OT: Neverwinter Nights has gone gold!



I don't think the game is worth quitting DAoC for. But anyway... is there ever going to be a demo?


Hmm, I've been trying to decide whether to give this a go.

The idea that the multiplayer content will be player-created rather than official could be good or bad vs. official content from games like DAoC:

Player: sorting the good content from the crap could be hard.
Official: content may or may not be good but at least you know where to find it.
Player: less community than official?
Player: less persistent than official?

Don't know. May be talking crap again

I prefer the known content and community created by an official persisent world. I'll wait for some feedback I think.

No doubt some of the player content will be great and some of them will be crap. It's the problem of identifying the former that may be difficult.

The other issue is timing. With persistent worlds like DAoC, you can login any time and play the game. It does not rely on a DM running the game to make it happen. Although more events would be nice in DAoC.

I am guessing that to make NWN content great, a human DM will be required to make things happen. For those who cannot commit to particular times because of RL commitments I quess this may not be for them.

For course, it's "horses for courses". NWN will no doubt be a great game. The multiplayer aspects will suit those who can easily meet the style of play required. The problem of finding good reliable content may be an issue, maybe not.

For me, I think, persisent official content will suit me better. I can dip in whenever I want, depending on what's happening in RL.

If not NWN, then it will be SWG for me. I hope to be able to play it like MMO Elite in a Star Wars stylie Damn I loved Elite for the BBC Micro!! Sorry if I'm sounding very old. The, already announced, expansion will be required for owning space ships though.

Was looking at Neocron yesterday. That looks quite interesting. Signed for the beta test lottery Not much hope there. But it looks like it will be released at a similar time as SWG. SWG will win for me.

Neocron looks good for those who prefer the 1st Person Shooter type game compared to the more laid back combat in DAoC, for instance. For the co-ordinationally challenged like me, it may be a problem.


I loved Elite.. the first version of the game. Never finished it, though.. made it to Deadly. :)

Hopefully SWG will have something like that in it -- trading and flying around to earn cash. There don't seem to be many games these days that do that anymore. :/


As Galdora says, NWN cannot really be compared to DAoC or any other MMORPG for that matter. It's a whole different genre, and I honestly think that it will primarily interest PnP-RPGers like myself.

The good thing, however, is that it will bring in people who never did play PnP and teach them what a roleplaying game really is (not just hack n slash).

The problem with today's MMOG is that they are designed from a RPG-perspective to suit a solo-player, but in an effort to make the game Massive Multiplayer, they've made the games feel static from an RPG-point of view.

A real RPG dynamically evolves with it's players. Solve a quest and another player won't be needed for that quest later, because it's already been dealt with, but perhaps another problem as occurred based on the previous one.

NWN will be awesome because it will let "real" (please don't take that the wrong way) RPG-players play the way a RPG is supposed to play, and the functionality of the NWN-tools will let the DM automate "easy" sections, while manually working with his players in other sections. This will make it possible for DMs to maintain larger groups of players, since he could basically leave some players alone for a while and tend to others.

NWN brings "real" Role Playing to a whole new level, and I've been drooling over the game for three and a half years now..


nwn will rock the fucking house :D

i've been looking forward to this sucker for some time now. this is basically pen&paper D&D 3rd ed on a computer. you can set up virtual campaigns and cool shit like that :)

nwn = teh shiayt!

(i certainly hope so, bioware hasn't let me down yet)


Ok, NWN, WarcraftIII, Morrowind...I'll never make it to 50 lol.



Bioware rock

I am really chuffed that NWN is out - time to start looking for reviews methinks



One big thing that NWN nights has going for it (apart from it being developed by Bioware - a Canadian company [waves my maple leaf flag]) is that the publisher is Infogrames, which is a very successful French-owned company. Now why didn't GOA get them to handle DAoC?


Geezus SFX.. you've already asked that three times... the game went gold yesterday, it's not even released yet. Demos are usually released a bit after the game is released (to use "release"-code).

To my knowledge, Bioware usually don't release demos, but check out the FAQ on the site for more info:



Well, occasionally demos come earlier. I asked it three times because no-one paid attention to the other two. That FAQ on the NWN site was way too confusing so I guess I will just wait for a demo... I never base my purchasing of a game on reviews and ESPECIALLY not the official site (everyone always hypes up their game there).
Maybe if a close friend gets it when it is released I'll borrow it off him.


Originally posted by Laryssa

That was the worst MMORPG i ever played ... quitted after 2 month of playing - boredom, no events, no rpg.


No events? Ok not many granted. No RP? Bullshit, there are 100's of people who play a role (too many pirates for my liking ;) ) and the PvP aspect is so far beyond DAoC it is has to be experienced. For anyone who loves PvP and squad based combat Jumpgate is the king of space combat sims. It also has a reasonable economy based system so it is not all bang! bang! your dead. Plus an army of NPC aliens to destroy. Netdevil are in the process of adding a huge amount of content in the upcoming FREE addon Jumpgate2.

So you may ask 'if it is that good why doesn't he play anymore?'. Well I played it non-stop and logged over 1600 hours in 2 betas and retail. Frankly I had burnout, the same as many who came from Jumpgate to play DAoC. The funny thing is that after 3 months of retail most of the guys I came to DAoC Beta/Retail with last December have gone back to Jumpgate and enjoy it more than ever, absense makes the heart grow fonder and all that. Most people who slag Jumpgate off are people who couldn't get to grips with docking or rightly got bored with the lack of actual content at the start of Retail. Much of that has been addressed and the new squad warfare system will breathe new life into it as the combat aspect of the game is phenomenol after a resonable amount of practice.

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