Pally > Armsman ?



ive been wondering about this... me and my friend have been having long arguments about which is better in PvP, pally or armsman.

i recently started a 2h thrust pally, and at level 15 im very pleased with my performance in PvE, but does it transfer to Pvp?
my friend said that by lvl 50 armsmen have much more health and a higher damage output. is this true or just another gimp story like the cabalists?

im currently planning to spec 50-2h 33-thrust 45-chants 11-parry
will the chants make up for whatever cons/dmg i am lacking from being an armsman?

thx in advance


my friend said that by lvl 50 armsmen have much more health and a higher damage output

True, although not by very much.

When u get end-chant you will atleast be more group-friendly, but pallies are already groupfriendly.

Not that ive ever played armsman or pally, but ive been on the receiving end of both ^^


Armsmen will have more hit points and deal more damage

Paladins have rezz/heals/chants/resists/wacky other tools.

All armsmen can do is damage/take damage... so naturally enough they're a bit better at it than paladins who get wacky chants instead.

Whether a paladin's abilities will beat the armsman one on one in a fight? who knows... but a paladin will make his group that much more stronger than an armsman will.


Wacky lol love that word :)

Hmmm i reakon an armsman would do you in big time.

All them points into chants take its toll on your weapon skills, Pallys have a prob with their primary and secondry stats aswell giving you pie as primary (is it primary or secondry?, hmmm pie)

Which means you wont swing weps for as much dmg as the armsmans gonna be stronger then you, your cons going 2 be lower meaning youll have less hp (and take the hp hit of being a hybrid, i already have more hp then a lvl 50 thane at lvl 46) and your dex is going 2 be lower meaning less parry and lower weapon skill.

<Takes Breath>

While your chants are good 4 the group as a whole they dont do enough 4 you 2 beat a pure tank 1 on 1, so really solo the paladin is the weakest tank in the game but is one of the best to contribute to a groups performance.

And if you think about it a class that can heal while in combat do dmg song do af buff and rezz shouldnt be able 2 solo pure tanks :)


Guess if you put an armsman against a paladin for pure fighting, arms can take more damage - deal more damage. Chants are helpfull but have their limitations in 1v1.

But even if fine solo, the paladin shines in groups. AF chant will reduce group / tanks damage with up to 40 or 50%, damage add is great when only 1 tank takes aggro and you can get any mobs attention with the heal. Taking it to 48 will give you max on all basic chants (including the end regen) but will leave the last shield resist out.

I can tell from experience that in PvE ... a good paladin and a good healer can keep a group up for a very long time (a good group that is :p )but for PvP ... the chants will be helpfull too but if you want to be the damage dealing factor, maybe arms is better.


We have tanks...

We have damage dealers...

We have support classes...

Can't really say "My dad has a better job then yours", especially when a Skald runs in with hyperspeed and klomps them both :p


as many have said, armsmen have a bit more HP and deal a bit more damage. While you spend 46 points in chants we can spend them in parry and/or shield.

I would never do a 2-handed pala tho ... too low damage output compared to polearms and no defence as you can't get your parry that high.


who want's a perfect char anyway? :)


Yeah it's kinda sad if your new to this game, make a character that rocks in PvE and you get all excited for PvP but when you hit the bigg 50 and relize your char isn't that good in PvP it kind sucks. now I must say, mythic should have ballanced the classes and fhinish them instead of beeing doing that now, I would rather wan't game issuses like errors and stuff instead of making a char that doesn't work, then they "fix it" by screwing the concept of the char up. Do like blizzzard did, think epic, make caster be weak but REALY power, but then again the tanks and fighters got a sick HP's and nice battles tricks like JUMP light tanks should get the ability "leap" instead of charge cause what is a % change of proccing snare related to charge? can't see it.


Well i dont think Pallys are so much gimped its just that they look rather weedy when fighting pure tanks solo, a pure tank is more then a match for a pally even a few levels above him.


How much more HP does an Armsman actually have over a Paladin at lvl 50? The primary stat of a Pally is Con, so at lvl 50 a Briton Pally has more Con than an Highlander Armsman. (Without buffs and items of course, don't know which epic armor gives the most Con..)

So it have to be our HP table that makes it, and much does it differ? Just curious..


Although pallys do get con each level I read somewhere that they do not get the full benefit from it, no idea how though, Might be because they are on hybrid/rogue hp table like Thanes.


Im sure this will be settled once duelling comes in.

Pallys get Faith Healing RA, but i think armsmans get IP cheaper.

I know FH rox in PvP group if you have no cleric



Originally posted by old.Dorac
How much more HP does an Armsman actually have over a Paladin at lvl 50? The primary stat of a Pally is Con, so at lvl 50 a Briton Pally has more Con than an Highlander Armsman. (Without buffs and items of course, don't know which epic armor gives the most Con..

Not sure how big the difference. But with un-buffed, capped con I have roughly 1600 hps. Can't remember the exact number, but it's around that region. If a 50 Paladin posts his or her hps then we'll find out!


i have 1554 hitpoints and plus im a briton which means i have -10 con base.

also i have more hitpoints than some armsmen at level 50. it might be to do with my items but all my stats (con,str etc)are caped.

and mythic said constution does affect damage taken and paladins have higher con, and also they have there self af buff (better than clerics) so they can take more damage than an armsmen (af buff doesnt work at levle 50 in this current patch)


i already have more hp then a lvl 50 thane at lvl 46)

Thanes are gimps :p

I have just over 1200 hps at lvl 50... thats not hitting cap though... /em wishes he put 10 into con at creation

still, lvl 40 armsmen have more HP than me :(


1660 hp unbuffed at level 49
str(195) con(170) and dex(157) to cap, 1st extra hp ra and heavy on +hp items


Thanks Murcalumis, Kladen and windforce. Seems the difference is about ~100 hps then.
Sometimes I really wish I would've rolled me an Armsman, but then everyone wants me in their group! :D

Bring on that end chant.


Whether a paladin's abilities will beat the armsman one on one in a fight? who knows

in patch .54 we should be able to find out if they including dueling! <sighs .54 is so long away> ;)

Anyway, depend what you wanna do if you a pally of armsman, if you wanna deal max damage and take it, go for armsman (polearm spec) if you wanna be more group friendly go for SnB and a armsman would be able to spec 50 in each and put rest into parry, i think SnB is better with a pally, it complements your chants really well. And if you spec 42 in shield you get slam add that to your heal chants you can hold your own very well it just depends on your kind of play, at 38chants only chants you dont get are the last ones in each line, at 48 you get all but last shield. again comes down to how you want to play it. but i personaly wouldnt spec a pally 2-H but thats 'cos i like SnB better than 2-H weapons again my way of playing :cool:


in a one on one fight - a sword/shield paladin is just evil - end chant and engage is an evil combination :)

unfortunately being good against one opponent doesn't help much in RvR - if you have 3 people beating on you you drop fast...

common opinion at the moment is that if you go for max damage for your class you might kill something before you die, assuming you'll only last about 3 seconds anyway...

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