


ok, so far i have read quite a few posts with very wide ranging opinions, some poeple are saying "quit moaning" others are saying "its not good enough" obviously everyone makes great use of the 4 letter words(u know, the ones that begins with F, S or C, many ppl attach ING to the end...) like any self respecting adult would. lol?

to be honest i have a few thoughts.

1) it isnt good enough, poeple pay to play this game, and the amount of downtime would put many poeple off free games, to think that we pay for this?

2) no matter how bad it is atm, it can only get better, right? and once it does, GOA will probably go all out to make sure they get thier service to a high standard.

3) compensation, i myself havent beenable to put SI on, as the subspage has been down for a week now. since then i have been playing classic, but many poeple who cant use auto-reknew havent beenable to play even classic, this, imo, means that a lot of ppl deserve compensation, some need a week extended to thier subscription, others need a day or two.

In conclusion, i think that you lot need to do one of two things.

1) sit down, relax, either sit and chat in the forums having a laugh, or go down the pub, watch TV, do anything, just dont start swearing your heads off like 4 year olds. it really is pathetic for so called grown ups. show your age and just deal with it.

2) say "ive had enough of this" and uninstall DAoC, phone the bank or whatever and tell them to stop GOA taking money from it, sooner or later they'll just delete your account and you can go on with your life. but if u do, please try to do it gracefully.

bah, go on, now u can quote me and say "your wrong" with lots of nice swear words, lots of "die irl" and stuff, go ahead, gimmie ur worst :p tbh its pretty funny...


Hehehe was getting in there first before the real lamers start to post there whinning replies :D

Tesla Monkor

The amount of downtime is negligable. Ever checked what happens during patch-days for Everquest, for instance? Downtime isn't measured in hours there. ;P

All in all I don't think you have ANY real reason to complain. ;)


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
All in all I don't think you have ANY real reason to complain. ;)

yea well, i guess your entitled to your own opinion...

however i think that the amount of downtime is bad, and the amount of news accompanying it is just stupid.

ah well, gonna go eat and stuff now, takeshi's castle might be on soon :D :D gotta love that show :p


heh, you should see the downtime on SWG. 2-3 hours every day to reboot all the servers (they've yet ot make servers that can last more than 24 hours), and about 5-6 hours if there's a serious patch.


Originally posted by _asq_shazzy
Hehehe was getting in there first before the real lamers start to post there whinning replies :D

Oh the irony. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by the_smurflord
heh, you should see the downtime on SWG. 2-3 hours every day to reboot all the servers (they've yet ot make servers that can last more than 24 hours), and about 5-6 hours if there's a serious patch.
yeah, they do it at night time in usa, which happens to be daytime here...


i like this downtime, gives me more time to read these luverly forums



(and ur right, it can only get better, but when it does GOA will put up prices....)


In general I agree with the original poster on this, however, it must be remembered that not everyone who posts on these boards has the same intellectual capacity, maturity, patience self control or social skills. People do, in my opinion, have the right to vent their anger and frustration. Sometimes people do it with a resigned shrug whilst others feel it necessary to rant and flame, both avenues of expression are equal in their validity.

I do however, disagree with your point #2.

The most common form of GOA flame on these boards is without doubt of the type that typically starts with or contains "I have been trying to get XXXXInformation/service/response for the past X number of weeks..."

I have been playing DAoC on and off since week one of retail and I can honestly say that I have seen absolutely no improvement in the standard or quality of customer service from this particular company in all of that time. Companies like GOA, in licensing the administration of a game which relies solely upon a paying subscriber base (customers) for its income should be MORE client friendly than any business which can rely upon income derived from say fixed assets.

Why shouldnt people expect the same quality of service from any company which takes their money in return for any comparable service? Whether this is a restaurant, bank, store or games company. One pays for a service and rightly or wrongly one has an expectation that ones perception of the level/quantity/quality of service will match pro-rata (or above) the financial outlay spent in the pursuit of that service. For example one would expect a far higher and greatly superior Level/Quality and Quantity of service dining at Ma Tante Claire (a rather posh London restaurant) than one would at McDonalds however, one still has an expectation of decent, friendly, timely and efficient service at the fast food eaterie. One does after all have the right to expect to get what one pays for.

In the current case, many people have the complaint that the customer service department doesnt respond at all, responds erroneously, responds by way of auto-reply with scant regard for the content of the original problem seeking to be addressed, and by far the most common problem seems to be a feeling that the level of information given to us their customers is woefully inadequate.

Furthermore, I would agree more with this point if this incident was isolated, however, it is far from the case. I for one cannot recall any single patch which has been trouble free and not full of bugs after it has gone live - even when these issues have been well known and debated long and hard on the US boards for weeks and even months before we even get patched. Even a cursory glance at the VN boards would give the internal testers some kind of guidance as to what to look for when running their own tests for EU patching. The caster AF buff bug of patch 1.56? is a case in point, this was a bug that was well known in the US for months following that patch going live on US servers, it was bemoaned at great length, and yet, when we patched the same patch to EU servers, lo and behold we had the same caster AF buff bug. It would have been relatively easy to fix, test the AF buff, does it work as intended? No? phone Mythic and get their corrected version, which is what happened eventually, but only after 2 weeks of bugged patch in the EU.

RightNow has had more maintainence than Elizabeth Taylor's facelift leaving people with genuine problems with little or no alternative than to vent their anger in public often as a last resort simply because they are prevented from doing so in any other way. Regardless of the technical problems behind all the faults and bugs and hiccups which have continuously dogged DAoC since the beginning of retail people, especially paying customers expect to be treated with a certain amount of consideration, especially when they see their monthly subscriptions going up (therefore their expectation levels going up correspondingly) and the level of associated customer service going down.


Wow Noita, that was beautifully stated.

You should become a writer. I'm not kidding.


Originally posted by luin

(and ur right, it can only get better, but when it does GOA will put up prices....)
They did put up prices, remember? And since then it's got worse...


Originally posted by old.Noita
...very long high-quality post...
Excellent post, all of which I agree with unreservedly.


yea, i feel honoured that it was in reply to my post :)

anyway... yea, i was trying to stay away from the negative side of things, although you are spot on with your statements.

ah well, no email recieved still... i guess its back to takeshi's castle :D crazy chinese ppl running around with craig charles as commentator, sheer peotry in motion :p

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