


Optical, I hope you read this forum. I ran in to you today, in mid frontier (Excalibur) and was a bit confused...

OK, here's what happened:
I decided to dust off my cleric and ported to midgård and thought I would see if I could get to yggdra in one piece. After a while I was joined by Bowen, the scout. And when we came to that place where a big fat glacier giant is standing across the road, Bowen sent a short "inc".
I looked around and almost right next to me I saw Optical standing, looking at the giant. Since my puny cleric is only lv 31 he was of course horribly purple to me. He turned around, ran over to Bowen and smacked him over the head a couple of times, thereby killing him... I tried a couple of my pathetic smites, which he of course resisted. OK, so now it's release-time for old McSmart, I thought... But instead Optical went up to me and started pointing at the giant, several times. Since he left me alone, I went over to Bowen and rezzed him. Optical came over to us and stood there watching for a while, then he just waved and ran off.

I must say it was nice to meet a highlevel in the frontier area who didn't immediately gank the crap out of my sorry lowlevel ass... :) And it made me wish Mythic had implemented some way to communicate between realms...

But what was all that pointing at the giant about, Optical??

Nice meeting ya, btw :)


I had the same kinda-ish thing

I was lvling my alt Infil together with a friend's alt Scout (We are both lvl 21) in Sauvage Forest, when Optical came along. First time he passed, he killed us. Then he got killed by Albion Scouts. About 30 mins (maybe an hour) later he came back. I prepped myself for a quick death, but no. He stood there watching us. We waved to him etc., he waved back and then ran off :)

Nice not to get ganked just coz we were enemies. (Of course we ratted on him to some higl-lvl guys in guild who were chasing him) :p


I was just running out of sauvage and got had not much farther than the tower outside earlier today and what do I see? Lightining pouring down from the heavens. Rjan got me good. All I wanted was a damn merchant pet for a cash group at tanglers! <weeps like a baby> But it was ok, a friendly cleric came and rezzed me and I got my merchant as she sat looking afk while her loving merc friend hid in the tower :p (I wonder if she ever got him) Sneaky girl she was.
Oh how I wish I'd met Optical instead...would have sat down for a nice cup of tea and talked about the weather instead of haveing an early evening grass snack.


Dreama - you died to a thane? For shame!

Optical seems a decent guy. Got the drop on him in uppland recently, then thought better of it and stealthed off (was too low on power for another round of DD's)
Very nicely ran back to the border fort, healed up, came out and ran around again. Ended up killing me cos i didn't wait long enough before attacking again, so he was mezz immune.
Next time i met him he was somehow doing 100dmg more in melee?
either that or he crit 3 times in a row, but either way, ouch....
/salute optical for hanging around to fight me without going back to the gate and getting friends :p

Herbal Remedy

went out to rezz a lvl 40 merc friend who optical had ganked he tried me while i was rezzing he was sent back to midgard before id lost 50% hps and no instas used :)


Funny how I've had the exact opposite happen to me when it comes to this fella, optical. I was already lying dead in the grass near our pk and all the mids were camping it when optical comes over and starts laugh spamming me. So needless to say I've ganked his ass plenty of times and returned the favour, and yes that makes me feel soooo big and bad.

Maybe two people play his character.


I was lvling my alt Infil together with a friend's alt Scout (We are both lvl 21) in Sauvage Forest, when Optical came along. First time he passed, he killed us. Then he got killed by Albion Scouts. About 30 mins (maybe an hour) later he came back.

I'd say an hour, because after he died to the guards me and centuri nailed him in pennines on his way back :)

But it was ok, a friendly cleric came and rezzed me and I got my merchant as she sat looking afk while her loving merc friend hid in the tower (I wonder if she ever got him) Sneaky girl she was.

Yeah we got the thane, but instead of fighting us like a man he ran to the guards so they could finish him off. Wimp.


maybe he just has something against being split up the middle by something he can never see, nicolas :D
can afford to have been polite to me since i'm a low yellow and mocking me would be kinda feeble :D


Well..i had a nice story with optical too...

It all started at mmg..we spotted him..i think i was with kal..
Started chasing....

I think both him and us used up end pretty quickly for sprinting in the very beggining..


We kept chasing him...gaining like inches with every turn he made. We were moving on same speed so i tought this will take a while, but hell.. i ll chase him to gorge if needed ;)

While running like made and just passing Crim we started waving and dancing on eachother ;))) made me laugh...really....all of us still running like mad of course..
Finally managed to land a mezz near bolg and we killed..

Was nice one mate...real refreshing running..i gained a +1 to con i think;)

old.Cruel Heart

Maybe its got something to do with that he's EX-Albioner ;)), like me.. Oh wait, im back in albion :twak:


Optical he

Got a simular story

A week ago i go from Sauvage Castle to Excalibur, just to have a look around at the new merchant. About 1/4 way i see a message stating: "xxxxxxxx was killed by Optical". Ok so mids around. I proceed to Excalibur and about halfway I see a yellow con dwarf standing on the road. Well us tanks are not that smart :), so I put on damage chant and runs op to him. Offcourse he mezzes me (hmmmm could have been stun). He looks at me for a few secs, turns around and runs off. Well that got my attention. Was not really sure what to think about that. So i call a cleric guildmate (Bobiskey) for some backup together with a minstrel (for speed). After teamed up at Sauvage we went to Excalibur again and again halfway is Optical in the middle of the road. He ran but with minstrell speed, we got him and killed him.

Now what i wanted to say (I know i talk too much :) ): Someone mentioned that he was ex-Albion. Could someone give me his Alb name ? Dunno why he didnt kill me in the first time; does he know me ?, is he homesick ? :) Just wanted to know some more about this fellow

old.Cruel Heart

Well Im sure he doesnt mind me telling.. He was Baker on albion, lvl41 armsman, deleted.


Originally posted by Celilgrin
Optical he

Well us tanks are not that smart :), so I put on damage chant and runs op to him.

when did Palas become tanks?:p


I hate albs just as much as any other MId


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Dreama - you died to a thane? For shame!

Next time i met him he was somehow doing 100dmg more in melee?

Thane's = Win

And he prolly had his damage chant on the second time.

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