paladin jokes from IGN boards



quite amusing :)

1.Paladins suck so bad in RvR Cabalist won't group with us.

2. Paladins suck so bad in RvR we support, support classes.

3.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we take falling damage when we sit.

4.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we get 10 RP¡¦s for buying a Madalion

5.Paladins suck so bad in RvR when a troll hits us with a hammer other Paladins around me die from the pain.

6.Paladins suck so bad in RvR I wanted to go two hand axe but I'm a afraid I will kill my self with it.

7.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we hide behind the keep Lord for protection.

8.Paladins suck so bad in RvR when we where born we had no parents, if we did have parents they would of died of shame.

9.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we swear that Clerics sold there soul to the devil.

10.Paladins suck so bad the reason we wear plate is to protect us from the kick in the nuts from Mythic every patch day.

11.Paladins suck so bad every Wednesday, Midgard holds a "Help the Paladins" event where they go to Hardins Wall let us kill them for RP's.

12.Paladins suck so bad we are the reason Veil Recovery exist (reduces rez sickness).

13.Paladins suck so bad in RvR that we all want Ignor pain but will take us 30,000 years before we get enough to notice it requires First Aid that we have no access to.

14.Paladins suck so bad in RvR that when we go to the Medialion merchant he says "take a look at my wears but I'm afraid you can¡¦t use any of the items here"

15.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we use our shield to soften the fall when we die.

16.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we are considering changing our religion.

17.Paladins suck so bad in RvR when we speak in front of an enemy he see's Roden says: Mooooo Mooooo mooooooooooooooooooo!

18.Paladins suck so bad that Jamison Dracofear (Paladin on Guinevere) must have sold his soul to the devil along with the Clerics.

19.Paladins suck so bad in RvR our end game is /advisor. And what is our advice? Don't play a Paladin!

20.Paladins suck so bad in RvR that our TL refers to the activity as hitting your head on a large rock over and over.

21.Paladins suck so bad in RvR the Dev Team refuses to play one.

22.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we run when we see a grey Thane.

23.Paladins suck so bad in RvR I lie to my RL friends about the class I play in DAOC.

24.Paladins suck so bad in RvR there is a Paladins support group where Paladins gather and cry on each others shoulders. "Hello my name is Roden <sniff> and I'm a Paladin! <cries uncontrollably>

25.Paladins suck so bad in RvR there is an option in chat command to turn off "Paladin LFG" message.

26.Paladins suck so bad we are the reason why they haven't coded in alchole into the game yet.

27.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we PM people to join a group but get replies like "we are sorry we are saving the last spot for a Cabalist".

28.Paladins suck so bad in RvR when there is a "my class sucks thread" people reply to it saying ¡§at least you are not a Paladin¡¨.

29.Paladins suck so bad in RvR during keep defense we jump off the wall in hopes we die so the enemy won't get RP's off of us.

30.Paladins suck so bad in RvR Mythic is coding it to where you will be able to shoot us from catapults.

31.Paladins suck so bad in RvR I see Armsmen click on us and type /control and proceed to bang our head against the Keep door.

32.Paladins suck so bad at soloing when I argo a mob I see my grave before I even die.

33.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we ride the small bus to the battle field.

34.Paladins suck so bad in RvR we die of heart of attacks when we see enemies.

35.Paladins suck so bad Mythic is considering of changing its name to Gimp for the expansion.

36.Paladins suck so bad in RvR a one legged man in a ass kicking contest has a better chance of winning then we do.

37.Paladins suck so bad in RvR parents punish there children by making them play there Paladins in RvR.

38.Paladins suck so bad in RvR it's the only reason there is GM crafters around.

39.Paladins suck so bad in RvR Clerics stand on us while they smite and then move on.

40.Paladins suck so bad in RvR Clerics tell us "stay right here in this bush, I will PM you when the battle is over


Damn we're gimped. Another definition of "über".
Pallys = übergimps


i would like to post a swift and witty response to defend our honour but you know what.............its true and every1 knows it :(

please excuse me while i go and cry over the wasted 552 hours it took me getting to level 50......


Very funny and true.
I have come to think of the Paladin-Class as a rezzer in RvR, not a tank<sooo sorry all of you paladins>. An some paladins even get slam ( mezzer)
So that is where the Paladin is a armoured rezzer/mezzer.
So when you use slam and the tanks kill the enemy, you can rezz your tanks, if they died.


If people want to rez, they play a cleric or friar... not a pally

But don't stop playing pally's... WE LOVE YOU


38.Paladins suck so bad in RvR it's the only reason there is GM crafters around.

rofl rofl rofl

Oh well.. it might improve.
You've got Terrak of House SteelTalon as your new team lead... he's got the self AF buff fixed (or at least said to be fixed... whether it _actually_ was fixed is up for discussion... but if it wasn't then it's a bug and will eventually get fixed... still following?)

check out the paladin forums on btw

Hit ^_^

atleast they heal better the some clerics in RvR.



Those r sooooo funny =)

But mostly r just jealous to Pallys, because we ROCK =)

Come near me , i kill u =)


tell me something i didnt know about paladins.


gimpy gimp gimp

you want gimp? try a trusting saracen paladin! that was fun

(the pleasures of being a former altaholic)

Ilmater - 36 - Rej/enhance cleric formly of Council of the Iron Cross


I didn't knew cabalists sucks... :)
But yeah, pala blows...

Very funny btw


paladins are proof that god has a sense of humour

Hit ^_^

paladins are proof of that god allso makes mistakes :p


10.Paladins suck so bad the reason we wear plate is to protect us from the kick in the nuts from Mythic every patch day.


appollo creed

31.Paladins suck so bad in RvR I see Armsmen click on us and type /control and proceed to bang our head against the Keep door.

LOL :)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
38.Paladins suck so bad in RvR it's the only reason there is GM crafters around.

rofl rofl rofl

Oh well.. it might improve.
You've got Terrak of House SteelTalon as your new team lead... he's got the self AF buff fixed (or at least said to be fixed... whether it _actually_ was fixed is up for discussion... but if it wasn't then it's a bug and will eventually get fixed... still following?)

check out the paladin forums on btw

Incidentally for anyone who enjoys irony - Terrak is also the TradeCraft Team Lead... ;)


You fools!!!
Wait till we have ministrels with purge chant then i'll make a group of 6 palas 2 ministrels.
Then you'll see how strong we really are!!!
Fear the mighty paladins!!!


I suppose not being able to hit, but still being able to move won't really diminish the paladin damage output :)


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