Paladins FFS!!!




We are making the following updates to Paladins to make them more desirable in RvR, and to generally make them slightly more effective at upgrading their group's overall power and effectiveness.

- All Paladin chants have had their range increased to 1500 (their regeneration chant was at 700).

- The Paladin self armor-factor chant now stacks with other armor factor buffs.

- A new line of endurance regeneration chants have been added to the Paladin. These new chants consume power.

- A new line of stackable resistance buffs have been added to the Paladin. These new chants stack with the resistance buffs of other classes and consume power.

The new spells (all take power at every pulse):

- Endurance Regneration line
2 Chant of Endurance
12 Chant of Stamina
22 Chant of Persistance
32 Chant of Resiliance
42 Chant of Perserverance

- Resistance to Heat/Cold/Matter, stacks with single element buffs:
27 Elemental Ward
46 Elemental Shield

- Resistance to Body/Spirit/Energy, stacks with single element buffs:
25 Soul Ward
44 Soul Shield


Looks reasonable to me - but Im not convinced yet.

The real test of this is obviously in how much difference the new chants make, and what the power costs are.

Will the endurance regen chant be good enough to be chosen over damage add or heal chant? Im assuming it applies to all group members - but this isnt really clear from the patch notes.

It appears the resist buffs will have to be used 1 at a time - instead of the other chants. Given this are they likely to be used? Possibly not :(

At first glance it looks like exactly the sort of changes paladins have been asking for, but in reality how much difference will it really make? Possibly not alot.

Still - at least there is now some use for the piety stat - even if it is probably very limited.


Gives Albion and especially Paladins something nice to play with. Coming from hibernia, one of the only things I like there and we haven't got in Albion is the end regen :)

Great things for Albs :)


Nice to see they are taking a look at our chants.
With one paladin in a group, they will stick to the old chants but a combination of AF / endurance regen does look nice (/but wonders whether half the tank population won't have tireless before that).

Next to that, I'll keep dreaming that one day, they will see that 48 trains in our holy chants might be worth a slightly advanced ressurection skill :)


Originally posted by Jiggs
- Resistance to Body/Spirit/Energy, stacks with single element buffs:
25 Soul Ward
44 Soul Shield

if that stacks with everything else = uber body resist = 25% mez time :)



all looks nice and well but we want

2point purge
17points ip


oh joy more frickin icons to add to my already overflowing quickbar i all rdy got 9 chants wtf do i want with more ?? not that any of the resist buffs we got atm do anything but cause us to die cos where busy trying to pick the right one. i like the endurance regen though that will make paladins alot more grp friendly as long as its a grp ability and not just self only


Used alone, the endurance regen is probably not gonna be used unless you focus on styles. Myself I recast my chant as soon as the grail has ascended, so no end for me. But in a group with multiple Paladins and styleusing players, one Paladin could use it.


quoted from a friar testing on pendragon:


PALADIN and FRIAR testing
Ok, I got me a Paladin and together we testing a few things with thier new chants. The Paladin had 46 in Chants. First thing we tested was thier Endurance Regeneration Line.

Holy crap! Endurance re-charges fast! We got in the same group, he hit his Endurance Regeneration and I hit mine, then we started to sprint to see who could sprint the longest. Our Endurance never went down, mine OR his. In short you can sprint without losing Endurance untill the Paladin runs out of power. The next step was we turned all the chants off and drained both our Endurance Bars to zero. Then we both hit our Endurance Regeneration to see who would regenerate faster. IF the Friar regeneration stacks with the Paladin then mine should reach full first. Well, mine got full first, but only by like 3 sec. Again, the Paladin's regeneration is so fast you can't even tell if they are stacking or not.

Next thing I wanted to test was the AF buff stacking

I had the Paladin drop all buffs. Then I buffed him with all 4 base buffs, including the AF buff. Then the Paladin cast his AF buff. woohooo! It now stacks with the base buffs. Then he turned on the AF chant. Woohooo! Now he had 3 AF buffs. All good for the Paladin. HOWEVER, when he turned the AF chant on it still killed my spec AF buff. Wishfull thinking that Mythic would have fixed this. So that still needs work.

Last we tested his Heat/Cold/Matter chant. I buffed us with my 3 Heat/Cold/Matter buffs. Then we turned on his Heat/Cold/Matter chant. woohooo! It stacks, I had nice resistances to (44% cold)

Anyway, just wanted to share what I learned.



kewt :)

a single paladin won't be doing everything.. (can't twist the endurance one :() but these are good changes...

paladins are group monsters.

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