Paladin spec?



Been talking to a few palas from my guild.

Char builder

29 Slash
48 Chants
42 Shield
30 Parry

Possible to change from my 39 slash spec now due to single line respec swinging its way towards us :)

Anyone see any problems with this?


Looking again maybe 29 in crush would be better.

Anyone else's opinions please?


<Appears with a loud bang and a puff of smoke>

Looks fine.

29 Slash = Amethyst

Although, the problem I do see is that apart from the difference you get with 15+ parry from the spec:

48 Chant
39 Slash
42 Shield
15 Parry

The problem is that you do considerably less damage and you haven't increased your defence as much as the spec:

48 Chant
29 Slash
50 Shield
13 Parry

Although, if you took Chants down to 46 from the above spec you would have 19 Parry instead.

Up to you. Looks fine overall.


Aye, only problem I could see whilst fiddling with spec was that could only get 50 slash/crush if I got RR11 :p

But then got to thinking about Paladins, and well.. they suck at damage output anyway.

May as well play to my strengths and try not to get hit at all :)


Well i supose u wonna make a defendbot or a slambot rigth ?
Anyways with 29 slash (forget 29 crush) u will have crap ws that means u cant hit anything so the only think u can do is stick to a caster gaurding him and slam everything that is coming near him.
When i mean crap i mean lower than a scout with 29 thrust or something :p like 7xx ws omg and u are a tank.
If i were u i whould go for 50 slash 42 shield 38 chants 10 parry ... a palladin with some ws ( with 65 slash is 1056 if u are highlander unbuffed) slam and good chants u will only use end in rvr anyways.
Also with 29 slash your damage will be really really really really low.. i cant imagine how low.With 65 slash and mp sabre a palla hits a caster with amethyst +65 132(-44) (memeerf) , +58 113(-44) (domain) and +68 135(-47) (crazy) . Some expamples of the damage u will .. :p
If u wonna go full defensive i whould say drop parry and rise slash to 39 atleast .. u get 15 less parry and u got a great style as backslash and more damage and ws :)


At 50 i hope to have:

39 slash
42 shield
45 chants
20 parry

Most paladins go for high chants for the last resist line but i put more in parry cus i am a saracen and tbh i'd rather not get hit at all than have a direct hit weakened by chants. Some peeps say parry is gimped at the moment but i think they are sorting that out next patch?

Next respec though, i am changing to thrust to see what it is like.


Most Paladins go 48 Chant for the last group AF Chant not for Resists.


Why 50 shield?

I mean....

I'm going to be using slam at the start of a fight, not waiting for me to block so I can use my block style.

So why bother spending another 372 spec points on getting a style I will rarely use?

Anyway, still got 5 lvls and/or the 1.62 patch to decide hpow i'm going to spec :)

Oh and whats so bad about crush?


just make a sb so you can own 2 buffed tanks easy :p


Crush doesnt have too much nice styles. Also, the taunt style in the crush line is a follow up, not an opener. (Bludgeon is taunt and follow up for Maul). Granted you won't use taunt much in rvr, and you still have your aggro bubble, but still.

Amethyst at 29 slash is considered the best anytime style in albion, the highest anytime style in crush is lvl 21 detaunt.

The only thing really missing in the sllash line is a style off parry, when my arms was sword/shield i parried as much as i blocked but got no style to react to a parry. Crush has a parry style at lvl 39

What about
34 slash (riposte-befuddler after block, and still being able to hit 50 if you rvr enough)
42 shield
48 chants
24 parry


Originally posted by Moody
Crush doesnt have too much nice styles. Also, the taunt style in the crush line is a follow up, not an opener. (Bludgeon is taunt and follow up for Maul). Granted you won't use taunt much in rvr, and you still have your aggro bubble, but still.

Amethyst at 29 slash is considered the best anytime style in albion, the highest anytime style in crush is lvl 21 detaunt.

The only thing really missing in the sllash line is a style off parry, when my arms was sword/shield i parried as much as i blocked but got no style to react to a parry. Crush has a parry style at lvl 39

What about
34 slash (riposte-befuddler after block, and still being able to hit 50 if you rvr enough)
42 shield
48 chants
24 parry

I always found i was doing less damage with riposte-beffudler than i would by just using an amethyst slash and ok, beffudler has a stun effect, but thats what u have slam for anyway. I have the classic pally spec

42 shield
39 slash
48 chants
15 parry

Imo, 48 chants is a must for the last group af chant. But yeah, a pally isn't meant to be offensive anyway, so when single line respec comes im thinking of respeccing to 50 shield as its very rare i actually ever get to attack an enemy as im always stuck to a caster.

Ckiller ofDust

I always promote my specc for a good RVR and solo specc :)

44 slash
42 shield
42 Chants (why? Best endregen Af return on high af aint worth it)
rest parry


well ckiller, why not 43 fo the last 10 minute AF?

Ckiller ofDust

Originally posted by **Aligro**
well ckiller, why not 43 fo the last 10 minute AF?

like i said tests on US servers shows really dimisishing returns on af over 750 :(


Originally posted by Ckiller ofDust
like i said tests on US servers shows really dimisishing returns on af over 750 :(

Try running your own tests on AF; you'll be quite surprised at the outcomes-I did a few hours of testing in duels with various af setups and it does have a significant difference altho I have yet to test 975 AF with my spec...

Slash: 29 vs 39 vs 44
It depends how offensive vs defenisive you like to go-I find that those extra points in slash will help me to finish off those pesky mages/dr00ds in slam time or provide enough bite to be a great help in /assisting; it also helps when you need to kill that tank who's attacking the cleric you've switched guard to before he kills the cleric...

Shield: 50 vs 42

50 shield is nice but that's a huge heap of spec points you are putting into to get those extra 8 skills and brutalise which is wonderful for duels but not used much in RvR-Paladin's should the last thing on the enemy tank's mind to attack and you can't block pbae or dd's :/

Chants: 48 vs 46 vs 42

Each of these is viable but the main thing is the more chants you have the better you have to get at twisting them; usually I'll twist Dam Chant, AF, End, Heal which means the grp will have 7.5 dps dam add if no EB or 3.75 dam add if EB'd 50% of the time,~10-15% melee damage resistance 75% of the time, constant end pulses and 92 hits every 8 seconds.

What I do find 46 chants useful for is throwing the multi resists into the mix instead of the AF chant for when you meet pbae+MoC; with maxxed resists+best buffs+resist chant+AoM II+The Empty Mind I can hit 76% resists and take out the mage before his MoC kills me-assuming I'm not stunned or /assisted on of course...

Parry- Good for PvE, currently not all that applicable in RvR-will be interesting to see what 1.62 does to parry...

Anyway the base message of this post is find out what kind of role you want to perform and what you are comfortable with-all specs are viable and there is no "best" spec in all honesty

P.S. Riposte Damage>Ammy Slash damage as it should be for a reactive; just don't bother chaining befuddler

Ckiller ofDust

Originally posted by alithiel50
They have since done more tests and found that they were wrong....

But if u read on it also stated that he got hit more????

And with my specc although with a BB i have soloed a inq a knight and one of those thingies with wings (dunno name )
all at the same time without a heal from BB.. this for pve

Rvr well sure solo fights higher chants(twisting) tend to be good but in fg or higher theyre to diminishing :( so i usually have end chant goin throughout the fight except for when i feel twistin is needed


Originally posted by Ckiller ofDust
But if u read on it also stated that he got hit more????
lol, don't be silly... :rolleyes:

Someone else jumped to that conclusion, but he explains that the different number of hits is just a different size of data sample. ;)

Ckiller ofDust

Originally posted by alithiel50
lol, don't be silly... :rolleyes:

Someone else jumped to that conclusion, but he explains that the different number of hits is just a different size of data sample. ;)

Hehe well atleast i tried :)

But i still say my specc is really viable in rvr but alot of others r to
Imo just one thing is really really important for paladins and that is the last End chant not just for yourself but for your friends in the group u r in, more dmg made and more casters available due to endless sprintin


Parry : 15
Shield : 42 for slam (u realy dont need more)
Slash : 39 for better ws
Chants : 48


Parry : 18
Shield : 42
Slash : 44
Chants : 42 (for last end.)

PS:with 29 in slash u r good only as slam bot



Chants - 48
Shield - 42(+ MoB2)
Sword - 29(+ MoPain2)
Parry - 30(+ MoParry2)

Personally i've had this spec since 1.57 (or whateva) when we got our free Full respec's, and Yes i love it. Dmg variance between 29 and 44 was patheticly small for a paladin when i changed spec, this was a key reason for going 29.

Weaponskill.. yes 29 provides v small WS., but.. it doesnt make all that much difference imo. I have around 950 WS unbuffed, fully buffed around 1300~.
Does it mean i lose v a assasin/pure tank?no it doesnt. i usually beat them in a 1v1 situation with equal odds (i.e. buffs etc..).
I do not have a problem hiting enemies what-so-ever due to low my WS.

The real problem in solo/duo RvR is buffbots, no chance without them nowadays, since assasins want to be able to kill anything regardless of there intended role and need buffbots to do anything even remotly like it.

Grp RvR, whole different ball game. A good grp will be fully buffed, or nearly, and with good Players a Alb group can go very far. Paly's main job imo, is... Endurance ofc.. then comes stoping the enemy from getting the support & nuker classes. (thats a S/S pally, 2h is naturally more offensive).

Saying all that, i have recently been thinking of..;

Slash - 39(+ MoPain2)
parry - 15(+ MoParry2)

...lately, but more for Back slash then anything else.

And no i dont think 50 shield is worth getting either, unless you plan to be PvE only.

Just MO.



Originally posted by parlain
kill that tank who's attacking the cleric you've switched guard to before he kills the cleric...

You switch guard during fights? I want to group with j00 :p


what the fuck are you going to hit with 29 slash plz? greys?


Originally posted by Ckiller ofDust
But if u read on it also stated that he got hit more????

And with my specc although with a BB i have soloed a inq a knight and one of those thingies with wings (dunno name )
all at the same time without a heal from BB.. this for pve

Rvr well sure solo fights higher chants(twisting) tend to be good but in fg or higher theyre to diminishing :( so i usually have end chant goin throughout the fight except for when i feel twistin is needed

I can solo those "thingies with wings" a.k.a Umbrood Warriors =) unbuffed really easy with my pally. My lvl50 pally friend and I took 2 knights and an umbrood at the same time unbuffed and without using FH =)
Luckely we were at LAN... "detaunt detaunt!!" "okay, taunt taunt!" =)

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