organisation on dragon raid friday night



maybe another useless thread but i want to write about it.
today some of us visited golestandt to take him out.
i had much fun anyway, but:

i really WANT to follow someone who has a clue what he is doing and what the rest should do best!
im really willing to take orders and do them as good as i can.

so please you lvl 50 guys (or girls):
pick one who wants to, whos able to, and i think we all will follow!

theres no use when 3 or more con-red-to-me-ppl (seem to be lvl 50 then) yell different commands and tell each other to shut up.


nothing against one of you, outlaw and mallus :clap: or anybody else, please dont feel all did a good job, its just the organisation and communication. was just a funny example imo...

i was running around between khalen, arthwyr, herbal and outlaw just to figure out who is in command and what to do.

you complain about low-lvls not to follow your orders?
(i know this discussion was about rvr and not behaving at the dragon lair, but i think there is often the same problem)
if you (the 50ies) would all pull at the same string, the rest would follow, i promise.

i dont want to blame anyone, just wanted to say it.



hehe dispite bit of un-organization
the fecking dragon-lizard
hits bloody hard


Hmmm I was thinking we spread out along the walls so we dont all get aoe'd to death when the dragon came back from his patrols :rolleyes: . Anyway I knew nothing about the raid until I logged on at about 7pm as I haven't been on last few weeks. Besides, I think Outlaw did a good job of organising the raid with such short notice. I will be putting together a serious raid attempt in a week or two (actually got some decent tactics and a plan for a change :clap: ).


i was running around between khalen, arthwyr, herbal and outlaw just to figure out who is in command and what to do.

I find that hard to believe since i was not there, Frankly I haven't been on long at all today. Plz think twice before posting something like that. Specialy when you mention specific names.



Originally posted by Arthwyr

I find that hard to believe since i was not there, Frankly I haven't been on long at all today. Plz think twice before posting something like that. Specialy when you mention specific names.


PLZ arthwyr old m8 don't let this bother you!!

i think you'll get over it!!! if not, you might be the one with a problem!:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Arthwyr

I find that hard to believe since i was not there, Frankly I haven't been on long at all today. Plz think twice before posting something like that. Specialy when you mention specific names.


sorry, please accept my appology, my mistake! just wanted to mention some "well known" ppls who are in charge usually.

and as i said, i didnt want to offend someone.


PLZ arthwyr old m8 don't let this bother you!!

i think you'll get over it!!! if not, you might be the one with a problem!

... and your point ?

At the retake of Benowyc I witnesses some of the worst Guard pulling I have seen on this server, On each and every Occasion Aikmore managed to pull the FULL guard complement and then waited before the all spawned to do it again, not to mention he must have managed to agro each and every mob on the way over there, XP killing several of his Party members.
Then again Aikmore might not have been there, but I am sure he will get over it.

That was my point.

Np Eraser, just hate to see my name mentioned on occassions, events I was not there. One always knows where things like this start but never where they end.


All i want to say is the Dragon raid was a complete Success.

Golestand didnt die........but we did hurt him...more than i expected we would !!!

WE have better ideas of wot to do.......and with 200 Albions I think it should be possible.

But Mallus...Why 2 weeks ??......this isnt teh WOrld Cup preperations......Lets just kill him. 600+ peopel play everyday :D


BIG E, I remeber that point, Mallus was right to say all against the wall, the only reason I said to gather first was so that we could quickly assemble together and then plan our next move, ie. spread around the walls :))


Originally posted by Arthwyr

just hate to see my name mentioned on occassions, events I was not there
I saw you go inside a wall at AMG and do CHANTS !!!! inside the wall thus making your group uber and win the battle! Dont you just love when people talk crap about you and things that you havent done?


Originally posted by Outlaw
BIG E, I remeber that point, Mallus was right to say all against the wall, the only reason I said to gather first was so that we could quickly assemble together and then plan our next move, ie. spread around the walls :))

im sure you all did a good job, just saw this in my taken screenies and thought it would be a funny example :clap:

i just read the post about the tactic for the next attempt...sounds good to me, im looking forward, this time we ll get him :)


Anyone got a screenshot of his health before you died? :D


i made one during the first wave which was most successful i think...
you can see the screenie HERE

dont think we got him more down like this...he regenerated fast :(


Originally posted by Arthwyr

... and your point ?

At the retake of Benowyc I witnesses some of the worst Guard pulling I have seen on this server, On each and every Occasion Aikmore managed to pull the FULL guard complement and then waited before the all spawned to do it again, not to mention he must have managed to agro each and every mob on the way over there, XP killing several of his Party members.
Then again Aikmore might not have been there, but I am sure he will get over it.

That was my point.

Np Eraser, just hate to see my name mentioned on occassions, events I was not there. One always knows where things like this start but never where they end.

How can this bother you so much! just reply with "I wasen't there¨:p" or sumpthing.

I think the real problem is that you have startet to have a high attitude problem..

And i think you have to calm down abit or youll might end up loose more then you have gained!!

I can almost sense the aggro in your reply. becuase i wrote a little against you(somethings rotten but where`?):rolleyes:

but i give you tumbs up for your novel.. i like the idea of a tank pulling guards!

Feel free to msg me ingame if you want to discuss this further


I dunno, i find that very belivable u uber guard puller aik you :E


Nice comparison Arthwyr ;)

I dont think ppl give a rats ass if it was u, zoyster, herbal etc etc who yelled orders. And as Aikmore mentions, dont go too high too fast :O chill out bro


Well I didn't yell a bit :) And it wasn't my leading...

At one time we had the dragon cornered. It didn't attack us when we were damn close. I think it was still looking for Ialkarn (who just got ressed) and was waiting for him to show in the open. But then when Ialkarn moved (no offense not your fault just strange dragon behaviour) it started to fly back and kill the people who were just ready for battle again :(

Was fun though when 1 Elder started fighting the big uber dragon. He fought pretty long I must say.

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