PA Problems?



Hello fellow Assassins,

anyone noticed a change in PA damage lately (about patch 1.57 maybe a little earlier)?

Important is, only look at damage while unbuffed please, as the damage while buffed is what it used to be. If you arent buffed, damage values on critical strikes are a joke, like 249 on a caster, 202 on minstrel, 179 on Thane, 208 on Armsman and so on. Its not seldom, its the absolute standard of my and lots of fellow NS PA Attacks. We even got one with CS 50, and he hit a Shadowblade for 190. Mind you, hes a bladeshade so should have hit for a lot more due to armor resistance bonus. I very rarely hit cloth casters for more than 300.

My spec is 44 weapon 39 cs with full spellcraftet Equip. My weapons are nice too, one 100% drop and a 99% craftet Crescent. Its not changing when is use a Bastardsword either.

Am i doing something wrong (other than frown buffbots), or is anyone else experiencing the Problems we do on Avalon?

Goa already said, nothing wrong but i dont believe. Damage used to be MUCH higher, the difference cant be explained with resists either (mind you, buffed the damage levels are what they used to be). In the case of the troll thane, if he had zero resists, i would have hit for 240 dam. Thats wimpy, and everyone playing their NS longer than 2-3 Month should know that.

Intersting is, this seems to affect SB´s too. Got hit by a 2h axe swinging critblade for 298. Sounds very low to me.


CS styles notably PA/BS2 etc have been nurfed loads for ages. the dmg has dropped pretty much every major patch :/

remember PA`n peeps for over 1.1k when i was a CB and that was without and crits.. now adays a CB is lucky to break 800 with a crit against most class`s. Although a large portion of that us down to the higher quality armour and better resists but still unless your buffed PA and any other style tbh will do crap dmg.


with 37(+16) Axe and 34(+16) CS :

unbuffed SB (MP Cleaver/Hand Axe)

unbuffed Armsmen

PA : 150 dmg
CD: 60 dmg

The Armsman had -crap- resists, guess only racial resists

... the DoT ticked for a good 100dmg tho ;)


50 sword 39+15 cs and with 99% qual 2 hander i PA for about 250 on chain user with caped slash resist. Whole different if i get a few buffs on me tho


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
with 37(+16) Axe and 34(+16) CS :

unbuffed SB (MP Cleaver/Hand Axe)

unbuffed Armsmen

PA : 150 dmg
CD: 60 dmg

The Armsman had -crap- resists, guess only racial resists

... the DoT ticked for a good 100dmg tho ;)

o_O since when did you get 34 cs o_O

nurf you getting a respec stone before me :(


well on vnboards, theres an article by aurra.sing, wich describes the problem and (maybe) its origin. He/she says, a 35% damage reduction for rvr was to be implemented and was tested on pendragon. They found out that archers, assassins and Bolt casters had large problems playing their role anymore, because they all relied so much on the big bang. So they turned off the 35% reduction for Crit shot, critical strikes and bolt spells.
Then they threw the whole thing away, and decided to make RvR last longer with the help of resists and sc in general. The downside is, this change affects all classes the same, so we do wimpy damage. One good proof is, they already adjusted BOlt Damage in one of the 1.62 patches. Maybe we will get some kind of adjustment too.
The way it is now, its very frustrating to play an unbuffed assassin.


as a 5spec i mainly fo 150dmg on tanks with pa and about 250 on casters.. And.. its a pain cuz i dont own a buffbot and soloing gets frekkin hard.

From playing a zerk i remember infils doing about 4-500dmg PA's too me(killed em anyway tho, but., hey.. i did say Zerker dident i :])

And its even worse on plate users.. can risk getting 100dmg PA's and even my LA do about that.


39+13 crit

did a p.a on artful a lvl 50 inf for 178...... something is wrong there.

did a p.a on malevolencia lvl 50 champ for 265..... still something wrong.

did a p.a on finolin lvl 40 eld for 686.... thats better


i dont have any problems with the PA damage as it is now.

Usually around 400-600 on a caster, and with follow ups of 200-300 and a stun, he'll be dead before stun wears off.

Still get the odd 1k-PA happening, but that's usually with crits on it.

And i dont have a bot ;p


havent said that infiltrators dont seem to be hit by the problem


I have always been a gimp so its nothing new to me

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