Palad question...



Yeah prolly was asked million times allready, but i dont feel like scrolling down, anywho question is this, i respeced at 40 to s/s dont get me wrong i think shield is uber and all but its just not what i wanted out of me char, i really wanted to be 2h, just all said its gonna do me gimp and stuff... Well does it ?

P.S. I know s/s is v.good just i dont feel like s/s is my way of fun anymore :(


If ya wanna play 2h, make an armsman. Paladins dont have the defence or hitpoints to play as 2handed, although in the end the game is about fun, so play how you want and dont be concerned about how to spec, just concentrate on having a good time while playing :)


Everyone always says 2handed is gimped and tbh im sick of hearing it.. imo what makes you gimp is not knowing how to play your char. I have been 2 handed from the start and it was hard but getting to 50 made all the differance. I parry almost as much as s/s blocking and i deal out more damage.. sure i hit slower but I can hit for 300ish. But for me, i just went for it because its what I wanted so therefore makes me happy.. so if you hate s/s then dont do it :p why be another cookie like all the other cookies? I wanted to be a ... umm.. a fat free cookie damnit!! lol ;) ( ignore my little "trying to be funny" bit.. its too early in the morning for me lol )


Originally posted by Rawkir
If ya wanna play 2h, make an armsman. Paladins dont have the defence or hitpoints to play as 2handed, although in the end the game is about fun, so play how you want and dont be concerned about how to spec, just concentrate on having a good time while playing :)

:eek: Raw you are in trouble now...


Yeah well prolly shouldnt be askin this question in a first place, but just do it :) But was just curious why thre is not so many well at all even 2h Paladins... And when its ya first char you tend to take advices rather easly loosing your identity somwhere along the line :) Well thanks seeaira i think that were the words i just needed to hear :D

Cap'n Sissyfoo

How would you spec a 2H paladin anyhoo? I wouldn't have thought they would have the spec points to do it well.

Don't you need Slash, Chants, 2H AND Parry?


43 Chants 50 2H 27 (or 29) Slash rest in parry .


a 2H pala dont bring much to a group that other classes cant do better.


My friend has a pala specced 42 shield 46 chants 41 slash rest parry and i have to say his char is really uber. In duel he beat _anyone_ and in RvR groups he is a real lifesaver for casters/healers + he acctually deal decent damage. He solo purple mobs too :d


Yeah but on another hand there is soooo many s/s out there palas that one who will become 2h wont be missed anyway :D Plus as I stated at the begining I just don feel like being s/s pala , its not what i wanted fro me char :)

I just wanted to hear that those 2h palas who do exist out there dont feel gimped and are not waitin for respec stone to become 1h again :D


Originally posted by Rawkir
If ya wanna play 2h, make an armsman.

I was thinkin about that a lot to be thruth here, i did almost deleted me palad and went for Arms, but one thing ... END CHANT :D 2h styles do eat end a lot dont they ? And being able to do best end chant at 43 chants and best shield u becoming real killin machine... At least this is me way of thinkin, I just wanted to hear that there are some ppl out there who will agree with me :p (So when this is gonna be major failure i could say ... Yeah its all theyr fault :D )


As said above, if you want two-handed power, get an armsman and spec pole, but if your happy with how your character is, then do the best you can and enjoy it. But your going to be severely lacking in defense, and wont have the hit points to cope with it as well, so you'll have to twist your ass of to get the most out of your AF/Heal chants.


If you are high 2H and low chants, you can't get a very good Endurance chant. :(


44 2h 39 slash 38 chants (end chant is plenty good enough) 30 parry and whats this you need to spec slash and 2h as opposed to what ? sword and sheild , still 2 specs that need specing


Good paly specs

imo heres a good 2h spec:

48 chants (for best self AF buff a must for 2h & chants makes the paly)

44 twoH ( 50 2h is pointless as the style requires previous so no major rvr benefit)

29Slash (its your dmg variant and with +11 items and rr3 or more your dmg is good with 29)

27Parry (chance to parry improved with items+rr and youre fine)

Good 1h spec (infact the best )

48 Chants (chants makes the paly)
39Slash (dmg variant and backslash style)
42 Shield (slam and blocking)
15 Parry (leftover points but with rr+items at 50 you can parry a hell of a lot!!)

fami also had Mastery of blockin lvl 3, Mastery of parry lvl 2 & faith healing.

Wins almost all tank vs tank fight hands down but go with 2h if you enjoy it dont lsiten to the hype it IS HOW you play not what you play so have some fun :D



Chants chants chants :D

Just a quick note to ALL palys:

Chants is ALL that seperates us from pure melee classes.

We are not pure tanks we are hybrids and as such should spec to our strengths, namely chants.

Chants are the most important spec line we have i cannot stress this enough.

46 is a Minimun.

48 is preffered :D

So always take care of your chants and then let your twisting look after you ;D



ive got a s/s pally who can do over a 2h pally (close thou) he can do a merc but i cant this game is weird
there was sometime ago the same question asked on some american board and someone put down the pro an cons of s/s an 2h pallys he had played both intresting reading but the answer was never resloved to many ppl had their own opinions and i wouldnt be surprised to find it still going on today lol


Ok - I am a 2 handed paladin and wouldn't go boring old sword shield for anything. 1vs1 I can pretty much smack the hell out of most things bar one or two classes. Don't go 50 2h - the level50 style isn't worth it.

My spec is 43 chants, 44 2handed, 29 slash (Low, but made up for with items) and 35 parry. It's the parry that makes the difference. (Even in RvR believe it or not) I get a bit of damage varience but nothing that isn't very livable with.

All this "2handed paladins are gimps" shit is complete bollocks. It's an effective spec, just because it's not what people have decided the normal should be it's gimped. A number of people have rethought about 2handed paladins after grouping with a decent one.

I know how to play my class. I know what targets to pick. I make my class work.

This argument is really really really really really fucking old, and it's getting way past it's sell by date. Try playing something different from the standard specs and try having a bit of fun rather than being a blathering mindless sheep. I hate cookie cutter specs, and will always play something different if possible. My minstrel was ALWAYS going to be 50 instruments way way before the Ablaitive chant was added and still will be.

Drop the gimp bollocks. No spec is gimped if it's played effectively.


:) Yes i did made up me mind and as soon ill be able to get the respec stone (Yeah prolly next season or something) ill respec to 2h (even tho i did went +10 piety at begining :doh: ).

On another hand tho s/s gives u one more thing :) one more item to SC :D

But im here for fun not stats :) So bb s/s and welcome 2h back :)


Originally posted by seeaira
Everyone always says 2handed is gimped and tbh im sick of hearing it.. imo what makes you gimp is not knowing how to play your char. I have been 2 handed from the start and it was hard but getting to 50 made all the differance. I parry almost as much as s/s blocking and i deal out more damage.. sure i hit slower but I can hit for 300ish. But for me, i just went for it because its what I wanted so therefore makes me happy.. so if you hate s/s then dont do it :p why be another cookie like all the other cookies? I wanted to be a ... umm.. a fat free cookie damnit!! lol ;) ( ignore my little "trying to be funny" bit.. its too early in the morning for me lol )

Problem with 2-handed is that it has no bonus vs shield at all. So facing a S+S hero/warrior would be suicide for yah. And it iS gimped, for casterprotecting. A high shield spec and a guard on a caster/cleric gives u a great advantage really, esp with FH.


Originally posted by *Hienrich*

My spec is 43 chants, 44 2handed, 29 slash (Low, but made up for with items) and 35 parry. It's the parry that makes the difference. (Even in RvR believe it or not) I get a bit of damage varience but nothing that isn't very livable with.

Imho 46 Chants, 402h, 40Slash, 20 Parry - consistent hitting, top self damage add and well fairley rubbish parry, but then if your going 2h why worry about defence.

*cough*Gimp*cough* :)


Originally posted by Cawr
Imho 46 Chants, 402h, 40Slash, 20 Parry - consistent hitting, top self damage add and well fairley rubbish parry, but then if your going 2h why worry about defence.

*cough*Gimp*cough* :)

Heh - high parry allows me to use Fury and Recenter a lot - both of those styles have a very high damage bonus, the highest in the entire 2h spec chain, Fury causes a medium bleed, and recenter which chains off it has a defense bonus.

By going 40 2handed you miss out on the 44 2h style Two Moons - which admittedly DOES chain off a side positional - but it not only does nearly as much damage as Fury/Recenter but has a 5/6 second stun.



Originally posted by skile
Problem with 2-handed is that it has no bonus vs shield at all. So facing a S+S hero/warrior would be suicide for yah. And it iS gimped, for casterprotecting. A high shield spec and a guard on a caster/cleric gives u a great advantage really, esp with FH.

No-one said the paladins got given job is casterprotecting.

I don't do too badly vs S/S - I just know not to pick on it in RvR if there's a better target.

Thanks though - not the all too common "Anything that's not the normal spec is fooking gimped" response.


Back in my younger Paladin days I was 2H.
I used to group with another 2H Paladin pretty much everyday and it was fun.
I really would like to try out 2H again, in RvR to see if I prefer it.
But I would have to go through that Dragon so many times to get enough Respec Stones, and then I would have to repeat it if I did not prefer 2H.
I used to be 2H because of the damage the Paladin could do...
Honestly, being a "Caster-Protecter" isn't exactly fun for the player playing the Paladin.
I know for a fact that I enjoy dealing damage...
If it wasn't for people telling me at around level 20 Slash and Shield was the way to go, I may have not changed my style, like the Paladin I used to group with...
One thing I am fairly sure of now though, I am going to start collecting Respec Stones. I really want to try out a different stlye on my Paladin. If it fails, I will just collect more and change back again. I will make up my own mind if it is gimped or not. Quite frankly, Slash and Shield spec is pretty gimped anyway, It takes ages to solo even one yellow. I really would like some more damage. :)


Originally posted by *Hienrich*

By going 40 2handed you miss out on the 44 2h style Two Moons - which admittedly DOES chain off a side positional - but it not only does nearly as much damage as Fury/Recenter but has a 5/6 second stun.


Pff who uses positionals? :p

And I still think that your slash is too low. so nyah.


Originally posted by Cawr
Pff who uses positionals? :p

And I still think that your slash is too low. so nyah.


You try getting your slash high when you want parry high as well.

It works well enough. Yes I get a reasonable amount of varience but Mastery of Pain and Mastery of Parrying makes up for it a wee bit :p

Let's have a duel see what wins </evil>


Originally posted by *Hienrich*

You try getting your slash high when you want parry high as well.

It works well enough. Yes I get a reasonable amount of varience but Mastery of Pain and Mastery of Parrying makes up for it a wee bit :p

Let's have a duel see what wins </evil>

RR4 Pally SC Armour > RR3 Pally Epic Armour

Anyways your on! Next time I see you about that is :)

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