Paladin Quickness Question



Looking to do my Sc suit.
Is it worth for a S+S paladin to put points in quickness?




With 99% SC'd suit and some decent items you should be able to cap most resists, your strength, con, hits and be very near your dex cap without overcharging anything.

Quickness works by lowering the speed of your attacks, but this also reduces the damage per swing. Over a period of time the faster swinging will do more damage, but in a short period of time, lower quickness will allow for more damage.

To raise your quickness by a significant enough amount to make a difference, you'll most likely have to do one of three things:

Go from 99% to masterpiece- Extremely expensive for very little benefit in terms of damage output.

Overcharge- Certainly cheaper than going to masterpiece, but with a risk of destroying parts of your shiny 99% suit

Sacrifice another stat- Strength for damage, Dexterity for damage and blocking/parrying chance, constitution for hits, hits (for hits, obviously), or some resists.. Its your choice, swap one of these for a slightly higher damage over time while swinging your weapon?


quickness ups your non-styled dps
it doesn't touch your styled dps

If you intend to be swinging more than once in a fight - get some quickness :)


Agree with Chipper. Although quickness is handy for a Pala, as they never really take anyone down 'quickly' so the extra damage added overtime is usefull its not as important as maxing resisits and other stats.

So i would max the rest - then if u can get some extra Qui into the suit via overcharge/Mp parts then even better.

People seem to be suggesting that its reasonably safe to overcharge 4-5 points a peice - suppose ill find out soon enough :D



My own template caps strenght, con, dex and hits.
Every resist is capped except spirit and matter, matter at 0 and spirit at 20.. Thats on a 99% suit with no overcharging.. And not counting aom etc..


Quickness for the Armsmen?

Would you guys go for max qui if you where using 2-hand or pole ?

Not really an on-topic question - but close enough :p


k, thx for the input.
As far as I understand your posts, quickness for paladin is not one of 'THE' stats to raise then?
Will go for the others :)


To really understand Se-ra, you have to understand and choose the way to play your class. A sword and shield paladin is by no means an offensive or damage dealing tank. Your main weapons are your shield (Slam!), and keeping yourself on your feet, to either interrupt casters/healers, or to use your skills (slam, intercept, guard etc..) to keep important members of your group alive. Along with rezzing, twisting chants etc.. to be useful to your group.

So bearing in mind a sword and shield paladin is probably one of the msot defensive tanks around, damage isn't the main issue, what you want is to keep yourself up.

So if i were to list what you should go for in importance, here goes:

All Resists capped excluding matter and spirit (these two are uncommon enough that they can be dropped slightly, if not completely)
Resists is on par with capping constitution and +hits
Dexterity- Allowing you to both block and parry more often, and depending on your weapon type, do slightly more damage.
Strength- Not sure exactly what the strength effects are, but certainly it will modify your damage, again depending on your weapon type
and then whatever is spare after those, you can put on quickness, +shield etc.. :)


can any one post their sc suit stats for a pally? :)

wouldnt mind seeing

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