PA in Euro servers.



Well only couple of weeks left and the servers (hopefully) open.
I am going to be moving in euro servers at day 1 with different account and move my TKA there when the option becomes available (couple of months atleast).

Servers will be empty and that means no harvesters, stims, weapons etc. and that will slow the leveling down even for a veteran player.

So I was thinking that a PA created at the start would level the grinding a bit with crafter members helping fighters with the gear and fighters grouping and helping crafters with materials. In few days everyone should have good equipment and nice chunk of xp of their profession compared to those who start alone.

So anyone interested ? Looking for those moving from US servers but completely new players are as welcomed too.


Player Association. i.e. guild :)

Yeah I could be up for that... not 100% sure how much time I'll devote to a Euro server character, especially seeing as how I jst found a holocron and it told me to become a master doctor... looks like I've got a fair amount of XP'ing to do on Eclipse still :)


That's nice granny :)
How's beeing a doctor anyway?
I've been thinking of becoming one :p

uh oh, off topic alarm.


Dunno, the Doctor in that screenie is my brother ;)

I'm a Pistoleer/CH, going to have to drop Pistoleer to get to master doctor. Will start on it today hopefully :)

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