeted.

So instead of guarding one person from a lot of attackers you're guarding any target of just one attacker (less powerful but better against dual wielders, also would give parry spec/no shield spec classes something to do)

Don't allow parry and shield guard at the same time though :)


Nice idea.. I'm dropping parry to 8 though, relying on MoParry 3 to even that out...

I'd love to be able to stand with the support / mages and parry an enemy who comes for them. Fits my role of 'warden' quite well.


hehe, i'm actually going to raise parry with the advent of the new parry reactive style changes.
Since apparently no-one seems happy with the return blade becomes parry reactive and they'd rather see the horizon blade become parry reactive (bards due to their low weaponspec and inability to parry are losing a style) i see some possibility in a slightly higher weaponspec/parryspec for me.

The reduced usefulness of PBT (only viable imo against dumb 2h wielding idiots that don't know what /assist is) and imminent change to resists (probably a resistbuff nerf) is going to make me focus on another aspect of my warden I left behind me waaaay back when respecs just came in :)

So with the outlook on the style changes (with good hope lol) i'm probably going to try this odd spec next:
38 nurture
42 regrowth
21 blades
26 parry
That would give me the versatility as a healer i need IF they change horizon blade to parry reactive and they up the stun a lil bit 5-7 seconds, it would give me a reason to be a warden healer instead of a druid healer. I'd be able to FIGHT off any attacker s by use of my styles and defensive capabilities.

ah well, foolish hopes i guess.


you'd get a thumbs up from me if it was added - would gives VWs some sort of defence for other grpys.

it prob get added but not in the VW parry spec line :p

ah well fun fun fun

Valerunner. 50 VW of <New Dawn>

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