Games Outer Empires


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
Outer Empires

Bit of an odd one this. Didn't really know which section to put it in.

Outer Empires is a space mmo for any non-IE bowser and the iphone. It's gone live has a shit load of bugs but is a fun game (& I can play it at work - sshh). It's free to play until lvl 10 and you can get an idea of what's involved. I have actually forked out £2 for a month's sub.

You build colonies (or shoot them), buy and upgrade ships.

Our faction has managed the fine acheivement of uniting all the other factions against us by indifferently shooting everything we see.

Check it out. Ingame name Tokaji Eszencia if you wanna pm me. Or just yell in general chat.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Outer Empires

Bit of an odd one this. Didn't really know which section to put it in.

Outer Empires is a space mmo for any non-IE bowser and the iphone. It's gone live has a shit load of bugs but is a fun game (& I can play it at work - sshh). It's free to play until lvl 10 and you can get an idea of what's involved. I have actually forked out £2 for a month's sub.

You build colonies (or shoot them), buy and upgrade ships.

Our faction has managed the fine acheivement of uniting all the other factions against us by indifferently shooting everything we see.

Check it out. Ingame name Tokaji Eszencia if you wanna pm me. Or just yell in general chat.

Pirate Attacks In Outer Systems!
Many pilots have reported Pirate attacks in the outer systems. Intelligence reports indicated the complete destruction of some colonies. Faction Security Forces are massing to clear the systems of pirate activities.

take it this is you then? :)

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