Other scenarios ?



Made me think when playing Road to Rome, what other scenarios could they have in BF1942 ?
Theres the german bleitzkrieg of 1940 of course, and more interestingly I thought of the Burma campaign and Singapore etc. Indian troops could be involved in that, could be quite good, jungle fighting an all. Mind , no doubt EA would try to work American troops in somewhere along the line :/

Scooba Da Bass

I think Dice really need to get some decent mapmaking tools and an SDK out there, there are lots of great ideas for maps and campaigns that are hampered by this lack.


I was thinkin that they might hold off on the mapmaker so they can keep pumping out these shoddy semi-expansions. It'd make good business sense but it really would be mean as hell.

I'd love to get started building maps though. Got some great ideas.


Originally posted by throdgrain
Theres the german bleitzkrieg of 1940 of course,

The problem here is the tanks involved were not much cop, mainly Panzer IIs and early IIIs versus British A13s, also the Germans had paras.

They need to get AT guns involved, that would open up a lot more campaigns.

Personally I'd like to see a few more streetfighting scenarios, but better design than the spam-a-nade-a-thons of 'Grad.


It's my opinion that bf1942 really excels at vehicle combat, but is mediocre at best when it comes to infantry fighting. DoD for instance hands bf its arse for infantry battles. The guns just don't feel solid enough, no other way I can think to describe it =]

I want smaller maps with more vehicles. Boring as hell driving half way across africa only to trundle over a landmine and get sent back home.


/looks smug :)
Yeah its got to be said DoD is just awesome for the hand weapons and the playability of it all . Its only problem , even I would admit, is that it does look so 1998 .
The tanks on BF1942 are the things that do it for me .


After nearly 24 hours playing this theres a couple of things i've noticed. Yes the guns lack a chunky feel to them and the sounds are driving me nuts half the time when i fire a machine gun (ones ontop of the tanks) it doesnt even make a sound but theres bullets flying left right and center. Also the lack of sound on reload, apart from the Italian assault weapon that is, makes ground combat a little annoying at times. However there is something i've noticed, when any weapon is fired you hear it quite clearly for miles around, the sound also tends to be a better quality than when you shoot something yourself.

I do feel that BF1942 is unlike any other FPS game i've played in terms of depth ( Tribes 2 comes close ). You have such variety to the play and you can pretty much do whatever you want, fly planes, drive tanks/jeeps and other ground forces or sail about in your ship/submarine. Also the maps have a nice amount of fluff to them, the things you find around you dont seem out of place and everything fits to the same sceme. All in all id say im hooked, great game which after a patch or two depending on EA/Dice could really make this one of the greatest games to play online.

Now after a couple of hours kip im gonna back into the fray :)


I've had a few missing sounds since I installed the 1.3 patch. I can't hear plane engines when I'm flying em anymore and the AA gun sound has gone all crackly.

Reading other forums seems loads of people are having sound trouble since 1.3, hopefully they'll sort it out sometime.


I had the sound problem (with an SB Live card). The solution for me was to disable hardware acceleration in the second page of sound options and go to 64 channels. All is sweetness and light now.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Fex
I do feel that BF1942 is unlike any other FPS game i've played in terms of depth ( Tribes 2 comes close ). You have such variety to the play and you can pretty much do whatever you want, fly planes, drive tanks/jeeps and other ground forces or sail about in your ship/submarine. Also the maps have a nice amount of fluff to them, the things you find around you dont seem out of place and everything fits to the same sceme. All in all id say im hooked, great game which after a patch or two depending on EA/Dice could really make this one of the greatest games to play online.

Now imagine a clan/organised game where you all have roles. Your assualter running in to defend a flag as your armour pounds away at the enemy tank, you're calling for help on voice comms as the tank rolls closer when suddenly out of nowhere your pilot comes screaming past and drops a bomb square onto the tank.

bf42 really is better than sex (maybe not, but it is class)


Now imaging playing on the EA or BY servers, you find you're in the middle of enemy controlled lands, some bastard (on your own team) has stole your jeep, and everyone on your team is heading in the wrong direction or camping for planes ;)


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass

Now imagine a clan/organised game where you all have roles. Your assualter running in to defend a flag as your armour pounds away at the enemy tank, you're calling for help on voice comms as the tank rolls closer when suddenly out of nowhere your pilot comes screaming past and drops a bomb square onto the tank.

Just like in... SAVING PRIVATE RYAN! ;)


I'm looking forward to it Scoobs, dont think im quite up to clan standards as im still learning the game but I was on a server last night and the teams actually seemed to be working together, now imagine that.


Originally posted by Fex
I was on a server last night and the teams actually seemed to be working together, now imagine that.


BW is the only place where I have found that you can get a great team play game of bf1942 coupled with a nice atmosphere. I wouldn’t be enjoying '42 if it weren’t for the organized games found here, as my clan has now turned in to an AC2 guild :(


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass

bf42 really is better than sex (maybe not, but it is class)

Me thinks you're not doing it right, Wij the love machine will be able to guide you ;)


There's nothing stopping you creating your own maps now. Yes, it can be a tad tedious, as there is no official map editor that allows you to do stuff in 'real-time', there are 3rd party ones. I can upload them to somewhere if necessary? I can also point you in the general direction of tutorials and stuff, so you can read up on how to do it.

I currently have a Falklands Island map sat on my HDD that I'm working on for a mod.


Yay Cdr...

Are they illegal or anything? I'd like to be pointed towards everything ya have (as I am too lazy to look myself.)


Nope all legal.

The one I have has been made by a BF Fan who wanted an editor and couldnt be arsed to wait to the official release.

http://home.no.net/mfekse/bftool/ - Map editor

http://www.bfcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=11 - various links to map editing stuff

http://bf1942forums.gameservers.nl - also have a look there, cant get the exact link to the correct board, as the forums where off line when I went to it :(

[Edit] You'll also need the rfa extractor (http://www.battlefield1942.org/_Bf_Unofficial_SDK_10Nov2002.zip - contained in there). What you need to do is extract the .rfa file for the map you want to edit (eg Iwo Jima), then point the map editor at the init.con file located within, and that should work.

If you want to run the map, you'll need to compile the .rfa again (prog can be found in the above link to do that aswell). Remember to back up the map file before replacing it with your edited one.

If BF crashes when loading up the edited map, you can find a log file in the BF directory which will help you tell where the problem is in the map files.

Any problems post here and I'll try and help :) [/Edit]

Have Fun :D

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