paladins in RvR....



ok i am tryuong to make a topic here to distarcat myself from the fact that i cant acces daoc... here goes :p

we should all agree that paladins are missing a little something in RvR, they have one of the lowest average Realm Ranks in the game, and ther must be a reason for it.

lets see what sensible ideas people can come up with, if someone comes up with an idea that u believe is complete cr*p please, dont flame, lets duscuss the possibilities :)

and please, i dont want 100+ posts saying, why should the paladin be good at RvR when they are so good at PvE.... iv heared it so many times and its wearing thin (and besides, PvE is da*n boring compared with RvR)

any suggestions ?


Originally posted by smincy
and please, i dont want 100+ posts saying, why should the paladin be good at RvR when they are so good at PvE.... iv heared it so many times and its wearing thin

File these in the same bin as all the "infils dont deserve PvE groups because they're good at RvR" posts please.


You want us to discuss but you tell us we can't talk about certain things ... weird way to start a discussion imo

Bottemline is.. Paladin's do own in PvE ... it doesn't have to mean they should be crap in RvR then ... but maybe their low avarage RP's is related to the fact that people just like to take their pally on Cidi raids while they take their merc into Emain.


Re: Re: paladins in RvR....

Originally posted by the_smurflord
File these in the same bin as all the "infils dont deserve PvE groups because they're good at RvR" posts please.

point taken, and imo infiltrators make good team members, they deal some wicked damage. :D


the bottom line imo is, when a paladin gets into RvR, yes they defend ver well, so the 42 in shield is well spent....

because their chants are over time effects in battle, and usually fights are very quick, they are next to no use.

thirdly the damage output of a paladin is abismal, yes i know their the best defending class in the game, but giving us the option of being offesive paladins in expense of out shield skills would be nice.... i.e fix double speccing.

also, in RvR, due to lack of determination, and the expense of purge, we get mezzed, negating the only thing we are good for (guarding).

people say, and it true, that paladins are usually the last people standing in a battle, but seriously though, it might be something to do with the fact that we get mezzed, stand there like dummies while the enimie kill everyone else .... they dont seem to see us a a threat, with out attacks for 60 damage chants that dont have enough time to be effective.

<end rant> :p


I´d rather have 1 infil than 1 ice wizz's in a group that´s for certain.... sure icewiz can kill fast and all, but to be honest power breaks suck... with 2 paladins, 1 rejuv cleric, 1 minstrel, and the rest NONE-powerusing dmg dealers you can do constant pulling and kill just as effeciently as a pbae group.


Pallas arnt all that hot in PVE.
Yes they have a job to do in a group and get groups easy but so does a cleric or a sorc or an ice wizzy and a theurg.
But solo they are not all that hot.
Sure we can take on a red con ... if you are willing to get RSI and have half an hour.(i mean have you ever seen a paladin been used to farm or pl ?)


A good pala is essential to an RvR group. They are one of the few 'must have' classes.

The low avg rp is, imo, a reflection of the sheer numbers that play the class.

If you take out the newer classes (excepting savage which defies the trend) it is the underpopulated classes that have higher average RP. If a class has low overall pop then a few powergamers with very high RR can influence the average. Likewise, a highly populated class drags the average down.


1 word for paladins in rvr.....




Originally posted by dakeyras
A good pala is essential to an RvR group. They are one of the few 'must have' classes.

this is because we have end chant, pure and simple... if cleric got a end regen buff we'de be out on our asses.


Been pling ppl with my Pally

and for farming? Hell yeah!! 1 Pally and 1 Friar rocks for farming


Originally posted by astriix
1 word for paladins in rvr.....



With your "high level" characters and that "oh so beautifull" sig of you, I doubt people will take you serious :rolleyes:


Originally posted by smincy
we should all agree that paladins are missing a little something in RvR, they have one of the lowest average Realm Ranks in the game, and ther must be a reason for it

Because they are one of the most played classes in daoc?

Paladins are fine imo.


Smincy who says PvE is boring?, personally i prefer it a lot more to RvR. Not only cause my main is a Pally and im good at it ;), but because its fun grping with people and getting a chance to talk to em properly. Also with RvR the way it is atm ( ALL realms zerging ) its just no fun. On the rare occaision I do take my pally RvR'ing, its only because I want RA's to make me better at PvE.

Oops kinda went off the point there, anyway, yes pallies are not brill at RvR (tho I wouldnt say they are crap), but a lot of this comes down to RR, spec and how u play the character (as with all the other classes). Indeed our chants are not much good in RvR, barring end chant, but get in a nice balanced grp, and Pallies can be invaluable. I feel a pallies main role in RvR is the same as in PvE, to be defensive. That is to keep the casters alive long enough to kill the nme, and thats where we as a class excel. We are not supposed to do lots of damage in melee, thats what armsman and mercs are for.

Just my 2cents worth.


I wouldn't say Paladins suck in RvR at all. They have a role to play and they do it well imo. Damage output for a tank class means very little as you aren't there to kill things, you're supposed to stop the people who can kill things (casters and light tanks) from falling over. About the only situation where a paladin is pretty useless in RvR is in a keep defence. No ranged attack and a crap rez means that you start to hope the doors come down so you get something to do.
I've seen all paladin groups absolutely rock in RvR, both in keep raids and FGvFG combat. Stop playing a paladin like it's a merc and they're fine.


I agree with Chretien...the toughest 1-on-1 kill I've had so far in RvR was a Paladin; although he was 2RRs higher, my Warrior has pretty good dmg oputput, yet the Pally took a hell of a lot of punishment before he fell over.

As dmg-absorbers, I'd say they're hard to beat.

Carean Black

Paladins are gret imo for PvE and RvR.. very hard to kill a paladin and well.. my Pally does descent dmg anyway :)

Pally 4tehwin! :)


I'm an active Paladin, and I can tell you this

- When I solo (buffed) I fare very well. It's pretty normal for me to take out a duo, and I've taken out teams of 3 stealthers alone. They being buffed as well. Fights take a long time, and I get lots of use of my chants.

- In groups, Paladin is a must-have class. But only because they are the only class in Albion with end regen. People don't trust my pulsing AF chant and go for the cleric spec AF, which is about 40-50% as good. Dmg add is decent, healchant is next to worthless. The best chant I got is actually the tri-resist body/spirit/energy, which I find very useful.

You can't really increase the damage of a Paladin without making it overpowered. The chants are good enough as they are (although having the tri-resist chants better somehow would rock :)

I would suggestion opening determination to Paladin's, and _perhaps_ giving them cheap IP and determination.


Originally posted by ilum

I would suggestion opening determination to Paladin's, and _perhaps_ giving them cheap IP and determination.

yes give it to paladins, give it to thane's too!!!

more on topic i found paladins impossible to beat 1vs1 now with any class ive played in RvR due to the fact that i cant kite them with perma sprint anymore ;)

and they seem to do ok in RvR and PvE, so errr, stop whining :)


Originally posted by Addlcove
I´d rather have 1 infil than 1 ice wizz's in a group that´s for certain.... sure icewiz can kill fast and all, but to be honest power breaks suck... with 2 paladins, 1 rejuv cleric, 1 minstrel, and the rest NONE-powerusing dmg dealers you can do constant pulling and kill just as effeciently as a pbae group.

EB and staff!

and given a minstrel you shouldn't have to wait for power long...


Pallies wont be getting det, nomatter how hard you whine.


looooooooooooooooooooool determination on a savage? :(


I've played my Paladin from day 1 although with a few breaks to level a few other 50's but I always come back to her, last night in DF was solo'ing Cthonic Knights with her (yes buffed but even still how many other Alb classes could do it?). Then a Warrior popped up behind me we fought he hit me twice for a total of 120 damage which of course twisting chants I've healed in 3 rounds :)(yes he was level 50 and yes ok I had a few rr's advantage).

Paladins are fun to play in both circumstances, the only people who don't like them are those who want to appear uber by causing lots of death spam. Lack of range and determination can be frustrating but certainly don't undermine the class. In RvR groups I play different roles depending on the set-up. If we're a tank group set-up I guard the MA (a merc), give him constant endurance and slam every target he picks. Scroll back through the log files and you discover the amount of hits you blocked for him. If we've only got one cleric or a cloth caster then guard them stick to their ass and slam anything that comes near. You probably won't actually get a death message to your name but you will certainly have helped turn a fight.

The latest patch makes Paladins even better imo, my block and parry rate are through the roof in both PvE and RvR. Mine recently dinged 50.5 which shows just how much PL'ing she actually has done and very effectively too.


paladins in RvR....

...are an amusing sight for sore old eyes.

Isn't this the, finish a sentence, game?

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