Overpowered new classes - wonder why ;-)


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2005
Lol just a thought!

Have u guys ever wondered why mystic continues making these overpowered new classes? I believe all, aside from the Valkyrie have been overpowered in some way the first couple of months or so!

Try and turn it around, if they weren't overpowered to start with, wouldn't it be kinda uphill to introduce new classes? Think about it, unless ur really bored you stick to ur own char and keep developing it, it aint really that fun to do ml 1-10 again, to outfit with loads of hard to get items and to get all the artis levelled again!

So you could actually see this as some kind of reward to those willing to lend the game new life and make a new char.

Uhhh I just so know I am gonna get flamed for this :twak: but thought it was a thought worth sharing, as mythic has been rather consistent in making new classes overpowered.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Thlauni said:
Lol just a thought!

Have u guys ever wondered why mystic continues making these overpowered new classes? I believe all, aside from the Valkyrie have been overpowered in some way the first couple of months or so!.

dude they had to make those new classes overpowerd in a way that a new noob player would be able to kill something playing one of those new classes, that was the whole thing about catacombs to get new players to play the game and so they would be able to solo to 50 in instances.

(once the new players are hooked to daoc they can just nerf warlock´s few patches after and think of another scamm to get ppl to play this game).


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2005
overpowered class = people rolling it, more _money_ to mythic (people have to spend time leveling, gearing, ml'ing, cleveling and ofcourse they have to buy an addon).

But I've been thinking another way to make more money. Screw the new classes, make more masterlevels!

Legendary Grandmaster Heroic Levels:

100 levels, each takes around two weeks to complete, given abilities make enemies die before they can log in the game.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
stupidly overpowered classes are bad for customer retention (catacombs has made rvr pretty shit for 1/3 of the population ;) roll on 1.82, which will then make a load of people playing warlocks very pissed off - how is this good again?)

New classes that do new things are good - they get people to try them out (heretic's a good example - they're wacky enough for people to try them out but sucky enough that most people give up and go back to their old stuff :p)

New classes that just kinda do the same as another class aren't great - that's valkyrie's problems, they're too similar sounding to thanes that people didn't think "ooh new stuff" but thought "oh another gimpy thane class".


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
new classes are overpowered so that they can sell the expansion. if a new class came with a free expansion, it would be shit


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
new classes = more non touch classes 4 scouts =/

i remember times where Scouts was able 2 kill most of the classes easily.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Matmardigan said:
new classes = more non touch classes 4 scouts =/

i remember times where Scouts was able 2 kill most of the classes easily.

They still can with 5 other scouts


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Rauno said:
dude they had to make those new classes overpowerd in a way that a new noob player would be able to kill something playing one of those new classes, that was the whole thing about catacombs to get new players to play the game and so they would be able to solo to 50 in instances.

(once the new players are hooked to daoc they can just nerf warlock´s few patches after and think of another scamm to get ppl to play this game).
Lol says the Reaver...


Nov 28, 2004
Lol you can't prepare the shit you get as a warlock they are that hated in irvr you are going to get your head kicked in:( you think some1 will stand there and whatch you 1v1 nah :eek7: you have no chance in a 8v8 every1 charge straight at you imo gimp class that needs more love should be buy one get one free :p /YELLS TAXI


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2006
the thing is, the whine about warlocks will never end.. even though they will be nerfed, i already heard something like, why do they just nerf UI dmg? they can still insta kill with chambers, 4x insta (someone stupid said o_O).. it will never end :(


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Emmet said:
the thing is, the whine about warlocks will never end.. even though they will be nerfed, i already heard something like, why do they just nerf UI dmg? they can still insta kill with chambers, 4x insta (someone stupid said o_O).. it will never end :(

ofc it will. The window lickers that make up the majority of warlocks will get new meds, go to prison for some pervie sexual crime, find out they can make new and interesting friends in woodwork, cut off their active finger whilst basket weaving, get pissed one night and fall into the canal.......you name it :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Thlauni said:
Lol just a thought!

Have u guys ever wondered why mystic continues making these overpowered new classes? I believe all, aside from the Valkyrie have been overpowered in some way the first couple of months or so!

Try and turn it around, if they weren't overpowered to start with, wouldn't it be kinda uphill to introduce new classes? Think about it, unless ur really bored you stick to ur own char and keep developing it, it aint really that fun to do ml 1-10 again, to outfit with loads of hard to get items and to get all the artis levelled again!

So you could actually see this as some kind of reward to those willing to lend the game new life and make a new char.

Uhhh I just so know I am gonna get flamed for this :twak: but thought it was a thought worth sharing, as mythic has been rather consistent in making new classes overpowered.

You have a point apart from valewalkers, valkyries, heretics etc.

Often players discover how to play these new classes and exploit their strengths before Mythic have spotted the imbalance, which is why most op'd new classes get the nerf bat very soon after they are created.

Tbh with the exception of locks, there really hasn't been any new class that was rediculously op'd for long.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
"Often players discover how to play these new classes and exploit their strengths before Mythic have spotted the imbalance"

Perhaps, but apparantly savages where balanced vs pre-nerf zerks (you remember them, they used to 2-3 shot heros) so it's little wonder things where a bit ott there.

I wonder what they can do to top chambers and fumble debuffs... (actually I'm not 100% sure I want to know)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
Causes_Chaos said:
are bainshees supposed to be able to cast through a pally, merc + armsman without moc??? :(

That's some shite interrupting by all three of you then :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Congax said:
That's some shite interrupting by all three of you then :p

or some bugy scenery
or some exploiting bianshee
or some colateral damage...

Dec 31, 2003
Thlauni said:
Lol just a thought!

Have u guys ever wondered why mystic continues making these overpowered new classes? I believe all, aside from the Valkyrie have been overpowered in some way the first couple of months or so!

Try and turn it around, if they weren't overpowered to start with, wouldn't it be kinda uphill to introduce new classes? Think about it, unless ur really bored you stick to ur own char and keep developing it, it aint really that fun to do ml 1-10 again, to outfit with loads of hard to get items and to get all the artis levelled again!

So you could actually see this as some kind of reward to those willing to lend the game new life and make a new char.

Uhhh I just so know I am gonna get flamed for this :twak: but thought it was a thought worth sharing, as mythic has been rather consistent in making new classes overpowered.

I'm gonna twist your words abit here to make a point. But imo ur basically saying that ppl that PAY mythic more $$ should have an unfair and unjustified advantage? And then I ask you what is the diffrence between ppl buying ebayed accounts for $$ to get an advantage they would never ever have without the $$. (here the general thought is that it is wrong ).

I personally think it's crappy and synic of mythic corp to introduce new expansions and SELL them by introducing classes that are 3-4 levels above the already existing ones. Basically the message they send out is, "If you want to compete, PAY US"
Could make a comparison with a FPS game where the corp that made the game co-ops (and they do this to a certain extent already ) with the graphic card producents and alter thier game code to make older versions of gfx cards none competative. Synic and morally wrong imo :p
Dec 31, 2003
Emmet said:
the thing is, the whine about warlocks will never end.. even though they will be nerfed, i already heard something like, why do they just nerf UI dmg? they can still insta kill with chambers, 4x insta (someone stupid said o_O).. it will never end :(

Man if a 3yo can play a class in a game where the recommended age is 12+ then obviously something is not right.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2005
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
I'm gonna twist your words abit here to make a point. But imo ur basically saying that ppl that PAY mythic more $$ should have an unfair and unjustified advantage? And then I ask you what is the diffrence between ppl buying ebayed accounts for $$ to get an advantage they would never ever have without the $$. (here the general thought is that it is wrong ).

I personally think it's crappy and synic of mythic corp to introduce new expansions and SELL them by introducing classes that are 3-4 levels above the already existing ones. Basically the message they send out is, "If you want to compete, PAY US"
Could make a comparison with a FPS game where the corp that made the game co-ops (and they do this to a certain extent already ) with the graphic card producents and alter thier game code to make older versions of gfx cards none competative. Synic and morally wrong imo :p

Fair enough. Please note, I do in no way state that I endorese this. I just thought, that seen from Mythics point of view it could make sense to give a reward to people starting new classes and then nerf them a bit later on, as they would then have reached a decent RR to compete with the old classes.

Again, I play a ranger, ask urself, would I be endorsing who*elocks? It aint all that fun to be assisted on me two of those.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2006
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Man if a 3yo can play a class in a game where the recommended age is 12+ then obviously something is not right.

your right.. remove baseline lifetap from sorcs


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2006
Emmet said:
your right.. remove baseline lifetap from sorcs
i dont think u can fairly compare sorcs LT to locks....i think sorcs are op'd...but locks take the piss to put it simply


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Emmet said:
your right.. remove baseline lifetap from sorcs

omg you are stupid.. you cant compare lifetap on sorc an warlocks.. Before you have a chance on a sorc you need to use alot of time in toa.. what do you have to do on a warlock? moderna an go rvr in the rog's you got while powerleveling..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 18, 2005
If you really think about this, you will realise that what your saying is not true at all. Mythic has released 2 expansions with new classes (SI and cata). In SI the majority of the new classes were balanced (Savage as the exception). In cata 3 out of 5 classes were overpowered. Valkyrie and Heretic as the gimped ones (atleast considering how wanted they are in grps, how good they are solo is a different thing). And yes, i realise that BDs for example are wanted in grps these days. But that only changed when TOA came. Animists have never really been fotm in rvr (atleast nobody runs in rvr with them) and they became the hib main pve class after the focus nerf, which was a bit before TOA if i remember correctly. Nobody runs with warlocks these days because any other mid caster is a better option and vampiirs arent that wanted either (even tho i cant understand why). Having played hib myself i know how irritating warlocks can be on 1vs1 but in grps there are better options than a warlock. These 2 classes are both very strong solo. Reavers were quite rare till NF came, which gave them alot more utility. Necros are gimped in rvr but good in PVE. So in other words, many of the classes that are fotm today, might not have been that from the start.

I know that theres alot more you could add to that but thats all i could come up with right now.


edit: i know the text is a bit messy !

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