

old.Rei Ayanami

Hey everyone

2 weeks i started my little bard in your wonderful realm. I've been quite happy so far but then i got the alliance chat. Now i'm an old middie fra exc and our alliance chat has always been controlled by spam (the alliances i've been in, with exceptions of ofcourse). I got my promotion and first thing i see is someone asking for a Group on the alliance chat and 5 min later same person asking for items.

I wonder a little and ignore it, maybe it was this one person who didn't know how an alliance should work. I then play a little with my guildmates and i see some kind of discussion about "bla bla bla insert some lame topic here". I then ask my guild what's going on, and they say that it's always like that. I whine a little, they whine a little and someone tells ppl to stop spamming. The next thing i know is that someone named Abbadon or something goes crazy and contacts our guildleader and tells our member to behave. That just makes me :puke:

ok, so people might not want to have a organised alliance chat so i ignore it the rest of the night. Then i hit the wonderful highlevels and i am finally able to go to Cursed Forest. I ask my guild if there are any organised groups in Hibernia and they start laughing. "Hohoho, organisation in Hibernia you must be kidding". :eek:

Now we are coming to the point of my little tale. If you want to succed in RvR and get some nice teams together to rule in Emain or some other place you got to be willing to follow some orders. I ask of the Soul Pact leaders to clean up the alliance for better communication for the good of the realm.

- Spam tends to make people angry and disable alliance chat from chat windows.
- When people remove alliance chat from the chat windows, communication goes down to 0% for the certain people.
- When there is no communication what's the point with an alliance?

Now you might all just see me as the wiseguy from Exc/mid who thinks he knows everything. But i want to see a realm where the leader of the alliance or someone else takes charge at Realmbased events, relics raids, relic defense and everything that might concern the alliance. And now some of you ask: "Why don't you take charge mister ohiamsoperfect", simple answer: "I have no idea how the realm works and operates."

50% of you probably disagree with me but i don't think: Level 50 dings, items trades, group requests and normal chat should belong on the alliance.

Thanks for your time, was a big post this time, and i hope to get some nice feedback on the points where i'm wrong and right. :)

Ignore typos ect. i'm so very :m00:


Hi misato, we have a private forum where this has been discussed for what seems like forever now, you should ask your guildleader to get you added to that forum.

To answer a few quiestions.
Xping subject, its very hard to get groups in hibernia compared to alb/mid becuase of our growing but still small numbers, so why shouldnt be people be allowed to find xp groups over /as ? aslong as theres no important thing going on i dont see why people shouldnt be allowed to look for xp groups over /as.

As for the need a leader thing.
First i would like to say that when on large raids and similar its important that someone organise things or else people are just gonna run of for them selves getting killed etc.
But with that said, we are quite a large bunch who believes that getting to know each ohter (each know his role etc) and working toghter is alot more fun than to have someone /Y GET YOUR ASS OUT ON THE FIELD BOY!!!

PS nice to have another Dane in Hib/pryd :)

old.Rei Ayanami

nice to be here :)

well for the XP groups, ok you've got 1/4 of the server so i guess you are pretty low on members. So i guess a small /as Bla bla bla, lFG ect is ok. But keeping it to a minimum would be fine.

Leader: Find one person people know is included in the plans so people have a familiar person they know got things under control. I lead a few relic raids on exc and sometimes people just stuck (we are talking 50+) to me without anyone telling them to :)
That's what i want to see happen here.

Woopie :clap:


Opin is right, basically.

The core members of the Alliance (not talking about guilds, but of players) have been XP'ing together since the very start, and we have found that we need to stay a close-knit community to operate effectively.

As Opin has said, there is a private Alliance forum on the forum, where this has been discussed alot.

Yes, sometimes there can be alot of activity on /as, especially when there is a report of someone hitting level 50 ( last night our CF Epic Mob group, all 50's, merged with another group there to get 2 people to 50 quickly, half a bub in under 15 minutes for them, they both dinged 1 pull apart). It is an achievement getting to 50, and everyone likes to see that people appreciate their efforts. We have tried to restrict this to /send, buts sometimes people sort of forget about that :)

If you do find that /as is distracting you, feel free to turn it off. I occasionally turn mine off when in a /cg, but there will always be someone else in HDS with /as turned on, so if anything important arises, I will know about it.

If something is happenning (mass keep raids, Relic raid, Legion/Dragon raid) then people are asked to minimise /as access, and only use it for related topics (i.e.: no ooc discussions, no item related discussions, no asking for groups, etc.) which usually works.

With /as being the way it is atm, you tend to get to know people more easily, and through that you become more comfortable with communication within the alliance. You get to know who the main characters are (and their alts, very confusing though lol), who the main event leaders are (RvR, raids, etc.), and you also get to see what is needed in regards to XP groups ("Bard neded for fins group" <- makes it easier for you to get groups).

Also, in regards to organising events etc. There are alot of organised events in Hibs. We usually get people like Abbadon, Cedig, Svarun, Tuorin, Greggor, Trelawney, myself etc. using /as to organise keep raids, RvR, or Prince/Legion raids. We also have a few other alliances in Hibs which contact some of us to pass on requests/info to our /as regarding the same sort of things.

Give /as a week or so, and you will see that, although there is what some people would deem spam, there is alot of things that are said which can later turn out to be useful (mob locations for example, if you don't know where a quest mob is, ask in guild, or if no-one there knows, ask in /as).

Anyway, I am going to be trying to sort out the CF hunts this weekend, unless we have DF access, in which case a few Prince raids or a Legion raid could be possible. There are alot of good spots in the CF for groups 40+ besides the fins (genks, Lusus (almost insta spawn), Gobo's, grabeyes, etc.) which groups moving from corus can do, and I am going to try and get a HDS group in the CF all weekend, and if there are any spaces, people are welcome to join.

Also, there is going to be a constant Epic Mob hunt going on over the weekend, which people are welcome to join, maybe up to 3 groups for the big mobs (Juggernaut for example) but we have got it down to just one group needed for most of them (Blight, Skeaghshee, Orey) so there will be a few Epic items floating around after this weekend.

Going to be doing ALOT of Prince raids this weekend too when we get DF access, to see if we can get SPARE items.


hmm spare DF items... sounds like some sort of fantasy to me :)

I'm trying to organise a SH hunt for the weekend, but my missus is trying to organise a "paint the walls all weekend" event which may clash. Usually her events go through, and mine get cancelled :D

As usual I'll post the event on

Maybe we'll give the dragon a poke too :)


I actually prefer a mor relaxed alliance where people can actually be friendly through /as rather than strictly military.

The day the alliance orders all people to restrict /as to purely rvr or raid related issues is the day I quit the game or at the very least put my main in my alt guild.


Originally posted by Cornell
The day the alliance orders all people to restrict /as to purely rvr or raid related issues is the day I quit the game or at the very least put my main in my alt guild.

hehe And who's gonna invite you to the alt guild?


OK, suppose I could...

Then join the alliance :m00:


I think our alliance has way more chilled people than not,

I suspect that it will never get uptight about such things, individuals might (and have) but on the whole i think people like the way we operate, I for one certainly do

I always have and always will participate and encourage level 50 grats spam... This is probably the one issue i will NEVER budge on, some have tried but all have failed.


I like the way /as is now, its friendly and cozy :) . I dont mind ppl looking for grps or grps looking for specific classes in /As but we should try to use the built in system more often (it does work youknow).

As with the "Ding 50" im totaly with Jood, the only way you can stop me is to turn of my /as rights...


well i love my alliance for /as i feel thats a way we all get to know each other better and are stronger for it.

i love having sudden random /as messages from zedorf , or having downaneal do another random riddle session, at 2 am in the morning because we defending crauch and are all bored waiting for people.

I have never disabled my /as chat because its important, not just for the general chat, but also because all important messages are written in capitals, and all spam stops when one comes along, for example the marriage or borg on friday. i heard that from /as or the fact that we need reinforcements at allinne.

to me an alliance chat should be just that, its a place where people connect, and also to help the alliance.

I am proud to be part of Nature's fury, and even prouder to be an officer in my guild that is able to speak on alliance

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