Paldins: Is 2H respec a bad move?



OK pretend I know nothing about DAoC *d'oh* I don't :p

OK now condiser how you would some up the pro's and con's of speccing a Paladin 2H instead of SnB?

Reason I ask is I'm really tempted to respec in 1.52 to a 2H Pally but I'm worried that the increase in damage will not outway the benefit of a 42 spec shield....

Any thoughts appreciated as I'm stuck in a dilemma....


If you want to do damage - go two handed... but as a paladin you'll never do the same damage as a polearmsman... two handed is good for killing the casters fast...

if you want to stop enemy tanks - go sword/shield, get that slam :) of course you can use that on enemy casters too - but it'll take a bit longer to kill them (they will be doing nowt whilst you do so though...)

I guess the sword and board tank will be better aginst the mastery of concentration PBAOErs (slam puts an end to that) if you can get close, but the two handed will be better for slicing your way through the back ranks...


What Fingoniel said.

I am two-handed now, and there is just to many lines to spec unless you give up parry (or chants :rolleyes: ), and the increased damage just aint worth it against other tanks. My pally has been in the garage for a couple of weeks now, awaiting respec. Sword 'n Board coming up.
But it's your choice, there seem to be some pally's out there who are happy with being two-handed.


Agree on what Fingoniel posts.
It also depends on your role in the group. I've bee a 2 hander till now but will respecc to s/s because my role in the group/guild is becoming more and more defensive. With high shield skill and the chants (AF mostly), it's usually my job now to reduce damage, giving the healers more time / chance to heal and so keeping the group up for as long as possible. I don't need the higher damage since we have them big 50 armsmen now doing that part.

But then again, I am a very PvE based player in a group that likes to explore and do silly stuff .... pure RvR minded pallies might differ from my opinion above :)


Best idea is respec and become an armsman :D

/em taunts


Thanks for the points of view peeps.

AbPoon mate you know you dream of twisting chants ;) :p


2handed sucks

paladins dont get enough spec points to use 2handed well. (also two-handed vs sword and board is equal) so its best to go sheild, also with endrance chant yourll be able to engage loads.

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