Painworking Necro's


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Has anyone actually tried Lvl 45-50 odd painworking. And if so is it any good ?
As a funny little bonus , my necro at 50 stopped at 47Deathsight, 21Deathservant and rest in painworking. Since i dont have a buffbott the extra con/str buff for the pet is low but still a nice addition, but the DoTs and other stuff are obviously too low to be really effective. However looking at what they do.. The Single line DoT is a melee based spell akin to the lifetap spell u get in sight, which means u can keep the Enemy Dotted for the entire fight easily, which means u dont have to spam it and drain your power like a deathsight neccy <which btw the lvl 47 spell takes sod all power for me with a power pool of 30% anyway>. Then theres the Pbaoe DoT, this tbh i cant see being that useful though, if u pull it off in the middle of a grp of mobs/enemys i can see it being nasty, not sure if its curable, i suppose it is though, spirit dmg dot however not body/matter. Theres an AoE disese insta cast which seems nice too and an AoE snare which i think is also insta cast <insta cast on necro being from pet once his current action is finished>. Couple this with deathserv as a backup for the extra dex/quick buffs and dmg shield.

Obviously this is gonna bugger up farming potential and i may consider making a 2nd necro hehe and try painwork at 50. But seriously though, has anyone ever tried painwork and what were ure views on it ?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
it sucks

the necros own combo buffs are 2/3 the delve of buffbot buffs (therefore: useless)

the pbaoe dot is 2/3 the delve of a cabbie one and is naff (kinda fun in olde bg1 when dots went through doors but that's it)

the aoe unbreakable snare is nice but it's 15s duration at max (before resists) and gives a 1m immunity to snare/root. It's also a pet-cast spell so you either have to FP it or be somehow uninterrupted.

There's no aoe disease - there's an aoe str/con debuff which is instacast (it's a debuff)

There's an instant dot that stacks with the aoe dot - which is almost castable in pve ;) but is about as useful as you would imagine a range 500 single target dot would be in Rvr...

Never got high enough level to do proper RvR though - it was too depressing ;) servant has so much more to offer and at the time it was underplayed so I respecced to that (still only level 30 though)

Painworking spec is too gimped for even me :( if they made the self-buffs decent delve I'd try pain/servant spec.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Flim beat me to it, but to reiterate, if you spec your Necro PW I really am going to have to slap the taste out of your mouth ;)

And if you are Sight spec you ought to have 48 Sight not 47, for the last absorb (I think off the top of my head, am in Belfast ATM and completely hammered so might be wrong on that!).

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