Opposing level 50s...



I was in Emain over the weekend and came across a full group of level 50 enemies camping between our portal keep and the wall (Hiding in the tree/bushes to the right hand side). They were mezzing small groups of albs then stun killing them one by one. Noone seemed interested in stopping them killing group after group of albs making their way to the wall.
Could some of our level 50s please come out and disuade them from camping there by sending them back to their own realm in a body back.



Since its so obvious what they do, why do ppl keep running to them?

Gather a large group and gank them imstead of crying for help.


You are missing the point I think

We weren't chasing them they were camping in the trees to right of portal keep, making it impossible for groups to get past. This is aided by the groups with minstrels running off leaving smaller groups behind to be picked off.

Now I know you'll say 'get your own minstrel' etc etc but surely the point is to work as a realm to ensure all our players can make it out of our PK?


Try to get some response in alliance. Describe the situation and rally some people to smoke em out :)

Look at the way everybody got to excal during the last attack. Whole of lyonesse was running to the yarleys and beyond (oh ... next time the peeps with low standing to them should NOT bust in and thus be forced to slay them all ;) )
It was an awesome sight and proves that albion can still be rallied for such events and that many high lvls still answer to the call of war :D

You will not get the same response for a bunch of camping mids/hibs but a positive response is very possible. Otherwise, wait at the pk and inform the incoming teleports of the situation. Be patient till you get some good groups and then head out. Dont just rush into death because you cant wait another 15 mins for reinforcements.


Wel a couple of points

1. My understanding was that the alliance channel was not to be used an emain chat (although it has certainly been happening)

2. I managed to get back to PK and warned a group including some level 50's of the situation and was completely ignored

Still I'd hope usually that would work :)


mid/hib groups of 50s will usually own any alb groups with 50s in in emain so most dont bother giving away rps ;)


Originally posted by starblade
mid/hib groups of 50s will usually own any alb groups with 50s in in emain so most dont bother giving away rps

That's the response you get from most level 50s, they don't want to get owned so they won't try. Don't you think these mids are racking up the realm points killing every other alb that goes by? If noone stops them, they'll camp there every evening until they are rank 10.

Originally posted by Odysseus
Since its so obvious what they do, why do ppl keep running to them?

Gather a large group and gank them imstead of crying for help.

And your next post will be, why doesn't anyone listen in RvR, the answer is you have earned zero respect from anyone.

We did attempt to go back and gather a large group, but none of the higher levels wanted to know.
This group of mids killed us once, we didn't go back to let them kill us again. But they were obviously camped there for a while and it's only once you've been killed that you find out they are there, so the first time each player comes out they'll probably be killed.
This isn't about me being killed repeatedly by some level 50 group, this is about getting some support from our level 50s to stop these people before they kill another 100 unsuspecting albs on the way to the wall and to demonstrate that our realm will protect it's own. But hey I guess I was wrong I guess we albs only look after number one



The other realm's level 50s are in far better RvR classes generally than ours. The only decent RvR class we have any real number of lvl 50s in, is the cleric....
Unless pallies are meant to beat skalds, runemasters, etc?


Pallies win in RvR? I hope your joking.

Those poor guys are probably the only class more useless than my armsman.
Take a tank to emain and youll very quickly learn what it feels like to be a pygmy goblin in lyonesse ;) :rolleyes: :sleeping: :sleeping:

Ok, so maybe Im just going through a bit of a "my char sucks" phase at the moment, but I see very little from others to suggest itll get any better :(


Originally posted by LandShark
The other realm's level 50s are in far better RvR classes generally than ours. The only decent RvR class we have any real number of lvl 50s in, is the cleric....
Unless pallies are meant to beat skalds, runemasters, etc?

It makes no odds it's who mezzes first

Sorc casts AoE mez, Paladin/Armsman slams each enemy one by one while everyone else hacks them to pieces. There's not much skill involved it's just whoever gets the spell off first :)



Why can't everyone stop bloody whinging. Especially about Lvl 50s.

I have been in emain 3 evenings this week. As a Low 40s level, I was expecting to have no trouble finding some helpful people to group with.

After 20 mins or running around like headless chickens, I finally found a group with a couple of lvl 50s. I can see why they ignore people, because they are fed up of people who think they know everything, and are about level 30.

Whilst we are all fighting for a common goal (not that there is an end to this), remember there is nothing in the game that says you must help everytime someone falls over their own feet. If you did, you would never have time to enjoy it yourself.

If you don't like it, then you can always go and join the Middies.:(


I like the way

That people assume these posts are made by low levels ;)

Talifer's main char is level 45+ as is mine, we just never feel the need to have a tag line proclaiming our brilliance ;)


slam = blocked by bt ...

and since every high lvl hib/mid has bt

slam = useless ;)

and by every high lvl i cos othey have good groups ;)


Originally posted by Yinsh
Why can't everyone stop bloody whinging. Especially about Lvl 50s.

My original post was not a "whinge" I was a request for higher levels to help out lower levels by clearing such threats close to the Albion portal keep

Originally posted by Yinsh
After 20 mins or running around like headless chickens, I finally found a group with a couple of lvl 50s. I can see why they ignore people, because they are fed up of people who think they know everything, and are about level 30.

I think your story would be very different if during this initial 20 minutes trying to find a group you were cut down by a full group of level 50 mids not 100 yards from the Albion portal keep. Noone has suggested high levels know everything, they just have a better chance at killing even con enemies.

Originally posted by BJ|Bored
slam = blocked by bt ...

and since every high lvl hib/mid has bt

slam = useless

and by every high lvl i cos othey have good groups

That's useful to know, I assume since the enemy didn't have to resist the stun his 1 minute timer does not kick in? And I assume most high levels alb groups would employ a Minstrel who could subsequently stun the offender?
I've also read that BT is a chant, thus cancelled by mez, is this confined to one realm?
It's not entirely necessary to stun them anyway 1 vs 8 is usually going to end in the same way.
Even if none of these are correct it doesn't take much to get someone to attack first and the shield tank to stun a second afterwards.

I'm not sure I understand the last point but if you are saying just because they are high level doesn't mean they have a good group, then I agree, I'm no RvR god either, but a group of level 50s at least stands a chance against another group of level 50s, a group of 40s is going to have a LOT more difficulty


old.Im pac man!!

i must say sometimes i see like 3 ppl passing me by with speed not giving a $#&" about the other guys, when i get to the wall they are dead. If they had like invited me or someother caps that might not have happened.

My point is. RvR is not like Xp parties. The enemy doesnt stay still while you sort a party. Get ppl in and them maybe instead of having two 4 guys groups dead you will have one 8 guys party alive.


And your next post will be, why doesn't anyone listen in RvR, the answer is you have earned zero respect from anyone.

I assume this is a personal remark about the respect I have earned amongst ppl.

That is your view on things and I dont think I will comment further on such remarks.


youre very wrong there about grps it does matter what lvls are in the grp to some extent your core players in grp are theurgist and cleric if they die then u die, now any hib/mid with an ounce of sense is gonna go after those 2 first youre job as a tank is to stop that from happening so i would say grps for rvr are everybit as lvl dependant as xp grps im not saying i wont grp with lvl30+ chars in rvr cos i have many a time just saying i would rather grp with ppl my own lvl where i can help the most although been a pally thats not alot :p


chips right ;)

albs have a tendancy to hit whatever is closest whereas hibs/mids are sensible and go straght for the casters.

also what im saying is a group of alb 50s would be 5 tanks 2 clerics, 1 other

where as hibs/mids seem to have balanced class groups

i dunno if this is true but seems to be ;)

or just that their all overpowered!!!!! nerf them dribble

ahem ;)

as basically in RvR only 5% of albs have any ranged mes/stun compared to a higher % of minds/hibs that do, and mes wins RvR


Oh dear

Originally posted by Odysseus

I assume this is a personal remark about the respect I have earned amongst ppl.

That is your view on things and I dont think I will comment further on such remarks.

I know for sure it was not meant as a personal attack rather a general point. If high level players don't help out others in RvR then it is not surprising when those same players don't listen.

I posted a fair bit about this back on the old boards, part of the problem with RvR organisation is the lack of understanding of group behaviour and psychology. If a level 50 sees a group being killed by the enemy and does nothing then he or she can hardly expect those same people to jump to their orders later on.


Originally posted by Odysseus

I assume this is a personal remark about the respect I have earned amongst ppl.

That is your view on things and I dont think I will comment further on such remarks.

As Javai said you assume wrong, I have no experience of you as a player and so cannot make specific comments.

This is a general comment that cooperation works both ways, if you aren't prepared to help others don't expect them to help you. Your post just happend to be the first along the lines of "Shut up, stop crying and help yourself".

Again I'll repeat this post is not "I got killed by Mids someone kill them for me", the post is about Albions pulling together to protect all our realm mates. The next time there is a call to arms at a keep in Emain don't be suprised if half your reinforcements don't turn up because they were killed between the Albion portal keep and wall by camping Mids, who've had no reason to choose another stalking location since they've been unopposed.



The scenario:

-Fight at AMG, Hibbies get rooted and start running towards crim chased by the groups who have minstrels in their group and who ofren jump the ones they mezzed instead of mezzing, leaving the sucker for the pack to be finnished and moving on to get the other running hibbies. So you chase em all the way through crim valley till one level 50 yells "STOP OR YOU WILL PULL THE GUARDS" ... at wich point 10 peopel stop and the other 20 keep running towards crim.

... 5 minutes later ... XXX got killed by Champion Commander xxx got killed CC and so on and so on. Followed by y is killed by hibbie x, z is killed by hibbie y at wich point you know the hibbies started charging after the guards and are now moppingup the survivors.

... one hour later

Fight at AMG, Hibbies get rooted and start running towards crim chased by the groups who have minstrels in their group and who ofren jump the ones they mezzed instead of mezzing, leaving the sucker for the pack to be finnished and moving on to get the other running hibbies. So you chase em all the way through crim valley till one level 50 yells "STOP OR YOU WILL PULL THE GUARDS" ... at wich point 10 peopel stop and the other 20 keep running towards crim.

... 5 minutes later ... XXX got killed by Champion Commander xxx got killed CC and so on and so on. Followed by y is killed by hibbie x, z is killed by hibbie y at wich point you know the hibbies started charging after the guards and are now moppingup the survivors.

end of scenario.

We and then I speak in the name of the players I usualy group with used to be the ones who also yelled "STOP" but then followed the force of albs to crim anyway to try to help when the guards pop. And yes YOU an WE can handle the guards and NO you and we can not handle the guards + hibbies mezzzing you, nuking you, healing guards and charging after the guards.

Now we Yell stop and if others proceed to crim fine, but we, and i am sure every other poayer with a brain will not go on to crim, we will not even wait in the valley if you do to get caught by guards and hibs on a rampage. Instead we have some laughs about how long it will take this time for guards to be pulled while we fall back to wall, mill, mmg, or just go looking to ambush some people in the time the crim albs need to get back on a portal to emain.

GM <Exiled>


just a question, not having a go at u

Can i just say why doesnt any of u higher lvls that i acctually see in emain take charge, i saw herbal and Arthwyr there but they didnt try and take charge when we were all getting our asses wwhipped. im not saying that they dont care and im not having a go at them . i dunno whether uve tried taking charge and no1 listened or what but can u just try agen? i can garuntee u that at least 1/2 the people will listen to u and the 1/2 that dont will get killed and listen to u next time maybe?

just a question im not having a go at u 2 in particular but ur the
only 2 lvl50's that i can name =P


What i was earlier trying to say is that gambit has said... the majority of alb lvl 50s are armsmen and pallies, which are unversatile and tactically fairly limited, compared to a skald, thane, etc.


If you actually need a leader for every night RvR in Emain you're in far worse condition than I thought ^^


I would like to defend arthwyr. He was in emain the other night, trying to sort things out, there was about 40 people there and 10 were listening to him, the other 30 just ran off and died.

So I can understand when he doesn't keep trying to organise people, cos he must be pretty Pd off with people.


I have to agree with Arthwyr, I dont bother to go to emain often as its always the same. Noone ever seems to want to wait and get a full group. FFS I can be there with a group of 4 asking for people to group, but nope off they go running towards the gate.

5 mins later they die 1 by 1.

Well thats my rant over with :)


Lvl 40+ tank


Im not saying he doesnt try its just that i havent seen him so im wondering if he's given up all together or is just waiting for another time wen ppl might listen


Originally posted by Eleasias
If you actually need a leader for every night RvR in Emain you're in far worse condition than I thought ^^

we need a leader every night becos every night we are trying to get passed our wall.. cos people are camping it. normall quite a few.. and some1 needs to lead that..

i try to lead a few people follow but a lot of albs males are lacking... well.. you know.. down there...

so nobdy will chage or die to help others win...

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