Paladin Block rate



Tempted to make a pally, and just wondering how much weaponskill/dex will effect block rate.

any ideas?


Dex, a lot, weapskill, none (for styling, a lot).


do a search, im sure pin posted summat bout it


did a quick look , and found a Pin post about weaponskill and block rate, seem it doesnt effect it.

How much will one dex point effect block rate?


Originally posted by yurka_polearm
How much will one dex point effect block rate?

I'm 100% sure nobody's ever tested that as that'd take horrendous amounts of time (for accurate results).


Originally posted by yurka_polearm
did a quick look , and found a Pin post about weaponskill and block rate, seem it doesnt effect it.

How much will one dex point effect block rate?

No1 think u be a gimp if 1 or 2 point not even 10 point mean the that much, most of all palas r highlanders else we would see alot saracen paladin if u can see diffrent in block betwen 100 dex and 105 dex. There the difrents come if u r buffed or not and capped dex or not on template!!


The difference between an armsman and paladin is like 13 dex (I think)... Rest is racial difference, if you want to be a pure block god, go saracen...

50 shield, for teh winz... Drop weapon spec a bit and get end 4 instead of 5... Group wont notice it except when perma-sprinting...


A pala without end 5 is slightly useless, perma sprinting + mezz and stuns. Even with end 5, Longwind is a great thing to get for a Paladin, Styling <i.e slam> and perma sprinting is a must, wether for assisting or defensive.


yeh end4 really isnt enuf, for a tank group anyways, ok for sprinting but not sprint + styles.

saracen pally 15dex 10str 45shield 44thrust 42chants 10parry is what i'd make... but i cba :)

gifv more thrust rvr pallyz!


I'd go 50 shield, 39 weapon, 42 chants on a saracen paladin.


On a side note I too used to think pallies would work quite nicely in defense but after having played one I find them severely lacking in comparison to my lurikeen moose in a defensive role in a tank group. They should be upfront assisting and providing end to the tanks. The best defense is a good offense (ie taking out the other groups MA quickly).

Group 1: Armsman (42 shield, 50 pole, 39 weapon), Paladin (50 2 handed, 39 Weapon, 42 Chants), Minstrel, Sorc, Merc, Merc, Cleric, Cleric

Group 2: Theurgist, Paladin (50 Shield, 42 Chants, 39 Weapon), Minstrel, Sorc, Merc, Merc, Cleric, Cleric

Group 1 offensive slammer will be the armsman and in group 2 that role would go to the paladin.


What on earth is the theurgist doing in Group 2? :p

Oohwell, we're running pbaoe groups lately, and end-4 does just fine then, our paladin (Elling) with 50 shield and mastery of blocking 3 is 'the king' :D

Too bad he has a social life, unlike the rest of the group :(

In the tank teams, end-4 is a 'problem' sometimes, but I play a merc, and turning off sprint after Prevent Flight has proc'd usually does the job just fine... (I've got longwind 1 too)


Originally posted by -Wedge-
What on earth is the theurgist doing in Group 2? :p

Oohwell, we're running pbaoe groups lately, and end-4 does just fine then, our paladin (Elling) with 50 shield and mastery of blocking 3 is 'the king' :D

Too bad he has a social life, unlike the rest of the group :(

In the tank teams, end-4 is a 'problem' sometimes, but I play a merc, and turning off sprint after Prevent Flight has proc'd usually does the job just fine... (I've got longwind 1 too)

Those two group setups are imo the best in albion. So I could ask you the same what on earth are you doing running pbae groups in albion :)

The theurgist with his haste and damage add gives the tanks a nice damage boost. Also if he was specced 41 ice/35 earth (nice in 1.65) he would give the group 8s pbt and a better than sorc root (who is to busy running around avoiding nme tanks anyway). Not to mention the 2k range non cc'able pets which should keep all the support busy in no time and a decent snare nuke. Granted the player would have to be pretty quick and running a fast pc on a stable connection (or not if you're into lag casting).


The best groupdefense you can get comes with the armsman. The reaver and merc (gets more dex than arms) can't get Det or in the merc's case can't get Mastery of blocking.

Armsmen get Determination (which is essential for protection ofcourse) and Mastery of blocking.

The best class for 1vs1 defense is infact the Scout. Get the highest amount of dex for a class with shield in this game and they get mastery of blocking. Not useful in groups tho (for protecting).


Originally posted by -nicolas-
Those two group setups are imo the best in albion. So I could ask you the same what on earth are you doing running pbae groups in albion :)

There is no 'best', 'my' pbaoe group took down 2fg in about 20s flat, try that with your tank team and tell me its 'better'...

But, I've been beaten by 6 people with my PBAoE group, just because they knew how to interrupt us and walk away when someone moc'd...

Was more a 'joke' then a serious remark ;)
(even though, imho, a theurg doesnt belong in a tank group unless he's the cc and there's no sorc)

In my experience, paladins are 'the' protectors in groups, why? Because if you add another s+s (50 shield) tank to a group, your seriously compromising your damage output...

Oohwell, dont really care about tank groups these days anymore... PBAoE groups are way more fun ;) (although against garb/domain/few other hib caster groups, it can be really depressing)


Originally posted by -Wedge-
There is no 'best', 'my' pbaoe group took down 2fg in about 20s flat, try that with your tank team and tell me its 'better'...

But, I've been beaten by 6 people with my PBAoE group, just because they knew how to interrupt us and walk away when someone moc'd...

Was more a 'joke' then a serious remark ;)
(even though, imho, a theurg doesnt belong in a tank group unless he's the cc and there's no sorc)

In my experience, paladins are 'the' protectors in groups, why? Because if you add another s+s (50 shield) tank to a group, your seriously compromising your damage output...

Oohwell, dont really care about tank groups these days anymore... PBAoE groups are way more fun ;) (although against garb/domain/few other hib caster groups, it can be really depressing)

That's why I said imo. So in my opinion those groups are the best. Whereas in your opinion there is no best group setup.


Originally posted by -nicolas-
Those two group setups are imo the best in albion. So I could ask you the same what on earth are you doing running pbae groups in albion :)

The theurgist with his haste and damage add gives the tanks a nice damage boost. Also if he was specced 41 ice/35 earth (nice in 1.65) he would give the group 8s pbt and a better than sorc root (who is to busy running around avoiding nme tanks anyway). Not to mention the 2k range non cc'able pets which should keep all the support busy in no time and a decent snare nuke. Granted the player would have to be pretty quick and running a fast pc on a stable connection (or not if you're into lag casting).

I see a snit going towards Pbuck there Nick :p

anyhow the spec you propose for the theurgist (41i/35e) is nice but a druid/healer can still MOC through the pets.

Go air for stunning pets and even MOC wont work anymore. Its is MUCH better for that purpose then ice/earth spec for doing this job (interrupting).


we didnt get 30s, but we dropped about 6fgs in about 2 mins, was nice rp session ;x


Thuers are going to be fotm^^
Which is wikid, Haste and EB 4 everyone:)


Originally posted by skile
The best groupdefense you can get comes with the armsman. The reaver and merc (gets more dex than arms) can't get Det or in the merc's case can't get Mastery of blocking.

Armsmen get Determination (which is essential for protection ofcourse) and Mastery of blocking.

The best class for 1vs1 defense is infact the Scout. Get the highest amount of dex for a class with shield in this game and they get mastery of blocking. Not useful in groups tho (for protecting).

thats not true highwind -_-
scout is on rogue table wich means his shield WS will be lower then both pally (hybrid table) and arms. dex alone aint main reason over who blocks most.

u can try it if u like but a pally will outblock a scout even if he has mob.


Originally posted by Jergiot
thats not true highwind -_-
scout is on rogue table wich means his shield WS will be lower then both pally (hybrid table) and arms. dex alone aint main reason over who blocks most.

u can try it if u like but a pally will outblock a scout even if he has mob.

Where's proof?

I for one think a scout does block more then a paladin, but only has small shield so vs more a paladin will block more due to bigger shield...

WS (even shield WS) != defensive skill... Its true, a scout will probably slam for less damage, but there's no where that says block rate is affected by WS...

Duel a scout, then duel a paladin / armsman, and tell me the scout blocks less... (100 unstyled hits should give a good estimate)


Afaik a bigger shield blocks more attacks per round, but does not affect blockrate. Not sure if Shieldweaponskill affects blockrate, but it does affect styledamage when using shield styles.

Btw, when my Armsman had 50 shield, I had the impression I was outblocked by a paladin with 42 shield. (No RA's on both btw was a long time ago)


Forgot to add : a paladin blocks more due to a bigger shield when facing multiple attackers...

The size of a shield has no effect on block rate when you are 1 vs 1...

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