Our Alliance has vanished?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
Our Alliance has vanished!

Logged on the other day to discover that the Alliance we belonged to, had ceased to exist :eek7:

With this in mind Lords of England would like to find a new home if any1 is prepared to adopt us. We can offer a small but friendly group of members, a bucket full of bounty points (about a million I think). Sadly, like a lot of guilds we have temporarily lost a lot of players to WOW, but they are starting to come back in dribs and drabs, so I hope we will start being more effective at RVR again.

If any GM's would like to consider us, please post here or PM me ingame for a chat (I'm usually to be found in the frontier somewhere solo / unbuffed and eating grass).

Many thanks
Belgorian LVL 50 Armsman
RR8L1- Guildmaster of LOE and
thoroughly nice chap.
also sometimes playing...Belgaria the LVL 50 Sorc
Vaemyr the LVL 50 Mini
Nedra the LVL 50 Scout


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 30, 2004

might be an idea to look around and apply mate, the top guilds dont go looking for people to join their alliance:)
<cough GoP cough>;)

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