{OT} ISP Btanytime 'POS'



Lo peeps :)

I've just an Email from BT saying i'm in breach of "OUR TERMS & CONDITIONS' lol, heres a quote from the email

In a recent review, we noticed that your account has been connected for long periods of time - typically 12 hours or more in a day. Your computer may also be automatically redialling to connect to your account in your absence."

Now this is ball ox! has anyone else got this mail? it also says i'm using a redialer program aswell which is utter utter *%$^£&£(" has anyone else got out like this from bt? or is it there nice way of saying get broadband? it also states i'm gonna get disconnected for using my account in this way! grrrrrr

"get your dam ISP of me, DAM you all to hell"

Questor Thews

Phoenix Legion


They should have said: GET A LIFE ;)

Nah, anyways, haven't they ever heard of online gaming ? I mean, if they think you abuse the line, all they have to do is check where the traffic goes. Never heard anyone get anything like that from their provider before, but then, I live in Sweden.

Elric IA

If they are daft enough to offer unlimited access for a set fee per month they have to expect people will use it. If there is a limit on it it should be made clear and there should be an auto cut off. In these days of fixed fee internet calls they dont even have a per minute charge now.

My opinion of BT from normal telephone usage is that BT are only interested in money.

Why advertise it as unlimited use?

A few ISPs in the UK have done this and tried to get people of unmetered accounts becuase they have started to lose money. They want your business without any commercial risk to them.

I would try to get a new ISp that do not send you these. Clara is mine and have never given me any problems (www.clara.net).


BT only allow you to use unlimited use dialup if you're using it for less than 15 quid worth of calls a month ;)

Their official line is you should be using the ADSL if you want a decent connection, at which point they'll gouge you for cash followed by throttling your bandwidth if you try and download anything anyway.

Mmm 12k/s adsl .. lovely ;P

Get Cable, or ADSL from anyone but BT Openwound.

Their business plan seems to be "We'll provide a lack of service to our customers and try and piss off the heavy users. Once they're gone we'll only have the people that connect once a month for 10 minutes anyway, who'd be far cheaper with just a normal pay-as-you-go dialup, but don't tell them."

That said, freeserve are exactly the same.....


hehee it just really P***ed me off when i read the email! lol

the thing is tho they put a 12hour limit on high end users! hmmm

BTanytime more like BTonce a month and under a hour at that!

bah, i'll look at clara ta for link :)


Elric IA


I am on ADSL with clara but with my previous dial up account (free weekends for a fixed fee), even the 2 hour cut off disappeared around the time of the fixed rate internet calls late last year.

No emails either.


my mates done one better, he was cut off for it!!!

write one back saying wheres your proof? why havn't you monitored my traffic etc...

then switch to freeserve, cause the connections much more stable :)


I connect through BTopenworld anytime. Got an email like this. Problem is they give me ISDN for free atm. Can't switch to ADSL 'cause I'm to far out from a telephone exchange. I'd have to get it through satellite which isn't a choice at the price it is now. Looks like I'm stuck with BTopenworld.

PS: The reason I get it for free is my Dad works there


I never had any problems with BTopenworld except about a month ago when a few disconnects/unable to connect problems occured.

The speed is great (the install guy said I was about 50 yards from the exchange or something) and I get downloads at about 60-70K/sec (unaccelerated). And get this: when I phoned the help desk with some USB queries they were really helpful(!).

heh it surprised me to....


I use blueyonder broadband yummy 1meg line, before that the 512k service, before that i was on the cableinternet dialup - unlimited access (an it was, i was connected as long as i liked and never got a letter.

The only problem i had was when they mistakenly sent a bill for £300, sorted it all out though.

Ever had a problem with by bb, no, never anything major, been cut off for an hour once. and thats in god knows how long of being subscribed to it.

Moral of the story, move somewhere were you can get a by connection :p, bt = teh sux


We had BT Anytime and after having a couple weeks worth of problems with not being able to connect or having problems reconnecting after the 2 hour disconnect they upgraded us to ADSL for free - I have no complaints!

Although, I believe the email you are getting is similar to one we had a while back before the switch and when we wrote back to complain they just switched our account onto a high end user server.

Try emailing them back and pointing out that it says the BT Anytime account is unlimited connection to the internet with a 2 hour disconnect time and that you are paying said £15 a month for it.

Tell them if they would like to upgrade your account to a broadband one they can do but they are footing the cost ;)

I pretty much yelled blue murder at them over their whole BT Anytime service being anything but anytime (the Advertising Standards Authority also screwed them on this point) and they offered us the upgrade.
I'm far happier paying £25 a month for a permanent ADSL connection which we have no problems with at all.

PS: The other option of course could be that more than one PC is using your dialup and username which could be why it is showing up with a 12 hour solid connection as BT Anytime should disconnect after approx 2 hours I believe.



Similar price, £15 a month, but NO bullshit limit, and the cut off is > 2 hours (I think its 8, maybe none).

Ping is fine, everything is good.

Stop giving your money to those cunts at BT.

Roo Stercogburn

Ok... a common mistake made here:

The BT Openworld Anytime dialup is UNMETERED, not unlimited. The difference is a bit subtle and catches a lot of peeps out. Unmetered means that you can merely use it at a fixed rate of cost per month. It's not unlimited access. This catches a lot of peeps out.

Elric IA

The BT Openworld Anytime dialup is UNMETERED, not unlimited. The difference is a bit subtle and catches a lot of peeps out. Unmetered means that you can merely use it at a fixed rate of cost per month. It's not unlimited access. This catches a lot of peeps out.

A typical BT marketing ploy designed to catch out the consumer rather than inform them off the facts (reminds me of the 50p all day local call cost where they conveniently forgot to mention it excluded internet access)


I still can't believe BT cut people off every 2 hours. It's just amazing.

If you can, go with NTL or Telewest broadband. I got it a few months ago and the service is top notch.


There was uproar about this, they were moving their high-end users to different dial-up numbers. These more often than not gave a busy signal.

In the end causing these customers to leave BT and join another ISP.

It was BT's way of freeing up their over-stretched network by keeping only low/mid users, all paying nice subs btw.

Search for this on the Watchdog site on the main BBC page for the full story.


I have to agree with Cerebus, Speak to your local cable tv operator about getting a 512k broadband connection.

£15 a month to be fucking ripped off by :flame: Beelzebub Telecom :flame: or £25 pound a month for always on, broadband heaven?

Me? BT are the Internet Antichrist in this country and I wouldnt give them money if they were starving to death for the want of 9p for a tin of TESCO value beans!


9p beans?! I remember when they cost 3p!!

As for internet, I'm on eclipse ADSL, £22.50/month of 512k unlimited bliss. :D



Holy Shit

Recived an e-mail saying my account will be terminated on teh 6'th of August. FFS

Damn guess ill find a new ISP shame to lose the e-mail addresses dont know what i can do about that :(

And the most anoying thing is I only use it half of the days a wekk and I do time myself after reciving the warnings I guess they are really kicking ppl off.

All I can say is ppl be carefull if you want BT to rip you of some more



Freetime Anytime is not intended to be a permanent connection, it is a contended service with a user to modem ratio of 10:1.

No good


No call charges for 200 hours per month (an 0845 access account is available at request thereafter).

No good

Both taken from there Terms + Conditions

Damn it cause i better find a new good isp soon, cant get adsl or isdn in my area and it hase to be £15 per month


I feel sorry for you man, it's a real shame people have to put up with BT like this.

The company is just shit, I think most people hate them and I wish you luck in finding a decent service.

I don't think companies should be allowed to call their Internet services by names that give false impressions. 'Anytime' means 'anytime' in my opinion and should be a service that you can use anytime you want for as long as you want.


Thats really Crappy Zilch, Maybe we should boycot BT?! :) lol then again maybe not as i wouldnt have a connection!

loosing all the email addys must be a bad um as i have a few my self and use them a fair bit too.

I would love to go on to cable (£25 for a 512k connection) now thats better than BT! but the only problem is cable is not in my area (but it is in next street! bah) although BT broadband is in my area i'm reluctant to spend any more of my money with BT, and BT contract there Broadband to the address and we're after moving soon and we'd have to pay BT still for the old address! (they wont move it, you have to get another contract and still pay your old one) money grabbing so & so's!

Questor Thews

Phoenix Legion


Could be worse, a m8 of mine got the boot for over usage on BTAnytimeexceptwhenthersaYintheday.

He made the mistake of going to Virgin.net and going for their package of "unmetered access". Foolish man didnt read the small print, not only do you get kicked off every 2 hours, but he became subject to a 10 minute "cool off period" everytime.

Reading their wording seems they got ppl who are restricted to 56K stitched up like kippers;

Unmetered access = Bt would say this means no call charges will show on your phone bill however:
Unmetered access = no logging of your call times or call durations will be made - so if its not metered, how do they know you were on for 12 hours +?

24/7 access = you can dial up any time of day for this service - and does not mean you can stay connected the service to access it 24 hours a day 7 days a week....

Im pretty sure BT and all the others have this use of English pretty well sown up in the small print, and goes down to legal definition, but theres the point, we all hate lawyers!

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