OT: funny things from irc



this thread is for funny irc things no flames please, and NO offence is meant to any nation, sex, or sexuality that may be mentioned

these are some I found on the net, am gonna take the funniest and post here, jsut because I´m bored, should any of you find yourself appearing here, do let me know ;)

null0> sorry, was a bit busy yesterday
<null0> and monday Argentina had a holiday
<null0> celebrating that Argentina lost the war about the falklands
<enge> hoh
<enge> in germany we never celebrate that we lost wars
<null0> you'd never be working then ;-P
<enge> :)
Null> grounding it
<steven> grounding what?
<Null> in the routing table
<steven> what does "grounding" an IP mean then?
<Null> routing to localhost
<Null> I made it up myself :)
<steven> oh that's fine then
<steven> no wonder I had no idea what you were talking about :)
* steven has just finished flamping a bick.
<Null> Good for you :)
<steven> thanks, it plipped a busk but then I japlered a monding, so it was wormligged anyway.
<Null> Obviously - it took you that long to figure out ?
<steven> I had trouble making up words that didnt resemble any other word too closely
<Null> hehe
20:49] Lorry : How big are average penises in cm?
[20:53] Lorry : seems to say 6 inches which is what I thought, just wasn't sure how people would claim that in cm.
[20:54] Lorry : It doesn't sound right saying "Give me the whole 15.24cm big boy!"
[20:54] jv- : yeah
[20:54] jv- : you round it to 16cm
[20:55] Lorry : So metric gives you a bigger willy
[20:55] Lorry : Brilliant! let's join the Euro!
[20:58] Lorry : That's all the British Press would need to say... We'd be happy.
[20:58] Lorry : An extra 8mm on our willies if we join Europe

ok I´d better stop now enyou :)

the rest can be read at IRC-silliness have fun

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