Basic raid, quest and main bosses to kill.
Sunday 4pm UK time Caer Diogel, quest is level 49+, you need to have killed Malefact before Sunday, I may well refuse to wait, going to kill Malefact like 5 minutes before the raid is not acceptable. Put some effort in if you want to come.
100% items and RoG jewelery is for level 49+'s, alt rolling will be allowed, granted you inform the necessary person in the time span allocated. Level 40+'s can come and leech exp if they wish.
I want to kill the main bosses also, so we may do those first, usual raid is as follows:
Leader posts he wants to do other bosses after Scuerol, then as soon as everyone has finished the quest they suicide, so I may well do main bosses first then the quest, we will see.
Anyway post here if interested, also post if bringing guild groups just for the raiding element, so I cancel if needbe.
Sunday 4pm UK time Caer Diogel, quest is level 49+, you need to have killed Malefact before Sunday, I may well refuse to wait, going to kill Malefact like 5 minutes before the raid is not acceptable. Put some effort in if you want to come.
100% items and RoG jewelery is for level 49+'s, alt rolling will be allowed, granted you inform the necessary person in the time span allocated. Level 40+'s can come and leech exp if they wish.
I want to kill the main bosses also, so we may do those first, usual raid is as follows:
Leader posts he wants to do other bosses after Scuerol, then as soon as everyone has finished the quest they suicide, so I may well do main bosses first then the quest, we will see.
Anyway post here if interested, also post if bringing guild groups just for the raiding element, so I cancel if needbe.