Paladin Shield/Parry Respec question...



Gonna respec my Lvl 30 Pala tomorrow. He's currently got 12 lvls in 2 hand which I need to redistribute.

I will bring Slash up to my lvl, not certain what to put into chants.

What confuses me the most is what lvl to put Shield and Parry too. Both are 13 or so at the moment.

TIA :)


Thats my pally and works really fine

41 slash
42 shield
48 chants
8 parry

42 in shield is cool cuz slam rox, and u will block alot in 1 vs 1 (in future patches u will block a lot always). You need to sacrifice something and thats the parry. Dont sacrifice chants plz, if u have high block u dont need parry (only the spare points).

another good shield pally would be
45 slash (u get 50 with items,etc)
42 shield
45 chants
5 parry


lvl 50
46 chant
44 slash
42 shield

easy 50 on all and the 46 chants will give you all you will ever need in both pve and pvp


In a choice between shield and parry go shield, first you get some useful styles (such as slam at 42 but some of the lower ones are handy too), second shield allows you to block for both yourself and another party member (through guard) so you effectively get double use of your spec points.


call me gimped if u like but

44 slash
42 shield
36 chants
2x parry (cant remember)

ONLY 36 chants? well yes and im happy as it is.
do i want to solo in rvr? if yes, infi would ve been my main.

im playin a support class - for healin and resist-buffs theres a cleric/friar, for dam add theres a wiz/theury.

playin most times in a balanced and experienced group thats a great spec imo. 36HP chant or 45HP chant wont make a difference when u get zerged or stun-n00ked, my dam add stacks with theury ones and im quite happy with my resists.
furthermore 36 will give u 2nd endu chant later on whats good enuff imo.

dam output is quite ok with 44slash and with sum RAs even gets better. only tanks _normally_ able to kill me r zerkers/heroes.

slam is a MUST tho - cant count the times outlaw would ve been a goner without it. SEE ME SLAM :p

parry works quite good when u got sum tank hittin u - just parry and wait till he got nuked to death (yes, there r still sum guys who go for tanks instead of casters
:rolleyes: ).

add FH on top of that and u r good in what u r supposed to be - a GROUP SUPPORT CLASS :)

even 50 chants dont save u from gettin zerged

just my 2 cents

Ckiller ofDust

right now i have

i have
44 slash
42 chants
18 parry

when 1.53 comes ill go

39 slash
42chants for end chant
rest in parry

and ill never have shield below 50 with plus stuff cos i notice a tremendous diffrence when lower than 50 in it :(


Don't know about anyone else but I notice a huge difference in blocking (I'm 42+8 on shield) when I got one level of Master of Blocking. I also took a level of Master of Parry and one on one I'm now very hard to hit. Had fun yesterday in DF with a yellow con Kobbie Spiritmaster who pets simply couldn't hit me.

I agree with Gregorian on chants, also have at 36 (might take higher when we get endurance chat depends on how good it really is) but 36 is plenty for keeping aggro in PvE and gives a nice AF buff for RvR (which also saves the clerics conc points ofr the really useful buffs :)


Originally posted by Arthwyr
lvl 50
46 chant
44 slash
42 shield

This my spec as it stands at the moment, i switched to 50slash, 42sheild, 39chant <on gorre> and felt gimped! keep chants high! You perform when the other peeps have lost all their end, you cant do this with low chants! The regen on low chants is distgusting, go roll an armsman

SighFi teh pala

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