Other Realms Classes



Ok I thought might be an idea to create a "KNOW UR ENEMY!"
thread in it basically we will explain what the other classes in the other realms are capable of doing.....so we know what to expect

Anyway I will begin as I know Hibernia really well, and most of he classes in it

Well we all know what rangers can do, fast draw times, self buffs but one thing that makes em stand out is the speed buff they get so beware when they get low health they don't speed away :)

Kinda like the friar class on Albion, but they also get the BT that Theurgists get on Albion so watch out for them can hit hard, heal hard and hard to hit

Kinda the wizard class in Hibernia, and I tell u they hit harder than most wiz classes real hard basts most people spec in Void magic hence all those weird black circular things kicking ya ass

Weird kinda hybrid between a minstrel and a cleric, can rez peeps and run fast and power song etc, don't think they can mez, someone pls advise here?

Armsman equivalent in Hibernia nasty spear styles and shield + sword

er..........can't think of anymore and know nothing or Midgard to be honest so any more information on other classes would be....well....class :)


Thanes - usually troll casters which can melee quite well. They get some nasty shouts too so when you get in there kill em fast!

When i have tried to charge them i loose a bit of health before i get to them caue of there spells and that ae hammer thing is nasty especially in a low lvl group. Best tactic against them is to wait for them to run then charge at them giving them no time to use high dmg spells, that is from an armsman point of view.


Aha nice one anymore? I know there is?

Runecasters? Masters? what the hell they all about?


Runemasters are nasty.

Long range spells, most are dwarves so they have lots of hit points. Dont know anything more on them, Except rush em with numbers so they run away then you can kill em cause they cant use spells. That goes for all casters though.


Those eldritch stuns are nasty too :) especially when they QC them and PBAOE you to death :/


Bards I think can mezz...

Eldritch: various flavours:
Almost all of them have some form of nearsight (which neutralises most casters/archers by giving them crap range)

Void: bolts HURT - kinda like fire wizards, but slightly less damage and a bit more utility.

Sun: mezzes and DD's

Moon: AoE stuff and Diseases

Hero: Hib fighter, can turn into a moose for amusment.

Champion: Weaker hero but with buffs and direct damage shouts (if you see lots of yellow circles on your buff-bit then you've been championed)

Blademaster: dual wielding light tank, bit like a merc


Bard: Weird kinda hybrid between a minstrel and a cleric, can rez peeps and run fast and power song etc, don't think they can mez, someone pls advise here?

Bards can mezz. In fact, they're the hib main mezzers.
Have single and aoe mezz. Max length is 70 sec.

Best thing to know about the other classes is spend time
looking what they do in rvr or reading their forums.


What class is the mid mezzer which always ae mezzes everyone?


Originally posted by hank_mongbat
What class is the mid mezzer which always ae mezzes everyone?

Healer and Thane doesn't have shouts as far as I know, that's a Skald.


What about the other Mid classes I know what Shadow Blades can do dunno about the many others?

Oh and hunters yeah I know them too

- Pathfinder -

Healers do have shouts; instant mez and stun, as well as castbale versions. Basically uber sorcs in chain, who can heal and rez :p


Thanes have long timers on thier spells, and always cast either lightning (like a clerics smite) or those hammers that clout you round the ear'ole, theres only about 5 spells that they can cast so charge em afterwards (although 2 of them are insta's so expect to be hit when your fighting) they also are tanks so dont expect to just cut em down when you reach em.

Beserkers and Hero's turn into Teddybears and Moose's respectively which can turn things around if your fighting em one on one....however they can only do this once every 30 mins..... so always avenge someone if you see a moose limp off!

Druids can buff/res/mezz? and fight a little

and one thing that wasnt mentioned about wardens is that they wear the best armour hibernia has to offer as well as being able to use a bow......they aint push overs but theyre weaker than other hibbie fighters.




Shit guys..........

this is in NO WAY AT ALL a post to flame you guys....

But you really really REALLY need to go look at these two site's



go look at em plzzzzzzz

but you need to know much more about the enemy class's than this...

you need to know about mentalist who can heal, Eldrictes who can AE mess and singel target stun...

Need to know about the uber INSTANT AE mezz/stun from mid healers

about you can block Void eldricth ... and lots more ... there is no way we can collect it all in a tread like this ...

Remember this is NO flame!!


- Pathfinder -

Warden is on the Naturalist damage table, hence they do poo damage compared to a true melee class. They're a support class, not frontline fighters :)

And the Berserker's ability is on a 7 min timer or similar, not 30 :)


Filip mate, I've read all these sights before, very useful ill agree but then does it help to know the spells that the enemy wizards can cast, what armour n weapons n skills people have..... sure ill agree it helps a little.....but what we're after here is how these skills are used in battle and how we can use ours to overcome them......

hence....we know what spells an eldritch has.....but what spells will he be using when being shot at, and what spells will he be using when hes being charged......how does a warden attack? and when does a warden attack?

what tactics are each classes using against us is never included in websites which just list what each class can do.....so this thread is useful but i agree it'll never be able to list everything.

It will however help someone that knows absolute nowt....... and just wants to quickly check what that giant black n blue bubble that just wiped out all the stealthers was ;) and if theres anyway to avoid it!

saying that! dont forget engage guys.....works a treat against arrows n blocks 50% (sometimes) of the damage from bolt spells, has saved my life many times



- Pathfinder -

Tactics used depends on who is playing the char ;) I've seen clerics just stand there yelling for help when a SB PAs them; of course it's possible they just used mez/don't have smite specced at all (allthough I do hope noone has done this :p), as well RMs back in 1.45 who didn't use the root "feature". Basically you can't know what to expect, as it depends greatly upon the competence (and specs) of the char/player.

And for the love of God, do visit those sites :p In RvR we expect people to at east know what they'll face; this is just too embarassing :)


Well isn't it sad that people really don't understand what this thread is trying to do :(

Basically and simply those sites are shit! Nuff said why?

Because they never really explain to u in the heat of RvR or skirmishes or Fort attacks or any of them what the enemy does or what each class does, or is capable of....

The only true knowledge about other classes is the knowledge of experience in RvR

Its not embarassing just stating that ur giving information about the classes in other realms, its sad and silly to think you know all of their tactics or what they are capable of

And besides not everyone has the knowledge that some of u do, so it also helps them out

I just give up with this forum trying to be productive and helpful :(

I CRY OUT TO DAMINI to give me a ride on her wicked little elephant thing in that picture she had to cheer me up :(


heheheh yeah, its still useful to know what you'll most likely see happen tho....tactics are always individual and tailored to that one specific moment, but usually you can group them into similar situations.

as far as reading those sites....i would have hoped that everyone who actually took the time to look at these boards would have spent just a little amount of time researching the other realms.....will concede that it doesnt look like everyone has though!

but still whats the most common spell cast? our wizards have about 20 different spells at thier disposal, how many do you see being cast? more than 3??

knowing what someone is capable of is very useful, knowing what theyre capable of and what they are likely to use (even if its only 33% of the time) is even more useful....

knowledge is power as they say.....encyclopaedic knowledge of runemasters doesnt stop at a complete spell listing!

just my 2 copper



- Pathfinder -

So now it's silly to read up on the other realms chars? Right. My POV has been formed after having to hear stuff like "I hate skald insta stun!", "clerics with AE STUN ARE OVERPOWERED" and "Smiters do 675 damage FGS!" for several months; yes, in order to properly understand WHAT peope do, you'll actually have to try RvR; NOT knowing what they CAN (read; abilities) do, simply because you never looked it up, is plain stupid. 40+ people asking what SBs are, and where Brieftine is... PL has it's downsides.

The latter category of people are often the ones who gimped their chars as they didn't bother to use a character generator, but that's another issue.


pathfinder mate, i wholeheartedly agree with you, you should read these websites as i have said before.....but dont stop there...go to RvR and then come back and discuss what you observed (if at all).

its certainly not silly to read up on other realms characters.....but to read up on them and then think that you know everything about them is (im not saying you do).

Further discussion (as in what this thread was (in my opinion) attempting) is the next step on from having read up on the other characters.....as in now you know what they are capable of.....but what do they do 3 times out of 5....

I made the mistake of thinking that everyone would have already read these sites (or an equivalent), after all what do you have to discuss if you dont come prepared!




I think it would be much more usefull to make a list of names classes and estimatet spec..

Like this:

Hib Bards:

Name : Miss
Race : Celt
Spec : Higher Blades spec than the other bards

Name: Nico (or sumthing like that)
Race : Firbolg
Spec : No clue ... only seen him Mezzing, Healing and Dieing/whining


Mid healers

Name: Zadolina
Race : Female Dwarf
Spec: Mucho mezz ... mids allways send her in first at MMG and AMG.. let minstrels mezz her ... (AND DONT break mezz unless with a you can kill her while she is stunned or you know here Instant AE mezz timer is NOT up)

etc ..

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Rossco

I made the mistake of thinking that everyone would have already read these sites (or an equivalent), after all what do you have to discuss if you dont come prepared!



Oh my, never assume that :p Of course noone should have to ask what this and that class can do (as they should know it), and several months worth of people blurting out outright idiocies on IRC have set my teeth on edge :p

My point is, learn what classes CAN do, then go RvR for a few real days, then you should have enough experience to comment on what people usually do. The difference between a skilled lv 50 and a PLed newb is.. uhm.. large :)


Pathfinder - Yeah i know exactly what you mean....i just usually credit most people with intelligence until they show me otherwise ;)

Filip - think you hit the nail on the head there matey..... identified targets and thier common tactics.....mind u dont post what you saw them do once.....see if they do the same things time and time again before you stick em up on here.

Light - have a cow mate :m00:




nice idea

hey this knowing your enemy thing is actually a very good idea, coz rarther than walking into rvr saying ohhh look i see some1 hes blue to me lets kick his ass, well i think it would be best to see first who ure attacking and getting familiar with what hes gonna use on u, how u can prevent it, and how you can kill him in a way which leaves him thinking that you killed him by tactics..not just by rage and fury if you know what i mean. But i understand that it is kinda hard to memorise like what every one of these classes does and thier spells and that, but hmmm its a great idea and i think i might look into the idea of knowing your enemy also. will be more efficiant in rvr :)

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Rossco
Pathfinder - Yeah i know exactly what you mean....i just usually credit most people with intelligence until they show me otherwise ;)

Bah, you're way to nice for this forum. For this World, actually :p One of the fundamental truths concerning rhetorics is that people, as a collective, are stupid :)


Okey then hows about starting another thread for named enemies.....with:

Class (if known)
Identifiable features
Rough level

did i miss anything?



Ya.... if class is unknowen to you or you just THINK you know what class then dont post


hows about 2 threads....one to post finalised listings only, and the other to ask/submit partial information?

ie. Theres a guy called 'bob' and hes a stealther....he always attacks like this xxxxxxxxxxx, i know hes a dwarf level 40ish

reply from someone else......yeah hes a skald and he wears pink armour etc....then you can update the other thread with complete information.

or would this be too much hassle for peeps?



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