Just like to let you all know that ive opened a Online Gaming Centre.
if any of you live in the Yorkshire area and would like to pop down one day I would love to meet you.
The Centre opened on the 23rd June with the help of the Griffon knights and Hrodelbert+ Twin
Im not trying to promote my shop just genuinly would like to see some of the people Ive seen in game since the game started.
Ozzi's Online Gaming
23 Commercial Street
West Yorkshire
if any of you live in the Yorkshire area and would like to pop down one day I would love to meet you.
The Centre opened on the 23rd June with the help of the Griffon knights and Hrodelbert+ Twin
Im not trying to promote my shop just genuinly would like to see some of the people Ive seen in game since the game started.
Ozzi's Online Gaming
23 Commercial Street
West Yorkshire