OSP ????????????????????



What The FuGG is OSP - when i connect to the servers with OSP written on it i get a prompt for my CD key and then after i put it in i get booted back to the main menu !!!!!!

Is it just me or is Q3 a Real pain in the ass - i never had all this crap with UT??
although saying that the graphics and maps seem alot better than UT...


osp is a mod which makes mageing the game a tad easier (but arses up my ping [but thats a different thread:)]) and adds a few neat features like cg_enemymodel ......

i am afraid you picked a bad time to start playing with q3, the 1.27 patch arsed up alot of things, hopefully the next patch will sort these pains out.

on the cd key front, i would simply copy the cdkey file wich is in your baseq3 folder and manually add it to the other mod folders (ie quake3\osp\) it works fine for me.


Plus UT had it's similar problems with versions of CSHP2. But nobody likes a Q3 v UT debate :)


heh, tbh i dont mind UT, i simply prefer the look/feel of Quake3. i used to like instagib on ut, but when that came to Q3 ...... :), tbh i dont no why ut still takes up nearly a gig of space on my hard disk:).

O, Q3 also runs ALOT qucker on my pc :)

[Edited by sjp on 13-02-01 at 10:23]


getting the osp mod

So would it be a good idea for me to get the osp mod as it seems there is as many osp games as the normal Q3 games and ra3 - if so what files would i need to download to get osp?(i am fully up to date on Q3 patches i have 1.27h)
And what exactly does this osp do - also where do i put it (Which folder)??
Thnx again :)


Yes, it is a very good idea to get osp mate


Whenever u get a file like this, once winzip is open, look always for a file called README, as 90% of the time it will tell you exactly how to install and where to put it :)

In this case, I think the files are zipped with paths enabled (e.g. one column in winzip window will have something like '\osp\maps' against each file, which represents the folder and sub-folders it will unzip the files to). So, check the readme file first, but im pretty sure u unzip it to 'QuakeIIIArena' directory and as long as u have paths enabled (which it should default to), it will create all the subdirectories for u.

It's worth remembering that this most recent osp version is built to work with 1.27g, so if u experience any problems with games that are running OSP (well, u will anyway cos the g/h patch and osp seems buggy as hell), try reinstalling the G patch and NOT putting H over the top. But, tbh, I run H and its fine for me, so hopefully will be for u too.


[Edited by Ch@meleon on 13-02-01 at 16:09]

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