STEAM Orion: Dino Horde


Resident Freddy
Dec 24, 2003

This came up as free to play for a couple of days in Steam today, and only 99p to purchase. After 3 hours of play, yeah, it's a fun co-op game. Be wary of the difficulty level of the server you join. If get used to what you can do with melee'ing on Easy (or even Noob) then Medium and up is going to be a shock when you keep dying to the little buggers if you try to ignore them.

Quick precis: You're part of a 5 man team defending a base against dinosaurs and/or capturing new objectices. It's got the usual array of FPS weapons, plus vehicles (including air if you survive long enough) both with weapons and without. 3 character classes, Assault, Support and er Light something.

Lots of upgrades you can buy during a game with the credits you get from kills.

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