Opposing Force, CTF and TFC BW4



I know this has been mentioned recently by Stu_Granger but is there any chance of putting up an OpFor server? Perhaps, bearing in mind TFC BW4 is always empty, that could be used? On the same note is there any plans to have an OpFor CTF server when it is released? If the mod lives up to the hype it should be fun and it would be great to have a fast UK server!


eeeeeeevil op4.

my personal opinion of op4 ctf (without having played it) is that it won't take off, and that it'll be like dm with a flag (of sorts)

1)CCTF has been out for aaaaaaages, and never took off.
2)op4 ctf is pretty much the same, with extra weapons and different maps.
3)The most used weapons will undoubtedly still be the tau thru walls and mp5 spam.



That's true - but what is there to lose by having a server devoted to it. Nobody every plays on TFC #4 so it just sits there wasted. Instead why not use it for OpFor? If the mod turns out bad or unpopular then it can always be used for something else.

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